Budget above Halton guidelines, cops. try Uv AMOULA W. ACK N befot lte committce titis alenm. school -boards andI the ather Iwo, ltals $350.00 - $270,000 af whi" - The Clessmnion ,"Tite police services board have fitnded by DARE Hajion, a asamnu- will caine frelm the tax-aupçiarted .requesled that the 1995 budget lié nity'fundaioiggroup. operatlag budget and $80,000 tam The Halton Regional Police aproved as ubiedc. However tey The new civilian poisition, à lire police muaevmn Services, $38.2 million 1995 oc,. will endecavour tb muain upending alarin coordinator tag work with the Mmu 10-year capitai forumat m a ig budget will bc unveilcd before in 1995 ai the councîl.approved police service'spew mobile radio overaîl,1regional guidelinea but au HaISon Region'u administration antideln, says a report o lte con- sysîcra, was approved in lte 1994 acoeleraed timing of pjeu witii * finiftce commitîce today ituc fren rejional treasurer Joe budget. The new radio systens is il puia lthe Most impact on the (Wesleady). Rinaldo. Police hope la mcclt the expecied tobe up andI maning by 199%/1997 budget - ai $2.1 million Il The bdgt up S287,200 (titre.'Regmon's guideline by keeping nexl fail. and S804,000, respeclivelye. quarter, of oneuper cent) over last mnitrons positions vigcant in 1995, The 1995 police capital budget Requicment in alter yens daat go year, is alson$87.200 higher than said! Mr. Rinaldo's rqso. regionai curicil-approvedl guidelines. Savings achieved in 1994 will be Sib-Jel plan J arlier ibis Lall, regional counicil used to cover ai anticipated $7,50,000 ordercdl aIl reglonal bodies [o Ilalline cosI attacited t0 lthe use of new d budgets al 1994 levels. rirearms - a provincial mandate C n r v r t i h u in Ilalta Police Citief Pcter Campbe~ll requiring ut least 65 haurs in addi-n i e s ~ I o s n * and police services board Chair Barry lianal training for each local police ~.ALMAR ABA U ,...--. Unirnt ar expcctd Io put the budge I., -c'",-.~ I glc alion police will &We pl b> -1dd four ncw people g la titi anks àn 1995 - ltree unlfongmcd officers and une civilian. flic tterce officrs will bi nvolved in lte DARE (Dmug Abuse Resistanc Education) pbograin but their posi- dions %on't bc e tcited go lte police budget. as one will le jointly fundd by Halion's public and sepurate Merry Motonnàg! S Deur patrons, M'ere proud to know you as aur good friends and cusioalers. Wîide sincere appreciation, we sayu T/tanks and Merry Christmas! j «For a l your au to edY BRIANS AUTO REPAIRS r,~o Tite Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) Winl nlow sib-Jel investestents tu bulld 41 non-profil lownitouses nexl In Mition's fairgroindis sIlespite nearby residents' arguments ltha lthe paiject is moeînpatlbe citi te aiea. Thte decision was anaounced in a writien raliag datcd December 7. Tise reasoaiag beitind lthe ruling usnI csspecled until laser itis month. An 0MB trearing on lthe issue began in Milton in August and wuund uap in Toronto last mnth. eNewly elected Ward 2 Councillor Nâely Hunter had repreaented over 'M ares resideals. in s figit against lthe projci. Mmc complext wns ucen as a itig dcnsisydevelopmeaî in whita residenîs consider a lower densily Thie Oowwill, luowee, sierve go boosi Millon's deficient quota for non-profs! basing Under NDP poli- cy, 25 percent of new developonteni afiet tir affordabie itouing. Sili-Jet luwyer Gordon Pecit itad pushed for an early decision by tec 0MB. Mr. Hunmer waals ste 0MB tu speil oui ils decision ta writing s he toi toé Une abave 1500.0 lad rmaint ai sea for Me"ra yuas. 'Staff ae oened wuhi diec à"c- em"s timing of dite oujects." rIl.w etI Mr. Rinaldo. Reglonl staff waa lo mil witt lthe poilioe to review die -ùi facor. The police budget es expedied ta go before reglna couicil. alter lis oin- milce heuing today, nexs weck for apeval. approved tol~S luieu tui iot: le"te- Mcs oit bal, Tac toue ncampoaded idents. be 0MB hearing was rcsumed with à review of lthe studies and beiefly in lite autuman abter 0MB cofi- pusited for revisbans on noine &Md ceru wanted more informatint on lighing. Mr. Hunier looks advantége noise and lighting effecss frotte the of te sustained asiceens ta continu fuirgrounds on thc proposed town- t0 underline te "msu of incunspatibl- bouses. ily, fi, a municipal planning pcr- Wite Sili-Jel commiisioned stud- speclive. Gala combined concert this weekend at G race flic Miflon Citoristers 2feth Atinual Citriasmas Concert titis weekend will future a bont of local talent as ste Citoristets are compîsmentea by 41 -vaice Milton Childeen's Choruts, sthe Gracx: Memnorial HanIbeti Choir and members of te Kad& Scitol of Dance andI Perming Ants Tise production. whics will ruen Saturdary Dec. 17 ai 8 p.m. and Sunday Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. as Holy Rosary Churcit, will bce Gloria Tibi Domine, componed by Barrie Csbena, a Mlusic professor as Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterlo. Soprano Mary Jane Corradetti and Bass Paul Bulla will sing solos. Thc entire production, comprising a cas( of 110, will býe directerd by Gordon Burnet of lte Chorssets flic two choir, wilt also sing a a seleclion of trade- tions and modemn-day carol. Profesuoir Cabena will acompany on titeorgane. Hie bas performfed widely in Caada, te tiniled Stalea Europe and Australia, in addition to opnspea 29 orgies sonastas, an opera for citildren and Many, citoral amrngengenta. Tk11ts me bce obtainadl floral choir membets at the dooer. ai Peggy's in Milton Mai, or by caltîng 878-1331. Tickets are S 10 foilladults, $8 for snions and studenis, free for citildren under 12 yens olI. I NOTICE TO VEHICLE OWNERS DY-LAW 1084-1 By-Iaw 1984-1 prohibi4s parking on arf 'own Street dur- ing the winter months eromNbovemn r 15 to April 15, beiween the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 ar. This By-Iaw is intended tà assist Town works crews in our effort to remnove snow during the winter months. WhIIe this By-iaw l8 in effect, Halton Regional Police wiII tae. a ~ropriate measures to assis t us which can Vour cooperation la requectd J.D.Màtthey , P.Eng -Director. of icwô Town of MitcP URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR THE NEW YEAR .Ouelm.d Fltnen Instruetors for the Loeure Contre Minimum Requirementa: F.OI..P. or equivatent training current flrst aid & CPR certification previaus teaching experience Instructorts requlred for the followlng tImniàlts: Mondaq, Tuesdays, Thursdays 6:30 amn- 7:15 amn Mondays12:10 prn - 12:50 pm, Thursdays 9:15 amn- 10:15 arn Interested applicants should apply with a .resume & copies of certification ta the Leisure Centre. Attention: Susan Rose, Recreation Co-ordinator BE PARTf 0F OUR FITNESS TEEAM Çive theÇift -of FUN INSTRCOS TWEIGHT RAINING AND E XERCISE 13 WIMMING SAUNA ql1ie 'Torn of diton MONE1 MONTM DUAI.MENNP mrlîtlng teotr aietl someorie 10 Uienwed Weight Training, Unlimmteli Aerobic Clasea à Fra* neareatl Swim. Saura à talsalpoo For aay45»o CALI U S R TALS 878-7W4 str~ 01ffr - $JI Chîriutmas Un8 Msleuait.his wmi Neneêt a EE M fe $P nt;, #&r mures * au. l(a.) a rOMlIêl 0. 7) or,. Il 3.17> Amabe I a