Light up a 111e by buying a bulb You can ligh up alire- maybe en ofsomeoncyou kngw -by buying a bulb. Proceeds from the Milton Distrct Hospital Foundation's fourlb annual Buy a BulLi Campaign' ill go toward the pur hase of two patient lfi systemis for thechrni cae uitof heDere Road os file founidaion is alming t0 rse$15(M( i ampaign. r>ic i9des piesfor donors. Adoainf $10o mor lgh aage stig of Christmas lights. Firsi- Ver onrsinths ric age wl ecvthParlridge in the Pear Tfee' oni mni Secodva noo% i cak hm e'Two Turiledoves' orna- mnt lirdy donr wib gie 'Thii Fench Hensr froin the Ihird vrw te fmou song.adfu-erons wiii eam the 'Four Calling Adoio inth$5 oS 19ret w lg h g simili string of lighis. Fient. mernr wilrtie a ivradbu.te-hped ornâment. Second-year dnr ilgetabu n gol kL hped ni ment. Tbird-year donors wiIl bic prçned a irad bine dovee haped omament, and fourlh-year donoos wl ci ard and gold candie shaped ornament Donr of$0S l ligh asingle lght and wll euc£ive afuzzy Santa Claus o nmab hped onamentFib MM AN Ai donr car i a band-crafted ,ooden sed, wbîcb bas been donaied tc, th1e udation. Donlions mus thb'Le foundation office by Tuesday,lftct n r cs co d h n 20 Ioqua lb l hesed, wb c i s valued ai $500J flic winnuig ente) mii e dawitem hbospia on Dccembe20. Al donations can bc ni ed or dem«frd off to the Millon Distict Hospital Mary Lou Phlia, se.mof HaillinentI Coren i lton 11, chowsti off mornte of the aillIon glove Founidation, 30 Oceny Rd. E. Mi4lton, Ont. 1-91- 2X5. Cormespondence acom- and huta lredy don@te to the Salvatlon Anny et the Haimerti Carde Chdstaa Millea Trees in front 01 ber s tor "n mor are meeded to help wsea Oie bandce bf the WeeW framut bswme panyu*ain sould inciudc sucb information as naine, address and icle- umtsdienteutlOewehbfrCrae. phone nurf r and the appropriate oniamenq seion. h ilo rv oi ni h okbfr hen ZK '5 ~ ~EARINO CLINIC DENTURE CLINIO CotK pluRmi%" Noor, Sont Garry Trenton t' EbR A ZAK PATEL, BSc.Phm. 076161 876-2000 Um FREE DELIVERY ON CONIENENTLOCTIO 10% SENIORS DISOUNT 153 MAIN ST7; ciao)ý 575 Ontario St. S.So . ALL DRUG PLANS ACEPED0NEWS FOR SENIORS UI ky AM OUUEALTH-0 Current Eve~ at Milton Seniors Call 875-3787 M6 MAJIN ST. E., MILTON AciiyCentre 1' for mor Informution 550 Ontario St., Soulhvmow Mai 875-2424 by Tim Hawkins, Publicity (Nexn o Vaidfl The Way to Go! TIJESDAY, DEC. 13.14 - CheEt»«RcI.TALrsvÀII ncâigh soaaonfowed by layous enteciaineisi. OPTI CAL W. are Coinse easîoy th1e Children'a Choir front Wsida ScIlool. Mte Country Cioggees and the0 Seniors Coai Group ..with SENIO TRAVEA. SPICIAL«Iil your favourite, Chnistmas music. Ansd peifiaps Si. Nitck l i psy us a vimIt. Ibis 12:00 nocE, t0 3.00 prn. Csf anrdLA Ruonsa Tours .Ireuruce réserve todoy. A "For Fast FRIOAY, DEC. 18, 1904 - LasI Liunch Coualer ServIce for 1994. Special menu .. $s.50o $4.50. Moaihiy Prfssiali Serice, SATURDAY, DEC.%1, 1M - Serniors Ne Vaes BEu Party l0 M.a Itse b>egst and pmfyibmia M ICHAEL'S &Ilfo oly 2500 Aplace tobring ith ewJX wt ato yanmr fre .Atantalizingroa Wdnew4ai thse trimminigs foliowed by sssorled pies ahnd ià-rem for ds»Aa plus teis or caflse. And there isa bar (m and OUT'IAL boer onily> for f home wtio lice ta met oisif mfsstie During your diig and dancing you vol be entenmmaed by the mellaw mic of our D.J. and ai miciffglil there are pmmly fe-ours t0 beelg on tise revelry. Doues open ai &30 pal:St mscand 11mai g et 7:00 pin; dancing 8:00 pinm.. ? Book your reservaicon today (cmlt th1e Centre 875-1681) ta 88 MainSt E., i b d deappa ent as limtat casting la availabie. M lo 878-2886 iWEDNESDAY, . 7, 1904 - DEEME; 'Lngm«OUEST .dM SPEAKER Coni Dys h elfh ic, a" F ER aolç %Ion.nsa 878 -0554 dmlng anl HEARINO NID NEWS EVENSAT THE CENTRE -DENTURE CENTREin THUSDAa bft.l 1994. eveiy Thumsdsy eeamsg frorn700t09:30pal iheraflor. a CEffME new Crbap ivty andevening of fun and compétitioin. We a(* lcbing for participats. Il yo f _CUNIO M. IANNUZZ&IAASOCATES iieeese gie ZCesresacolt (875-1681) fer delals. 10 Veut Eilemlance M4AY. DEC. S,90 lui ad every Monday ia Sisuffeboard day ccmntmcng ai 1.:0 pas. Coinse out lac a gaie or SM Cet Ro, PAdi. kpdWSbMmmtms NUIIIS ~ nto for fitamcesand funi. Corne out for a pick-up geins or hm0... for fitnes &Md fun. 10% DtOm luN bsiNes 40'h- atinéeIrim tNo GST -No PS.T * Commeacmag eeîty in tis Newi Ver wiii be a nemi Carpel t wtl Aedvity. If you mould like ta, emn or coampoe! *MWsomo. W, 1Cal Margenlt or RUsa RObinso et Vis cente (875-1681) for détails.5 ERAAN E * ealiy Ck ib CURRNM EVENTS J . iraFe aagMONOAVS - Bridge. Tal Chii, Somad Mid eild Body, Sisufttbosrd' OWe 00T mumM à Moue c*.s * TIJESOAYO - Cbngkng Fffmes The Deshe Cida la kcmit 'Ins l 1 : DOESAVS - Bridge, Crafi Club. Guest Speeker. SBelocai Dacing oEn" quoA MorAL OaTas TIURSOAVS - Liase Denciag Ftmeme CiSie 7:00 - ,30 pn .U tIM te mmi DUIde itN - NDYS - Yoga. Eudsre. 09 Patmi;;_ a LOCATIOU TO SEV YOU SUNDLYS - Movtes, BaicSue à oe geins, Socmaiwg M. DRAOONIrTTI, Di.D. 83 LOLL ST. 3008 DERRV RD. FOR RamRi Nr4FdATIO ON mmNi AT Tm4 ULTO SENIOR ACTIvIri CENTRE &ASC GEOGTW #11 UNO OY >491>O.09 N 878-1100 SENIOR DISCOUNT The alldlostI1 45-57 p.m. DAYS ~ "" renhouse 9smS.m mueh mor ai"9Orn-8PM Monday, Tuesday and ,.u COUNITRY se-r à Somy6p Wedinesday MARKET Nqe É' îo e.m -6