Think ahead whe n decoi A hsatlfully decorated baby', rooo la seléel d mGabt. alwgys a perfect welcome boule for à new. If you "ecde tq carpet the rQoi, avoid bui. .ewu cmaii ib abrsive Io ii- But, if youà' t thei por wbe it's fime ta <ken ous ïlilin or wbo twill spend replace dis craille With a bcd anid pais thse mo is h pa io dis floor. lt mIdi- change table 0010 toumente teille, you tnay tion. nake sure you cliente a dada calant tuant t0 consîder convcrting your baby'. tance stains are more visible on light- ro ue t toa imulti-purpose rain (bat will coloured cupetint. 'keep your chil occupied as lis or dmi grous Cork tilles am ides] for a playroom cince aider. Wlisn dscorading a chîld's roan, ifs diey use wumi suid easy to maintain. Viayl Important to thnk ahead ta make certain dus fioes. made of a diick. cushiond gr"l, us ruen wll accomimodais hlm/ber changing aise duambL rmàd. If yen opt for wooden floors, keep un sys Planning aheald is particularly important ont for luesse bauds, spioters or prohruding wben choaaing a colour schisme. For examt- tuile duois could cause injury. pIe, conaider selecting neuinal background Chok FumlbIf calotin for teals and carpetls. You cam then use accent pieces as'cuthions. con- Plahnini ahcad is also imiportang when farter anmud cuitins ta brngthe mi ont. selccng funhrme. Whetbet yau're buying a luti approach makes it nuch elasier and lets whole new met of fimniture or just adding ta expensive ta adapt die roorn le your child's exioting pieces, it's beit ta select ftimiture chaiging taIes. dim ccii be adjusted as yen chfld grows. If yon choose ta use wallpaper. il can be a For exaaiple. dile aem ay thling sys- wordflddl way te aid wazmi and character teleuand desks dim cas be elevaied ta keep ta a chtld's zoom. Bt, keep in mind lthat plce with your cbild'i growdi. If you plante depeuiding atn diu pattern yau select yo- -uy itistail a ohelving system, malie mure you hal'e-o re-decorate morte frequently dian if -sectwe it against a wall sn dieres no chance you>sdck widi painled wails. When selecting of it fallisig ovea. wallpaper. milice sur il is washable. durable Sturdy ani durable pices of fuinityre use and con he easily renioved if necessuy. ideal for chlldren's roims since thsy dat Wallpaper bordiers bave alse beconis a pop- chip easily muid con stand up teav~y u. ular way ta liven Up a tmont. Bold stripes. car. EvelI thougb this furniture may be mare taon characters and zoo animais are just a cxp5sisive, ifs wordi it ta spend a bie more fcw of hundreds of fun patterns ta chooile mnciy an pieces tï will last langer. fran. Once agan,. yau may have ta change Avoid fuunuluire wli Sharp or rougb edges ths bortlers firequently if you choose pamuits dust cm injure your child Special prolective your chuld wll autgrow quickly. carner guards can be purchased for, added Flodrla Options protectin More thon ikely. your ctiild's roan MaximIzIn Storage Spuce serve asbodi a playraam and a bedroom. Sa. If yWuoe tighs an siorage space. beds widi keep durability and confort in mind when starage bins undenteadi use an excellent buy. 7ating your- child'srm Youssge eblldren usu"y mcd a lot mor You simli insaI safesy bêtches an windows mtontiqle silie for toml dmt clotes. Sa, keep m wai.I an oe out for lU plasic or wooden toy Electulcal radiatum, light Siaues, portable bin wbici us me te conte int buudy. flans aid &dry corda can aito be vsty dat-. Sucklng f- a. baskets ad lotu-level ctp- serons, an keep dien weîl out of dis raci of bouada wlll aia belli mntan order in dis yonurs. tmn For addlitlonal ideii on decoratsng your~ Sdy rou"child's monm. check decoratingmaaie and Rusitlie showrooms or canlt a ea As wli every otiter room in your home. loir. malle cue adl electrical fitings us shielded. ci Titis article 1 provided b%~ lomloasr Safety sockes cavera me an excellent way ta and rite Ontario Real Estaie Association enstex inquisidivs littie unes dan't poce simili <ORE.4) for thse benefis of consuutters in thte mstaliic objecta intse utnusd electrical anglets. rital esture ma,*e. Enexy pulse Is your. hea..t going rlight out the window? Why flot do a checkup aon your home's widi a scaled vapor burrier an the wumsd? eutugy fignes. When finighing dis bomiement insulane ptwb To lake its cnsrgy pulse, follaw thesè EuOy. i point. AttlJ'Yu nigt luere incrsabed the level Air Leakage: Excess air leakage calin of ittsulatEs.iWthe attic. but did you check accounit for up ta 40 per cent of your hew for a gaad air-vaper barrber an the wann side lats. Make your o«e draft tesas-sidia feath- of die insuladaon? Warm. hausehold air cas ci and tootitpick or a llght plastic vegetable escape ino Ille amtic diraugb penetrations bag udIII flunerl the is ental leàk: pointsi. uourid ceiliutg ligbs Sature, exliaust futs, dis Check inside edges of windows und doms plnming stick, tops of partition walls aid a the electrical outîsîs and baseboards. paaly wcadbiîppedami:ckatch. Caulkiog and weatberstripping will stop Wladws: Do yeu have eîl finiutg dau- escapng energy dollars uid cut drafts. bls-glazed windows or properly iostalled hhliuemL %fi basement ceu ho responsi- storms? làs dis weadierstipping in good shape bIc for up ta ans quarter of your heating and dis inserior tion samtably caulked? It niay costs. Check for air leilks alang dis sdil plate' ho dim Io upffade or replace yaur windows. &M around plullsbing aný electrical service Rsview dis, variety of opions in energy-effi.- entranices. Are dis hleaders el insulaied. cient windows hefore iakng a cliaice. I ~Do't wa ' -Oý 11 1;9 "MAx 1ILTOWNEFR1 IMILTOS-Dfi CHOie FORA"Li in" t THEIR REAL MSATE NEED IL 1878-7777 Il Ofi878-7777 7 Ris. 878158\, Tror. Lmu: 828-44058. lalned 2-bdrm. bungalow, larg e a-i oize kldwo; gleamng hatdWaad foor. Fui bememer. Idea hom for finat-Olme NoWil ASSON $151,400 AL VOLPE -~~ 878-7777 .IORLEMSE IApproxlmately 3,000 sq. fi. Ion Nlplssing Road offered ait aIrasnalerte VACANT LN $M2,00o 2 acres on Mount Nemo. Guelph Une just south of Lowvlle. Great view. CAROLE D. SUD WORTH OÇFlC~.,8704777 bdrme plus cozp F. P.witA F.F. & faoinse: p DA. Maia . rWM~ nwb w dktdwcl-oui Io RE&~ 870048 kcIm. Large mi-lin kaiher à oej p la t tet. Offarred et private, patio, garage. Only 5- H. Io quiet laio wIls lorelty wdf WOW ilsui ulal e 0n ie os cti ubea om. m pge &St.m tppd lern i a c uis dUsseOW ditS btu R .n.*j 5.huhe u ut nI. ýa m. I 111. ecia ciA 3= bite. i aes. atldue ge Iuc . d , chr fime wulie iSS ti rm. Nasiceg ain «i .. F.R.. maie .I.iiori lsitismi.niic i l o nueh laisls.Ai m ~IS.Ul SBr oher/Owner Heather Asbbee . 87.....-7777 Carol M. Brooks ....8754067 CaroIe Budworth ....8784545 Ron Funik.............. 878-3337 Sheryl GJray.. ......875-1121 Claylon Hacksnbrook..875-0771 Richard Hierman . 878... 806 Betty Ongle............. 827-4286 Sharon Kerley ...... II4:0474 16e Manchii .........875-0163 Lindsay McLaren.&54-2431 Mauie Miljour.......876-4577 Uoyd Moors.(519) 853-3138 Mike Morgan *. 078....... M 3 'Paul Page ..............8.2995 John (i P.) Pears... ...878-6059 Phil Prestidge.......878-692 Scott B. Pior .......... -7777 James Snow ....7...... -2172 Jean Snowden .... 78.... 315 Anme Taylor ............ 1 53 Glen Thomas .........876-98 Aiol '................. 87U-r7 Karin Walimn.......... 500IS