-Outstanding wee Spartaý wrestlers going for gold again The E, C. Drury Fligh Scttool ,iThe Sparian rookics travelild to wrelier% hali an outst.aning week in Georgetown for the annual novice threc toumnaments. itournament. There were over 30 At Buflin.gion Central. Dmrr cap- sehoo)ls and more titan 3") wrestlers turcd four gold% dnd l" b ronze in the event. Dmur ' had their second meldabo Scott McLaghlin ilideli 1 strong rookic outing of the )car, plac- his teamt leading i n total by euming ing fourih overaîl. hi% firs gold of the year. 0llier citam- Lc.iding the way wilh silver medals ioins included Malt D.isenport, werc Mark Lemmon. now Il-t on Clm tiin,( omsîon and Mati lmnn, with the vcar. Darreli Dennis and John hi% firsi bW medal. Taking bronzes Moliaît. Blair Beaulien continucd Io sserc Tiam Be.mIcN and mýokic Kyle imprt:,s as lie tanl his record Io 12-1 Johinson, whltle Jason Barreit an harnemdlefr John Dolby ettled for fourlit " tb rnemdl fort Watertord Invitational the Drury A* j sqaad ran away wîth lthe team tille. lThe Spartans sent 14 wrestlers to e iu s ri n Waefr.Ai14 won ut leasi Iwo t atc. with 13 rinishmg in lthe top lflg hig r 1 ae Iaming medas, gu I Milon captured six gollis, incluli- .wo Campbellvüil ina riders hall ing one by Milton District's Victor a feasi ai the Ontario Coinpelîtive Sprengçr, who went 3-0) wilh no Traîl Riding Association (OCTRA) points scored agaînsi hiai. banquet and awards ceremony iteld Drurys Malt Da II son bis in Peterborought recenlly. Wieuers se. ndl of e we hitle Chris arc determined by the accumulaied Pric, Grant lie# n aniJasonNcar points eamed aI OCTRA sancfioed aIlicapînreitmet lirst titi of the sea- rides dartng te year, son. For Heff ie.f.l was is thîrdi trip Ron Savards ride, Csardas Telley, Io the finals in three urnaments. was recognizeli at te top Endurance 'rue final gol i s sitl Io coniestid hoise. Il al.o rn lthe trophy for Higli thîs week ai Drury as Spartan eam- Point Arabian and Higit Point borse males Scott McLaughlin and ave overaîll Il compîcîrd the sweep by Franklin figitt il oui for lthe houir. earning the award for High Point Both reached the finals but we BesI Condutionedl Endurance horse. commîlmnenîs taused the tille match Carole Lidstone's C'sardas Ryptide îo be p.siponed. won lthe trophy for lthe Top Claytontrowon, who had an out- Competilive bitose. standing day agamust some Itigit pro- u At the annual general meeting, file opponients, weon a silver as dîid Campbellvîlle' ari'a resident Fre d Jeff Meadis. John Macîinnon and Buchanan was cectedvie-president George Vanellîs. AndrewSeharpe and of OCTRA for 1995-96, wltile Trevor Petlteric roinded oui lte flnkl- Lidstone and Savard wîll serve on ists initit foumnth place finialien die board of directors. #Merchants Ill $TMV LaSI.ANC Spcis aJ diUe Champion lthey bave led te wsy for te part Nie ineeka. Noie. Milton Merchants have turccd up tceiteat and arc nIart- ittg ta brea way firom thUi rest of te West Division Jr. A hockey pack. A lino-gaine sweep of te Hamilton lly Becs, plus a vietory eyc lte Gegrgctown Raiders, kce.i lte Merchiets in firit, inhile second- plac Bunlinglon ball an off weck &W rtordied only ouc wn Lam ineek's wls give Milie a 19- 6-2 suiio record, and a six-paint teadon Uic Cunils Witile teir impreasive pliy bas been a bot sipic Wey m i lm Isoek Won à par ir o m ieua. Added to tBe forward léses in léf t wingr Jeana. Porier. A 20-yhar- aid Sernt aud, palmier collecie 39 gand 62 aM"nt for i Diviotion Newuakt lmn teso. Eyes on the prize Rlglituige MMl Brownel (lis) rond ometr Markt Couturae of L-C. Drwry H1gb Sehool are funirl. Ing toi atten d I World Wlnter Gam for tbe Deef In irnapo noird lieai. Hmr thmy show off a Illdel thse Wea waon et thse UiM gamine In hafi. Thse player wmerut MilitenMaSt LUlWNg rafle t o t holpt financ tbalr bld for miore cbatnplneltl bandonre. open~ ý sxpit lead on Burlington Cou gars HIe injured bu s ba d in a fig t it record hi s 1h wm n and M a rk B u>c dreta sing lc m ark- redirc ili a lap sit po n J1t IliH Hainilton's Dennis Cybalski in the Also wiih a big nigt wan Steve crs. Pickiog op satiost wcre Bentali for M"ltut finig s tray wili tird Fridqy bui.playcd Saturday andl Clarke, seho eotchcd a goal and turne (2), Janjevicit (2), Rowe, McPIuoil, Bock and Bayetn piîcking uprhc usni expected to mina mach time. * aIs. Mike McPhafl drew tce otiter Gubala, Clarke, Rich McKenzic, asaisia. Il wans nst tu~ a the The Merchanîs have alto tradeli cingle while assista ineni to Scott Todd Ring and Anthony Sa. junior level. Sean Lindsay Io Strectvilie for BeMoi (3) laie Jsnjcvic* (2) Den Kirby Tokaraki scorcd novice for M'le ySng.esil-upa "aI worked Sosaie Paul Liagge, who aboulai pro- Backt (2) ad Brise Jonces. Haamilton, and Stcvc Mordnian md bard Sàtundy sid cae ta sy." sud vide siability am lie back-up netmin- Paul Dilui, Mickey r lanmud Brest Aich.o scored singlc. LÀ&I assistent coach Dav w it~ lIbm der. Kn&gg bai a 4.04 gosa-agaum Maat Oikawa scorei for Hilfon. Sot lthe wic for MilIce while Airon guys can play for me en avertige ie 12 gains tiith StreeelavilIe. Four figats je lthe tird saw NMacCormaek as ie net for botth Alto scories for, M i a ivoie Former golitender Jonathan Inter- Muton's Clarke, Oubsia, Foulier, and Haeiltobasses Dertoli wi ~I Jî a laie bariole, bas rctumed ta the minoe Chad Turner and Hamilton'% Joiy a Sslurdiy nin Gt(eorgetow. flic Janjavicli Rlck nuit ieague tanks ln Msbsugi Samna, Jlien Moore, Troy Smith Merchatonl exicnedi lte Raiders inith singles. Alsa ncet1 A oblong mmsseffort gav Milsonia ad Demn Cyb*ki leint esy snt. wWlea obuea Io 23 gaint; inith rj3 Holloayp Jeif Haydar, pevct 6.3 inin aver Hamlha Fniiy. $1nawe Rowe of Milion id Bees ilà. McPuoil iMâd)aeuld. Thei Bon accuedl fint as dIF 50 sec- folraiend Brian Ranta inere dlo cjed- With Clarke, Gobib& and Roule Scorlog for Georgetowne iere oed mark, but Milton qt*kly te- cd for lcavleg du bienei. * ving one-gmie auspiesalomot ani Damesi Remie, Brou Ford and Brille bounded and collmotmd six unen- Lmn Tlueoy, ie Mearcip li Kua sol Ket Webolu ot f lthe Farrugli. avaissd - for thc w1p. llina off a come-from-be"o 6-4 viloty Ueup Mrc perolm u a amoer Mereat aotai: Milton brud alther goals cime lite in the final aven Hoelmon, of affihlin ployer cdlsalkoir uw rn anoier booy wnei, taklqun Serions- frameý.-Týe Marchans dominatud fli Ben. led 4-2 heaiog lutta Be action, imcludlog Kevias Wilson, ville Tlu"dy (remit m aveule item opposition iletu Main. third, but four Mt i ga gave Trercor Koasa, Tmpb Bayaèo4isse prou tire), Brîmpon lait nait Roberi Gubala led tite snack for Millesthe win. W De%,Bym ad Doug 9 iltd4-mle (Titmraday) and the Royal York Milton wlt tfour 8oala Viblle jeff Sones i pair wai; Clarke Wallis 16. -Ow.l braBe< Rmgommlgt (fflqa) a Meumi Utile had a aselur performance t0 Jiejevick, Tonner, Situe Halla y be yu miner mWUldh mowud Am*& WWO-1