HERE IS HGW IT WGRKS 1: If you ses an Item tat yoL would Ilk:, call 878-896 end plac, a bld. 3. You wlll ba contacted to verffy your bld wlthtn 2 days of placlng If. 4. Ail blde muet be placed by mldnlght Wedneeday, December 21lut, 1994. 5. Ail wlnnara wIil be notlfled In the Dember 23rd Champion Dhnner for (;ift Frcïshms : Iieure 3D -'f Two Certileate Floral ('enter A]1>urn Puz(CerUifieite ai iom Picce fr-Ouaf- 'bcx %%atzlmmg lk,,%sma's Paint frmlenmaa. Coutitrv Maton cou1teffl VeameI am lV4lippr Kalei aFlower> Couk i fgbbraaf MUSIC