Pomeroy bids farewell to Halton council BANGIA BLAcCSURN Mm The 711e - d, H laiton regoutal Chai *ter Pont. -~~~ Gi u Icroy lookai bock on whal bc cali 1~w anm inaudib joumcy- ne prudidad ai ie'd returas b o<ffcially lok leave Jof his job 49 week. CELEBRATIONI e un II * EXIISTte *cooii SYSTEN & IAUIICU su* GEMERAL litES *~~ ~ ~~ CL 11E AV "IAYU * MR4Of1mOuII - SMOCKS à STRUTS Tom - M ko- AI FOR ANY VbC ~. ana Ssa ITENAMC OR SERVICE, PEND ON USI TO REPAIRS ~ Fndwi4875-1522 "A lot of what aionli b. said bas already be acs ni. want tu Say la aiu slncerity, l'es happy Io have hall the privîlege of working with almoat every one of you,' bc told fellow regionai ounnrils. "The tinte contes alors witn yon've go Io move on. l'es sure l'i bc la anolher cancer of sam sott afier Ibis ten of ouncil, atd if yon keep watcbing you may sec me back bitas. you n a me capacky lueve tbe niai couple of yeans. 1 don't know bow or wby, but now iî's tinte Ia love on," bce taid. Awarda prefaenld » Pokiug fun at retiremeut, sud nol- iug msny of 140 empioyees wbo received long service or reûrement awaris at te Nov. 30 meeting bai wanted bimto1 make lte preseula- lions. Mr. Pomeroy looked hidi over thte major accompiisbmenla of tbe Regioa ingist11 ye aschair.* Mr. Pomeroy sii Hilton is about thse only Ontario commuuity ta suc- oessfully secuirà a Isfill site under tbe provincial Enviroumeulsl Act, titrotigi the Hallon U.rban Structure Plan is te best pianaed community in Ontario, sud nolci council bai! te courage lg impement regiou-wiie market vaine assment(MVA). He saii lie iook'the majorily of council's re-election persoually as a vole of public confidence in the locai regiona goverumeui's effecliveness. "And so il's lime lo go," be notei. Reîirung Hsmillon-Wentworlli regionai Chasir Reg Wbynoit also c o teOntario regionsi chaurs j~o .wson-hani 10 voice bla (Iie or Mr. Poineroy. Mr. Ponteroy anuouncei carlier ibis autum u iat lie wouidn'i ha secking ne-eleclion In lte chair's position. A lsew chsir will bce chose, toisy (Weinesdy) fron a host of declarei Dugwon oacil, s -of Vient tu à aew job. He ai ilie wu receatly allakcn flot »o 1as. in, il muet bc lime lo moue o. Hillon Mille Mayor Rus Mider ta rthlm allier 30 years an an ellctedl omfcia&i. obf W"id b speai Lthb MaUmnala botk$7 Mr. Pomny racalle filst amants Mitais Demid Clemonts durlnt ItBI achool hockey. "I have ibis toellag dit aomnewhoee aioug di. way Shad Ciementa wil bc barkla. local gov- eroant a&pin where ieh b e." "i lb. depaatmg regiana chair.. Mr. Pomroy Calletd OsIvil le Cana- P mh mm Uiy cillor Fred Oliver, a fâe. ae Ovmfe candidates wbo include Mayor Gotd police chief and persoital friend. s Kzatz Oakvil rellional Cacillors "leddy besr" unier a gmuff exîerior. Stephen Sparlins and Kevin Flynn, lI'y. esjoyed working with thei aurlington regional Counciliors majoity of comniior. Sornte~~ Joye Savoline and tel Scholtens, never figure out why or bow so Hatton Hils municipal Councilior lier, or why they stayed." said Mr. Robert Heston and unsuccessftil Oliver. noted for bis candot. Buriingto mayosalty candidate Doug. "The challenges are goifa 10 bc Greenaway. . profouni and you'll be deaiing wtth Mr. Pomeroy ioIedut Haiton somre major issues but in Iesving. Region rings to couniciliors who thalle issues coudit bc ieft in liciter wvonit b. remuming. hands," ssii Mr. Pomcroy. exiling Hallon His Councilior Pamn cuncil Chsmbers 10 a standing ova- Joltnston wsn't present. Buriingla's tion tai saw every councillor. aiheit Tony Whitwortb. aller six yeara on Burlinglon Mayor Walle Mulkewich regionai council snd 16 on asittie SlowIy.rixeîo telr feeL Mayor, warns of trouble - rmKAUon pape3 bolh Mr. Krsntz and Mr. Day. *Tm sorry we're nt going to have Brai Clemients' common seuse and forthnight matuer representing us ai ie Regias. bowever i am glai to have Colin Best:ïï common sense, devotion and bard woek ta represeul us there," saul Mr. Day, wbo noted Mi. Beau lia seeuied the respect of regionail council- lors (mon ojher Haitoncoamunitint througb bis worc in regional issues. SFamulfnembers were invited tosnap photos iuring lte official oeremony before Ms McCslitim led thte new ouncil out of Chambers to a reception stioldei by fsnhiiy sud friends at die netgltboring Hugit Faner Hall. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Applications are now being accepted by tihe Town Clark for Appoint- ment ta #1e following Cammittees: Milton Public Llbrmry Bea«rd Cenmltt.se of AdJu*tm.nt LOcal Arohltecturl Oeollrvstleo AdVlsea'y Coommitto. <L.A.C.AC.) Miften District Hospftal Bourd Au appilcants muet b. a resident of Milton, or an owner or tenant ai land In the Munlcipality, or the spouse oftan owner or tenant, and be a minimum of elghteen years of aga on the date af appointment. Downtewn Bueinmu I'mprevemen Arna (D.Ç.I.A.) Individues are needed t serve on this Board for a three year term. The improvemnent, beautification and maintenance,&f Municipally owrled lands, buildings and structures in the area, and for Ilhe pro- motiont of the Downtown area, are ita main objectives. Please apply in writng, stating your quallfiationp. . Applications WiI be accepted until 4:30 pmn on December 9. 19#4;.- Further details may be obtalred by colttactinq the undersgeMdt 878-7211. Wm. Roberts, Town Clark The Corporation of the Town of Milton Victoria Park Square P.O. BOX 1006 Milton, Ôntmrlo, LOT 4B6 HELP RAIU FUNDS TOWRDSTM PURCHAS OFPA T=L 6MRLIPT FOR HIE MIL? LIEURS CENTRE. Swm LssaaonIild (Ahly Laa) On. M" Aquaçin Pias c, DRAW6 WNl be held on Dc*e» 0 9W0 amn cour. $1.00O T"mal are avatdle et imception et UsLaimife centre. VOur support wWi brig us mme aMp clos«. PLEASE NOTE The Milton Swimn Team V011 be hosting a MWM MEET on Sunday, December 11, 1994 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at die MILTON LEISURE CENTRE. % 15 mv3fw viwW au -um Mile puaqs---