Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Dec 1994, p. 2

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Victim sfather & fi','. 487 laurier Amt. A alael santlug Seleelan of CAIas JS is ýAL G F for Mn T_ Th.'. IOV30 42 Wb Frid.y 10 to 7 soi llto4 urm.ii, WEII OPEN! TROPICA4 IE 4ALe e4fi#1 A on ap»W FUR Li» 575 Oibrie Stmt Libéi-al, reluctanceon crime bill la éop-bout, BY KAREN SU" on ai 5:30 p.m. yetterday, cidis fur Support for dm bill in the courent ide;xical go cuitent dangerous bffcnd- ?he, Chamitticin changes to the Corrections and Padiament also looks bkak, accord- or lcg"ic@4 which ha bccla found Conditional Relcase Act and the ing to debate in tbc House of cmsdwd"." Family members of slaiz teenager Criminal Code. - Commons. The Liberals, incluiing Ma Brown's position iti a "cop- Parnela Camerce werc crussing their Val Meredith, à British Columbit- Oakville-Milion MP BSnie Brown, out," uid Pèvà Cmemn, Pjimcla*, fingers ai press finie, ihoping that are& Refortis Party MP, introduced and Bloc Ouebecois members have fadm.'lhe public hasý bâti enbughât Parliament would pass a bill Ici keep the Private Nfembas' BUI in April. arguèd tbat the bill isn*t viable. thisnomnsc." 1 dangerous crimiàls in prison inckfi- 1994. "The Tories did luit give sufficient His daughter, an EC Druý High nitely. "My bill allows Corrections and the priority lu the bill loget il passed and School student who had reccntl% Bill C-240, which was to bc voted National Parole Board to go lu the now the Liberals have rojecteil the moved front Milton te South Surreý. courts to seck a dangerous offender bill outr*t," Ms Meredith said. B.C. with ber family, was found suf- designation on those initiales thai Ms Brown, a Liberal MP, told The focaied in a wooded area near lier they believe arc still a-danger tu soci- 474ampion lasi week thal if the bill new home October 5. cly," said Ms Meredith, the Reforrn became raw afid was chalienged in She dijappeared the day beforc Pany's solicilorgencral critic. court, il would Iiiely bc iîtruck down 4hile walking lu a service station to TU 'S CLOSÈT Ctirrcnt legislation requires thai a under flic Charter of Righis and visit lier boyfriend. dangerous offender application bc Frecdonts. South Surrey RCMP allege lier made ai lie begirming of an offend- She said il would bc irresponsible killer was' a man relcased in for applications to bc madir jtw prior thai X ld end up solving nothing Kingston Penitentiary, when: lie hall O c/ CI.ý sentence. Bill C-240 would allow for lie toi vote in favýur of legislation November, 1993 front Ontario's tri the expiration of an offender's sert- and wasting taxpayers' moncy, served finie for sexual assault. The ten "Il is à quidk solution ilist wouldn't man bas bccn* charged with firsi- OFF "Il couldhave been used against die pass flic test of timc," site saie 1 wiN degme muid«.. man whd is flic chief suspect in the bc probably voting against'it. Il looks llbmisands offfltoffians have sincc L PINK TAG ITEMS Camerohinur&r," she said. "Instead as if itwould falier." 1 supported a 12,00"pWure petition bf having to relcase ibis man. bc Ms Brown said she would rallier calling for the passing of Bill C-240. REAT GIFT IDEAS could have been kepq behind bars wait for the results of a federal- - The Peninsula Communiqy Action OR CHIUSTMAS! indefinhely." provincial task force thit is currCnýYý -ýicty in-South Surrey, B.C. was The bill was originally drafted by cumining the "C. formed as à result of Pamicla's mur- M ilcoqwkv « , i efface the former Progressive Conservative "Docs this mean glial ibis govem- der. The Croup supports the bill C-1111111011110101I " AýMàV government's Solicitor Gencral's ment will ont introduce any legisla- adamantly, said member Wade SI.S.. ministry in response In the murder of lion that puis the protection of socicly Rogers, who livcs beside the Christopher Stephenson in Ontario, before the rights of criminals,? Ms Camerons. wan 875-023 but was never approved. MejFdith said. -Everybody you là to wants this.- "BesidM ibis legislation iN almoist lie said. Plant tobe demolished frtum TOWN on pop 1 morigage or laken çontrol of the propertyý" "Jusi as the Town of Milton was left high and dry by Pigment & .Chcmical, so have WC been left high and dry by flic company," bc said. ýEvcryonc was concerried &bout the persistent vandalism and the poiential for soincorie Io bc injured. With the buildings down, all you eve leti is a picce of land which i relatively benign, according te, the Ministry of Environmcnt," said Mr. McAuley. l'lie ba ' nk vice-president said if soincone was hijurcd ai the site. fin- gers would point ai flic hank and the Town. and it would invoive legal bal- des. '*A[ the end of.1he day il'% not Worth it.«* Upon the site'N sale, Mr McAulc) said the Town bas first priority on payment of back taxes, "Belote the llényal Bank would cver sec any money, taxes and the cot of demoli. lion would bc paid.- Pigment & Chemical bas been flic site of two brcakýins and lires in recent months. The first was in August ' the second on Octobcr 30, Mi. McAulcy said the Ral Bank could end upT.ending moncy on legal bailles, public relatioins and the ongo- ing finie réquired by the problem. **We're willing tri put sortit moncy in for a resolution of the file and acknowledge the propeny lie become an eyesore and potential probe for the Town of Milion," lie %aid ' The MOEE say% all hazardous chenlicals were reinoved from the site as of August 30. The soif is cont- ampted. primarilv wilh zinc, bt*m hazardous, u" digurbed. "ENÇJUINI ALFREDO S«emu- P-,tin « ogui., '4W'th Chunks (,4cchini snodl_ ereýdwjth alfted0 sauce. IncJucles our SMIC Strip lof. mtinfaw a a Y mm la miume Thanks Milton' for your patronage. It has been a great 10 years.' FU Yu su* le- 1 1j W

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