DI M IFIT 2iugoh <flesuwd &'Nguîn 107.1bW3&i ýmoi2 Clu> aM-OS Elles DeWoII Cert59ed Gemiail Aeeoasntant IIIr M.c Fa T*L 85-OM âtes, Cri Ln IIlu DELREX mmmum LuuD Mwl - lu <>MO- .774oft -o 1 .. . ERAO GRAH. DEIG "-'.-- FN34ANOWDrmhc ýv-jr. ONRATHOI.ari)i Taid ftoI *Lh m s bc Rt ___ iUmma Mati yai Wk m»a m.aam *Layaia aid *mu 1 raid awuô ftmeE cau li et m00 01&47@t a. c. cuid M9878.53M 7 e *.TRCTR . 7M Main.8»0H 874-1138 lSustsu 878-2700 MM C*MUTE SEVCS Hri MR EEN 1 OS EST I( i OCSN1H SFEA FORDEIROND INIASNR la ibompeo Rd. Unît 1-2. Mihori. Gr.. 878-582 r- LA5CPN ô eNO eLWN D.'t LUew YOr Is.s-AIo..ell BRATOt4 & CO. RING a~~~~ -~ - V ig 868-UM soialis e lm um a u Mil bu mrmM WCLA1 519-856-2597 1_________ I Triple-A peewees rOling alog nicely with 13-2 record -- p~ ~ pq.g~ Pekoff.Trevasanît also drew two Fuere. Twallmg 3-2 wilh uider two glve Hauts th 415-3= &=ay Bom (Syvrel); Derek Greaves (Alarie, ua wh*i McDs.ald, MA"l and minutes lefi in regu!tioa lime les 4d twb goalsai CsflhdJ KCemp), Mare (KCemp, Gr-ac) R o k yJaei Ks.kle picked tmp ons each. Btowalee eveumd thinps up Io send orne. Au"st went la Petkoif. ICee-! Mals. 8 flurbnglos I (ai Burwg 'lim T h o pOb« C Hurc hea diselsm ido Il death ovenime. pfli and Jema. toi); Kemp (MacLeod); Alaie asis le Cras Mcbcnaid and Jeff "oc a bre rotw Shi e U , - Tena werc riding 11h.a Nairn la the semifieal gantme Don Mills (uemsi*ed); KCemp (Oreavoe); Czub fr lee. Halls. scoted four goals a,. seedle in bravai te Whhgby for walked in a&l alose on in unesiild etiirniad Haion by a 4-1 score. (Alaie); Gilmore (Peter Schultz, In third peniod Io nid away with i. th1e presîigicus Silver Stk tourna- è1rfori i the 12:53 mark of OT ta Kncepfli hallthe lmi Hurricane Smi., Greaves); Gales» Sheehan (Nat ICesepfli scored froli Jordan Jeans ment. Aber in Il -I shellackiiig ai ________________________ Wickeft. Moxhant); Moxhalm (jeff and Pelkoff, larowidee addsi Iwo d11e hinda of 111e Torcato Red Wiiip * Pana);5 80*15 iunW oegasad Petkoif hall ha1 sec- i dis Opeiig parae, die HuaicasunL a Paiiar. IeeW(immsid> ond cf di1e gaine * foughi their way back wilh thres A V IK7cw M Sentrex vins 6-0 Kneopfli fiaished fls gants with sttaighî wiu., puoasting thannelves Il was total domination by th1e sut wilh h ass. Frasier aemi-fljlai. Halls. Sentiex minot novice Hurt- Kontow hall oe. Goalteader Malti They came out aîrongly la gaine I1UflonuUcoIboIBdWloe mi)ofWMO icaes as they «thoi their oppo- KerfcslcaFU" up with as gsves two against Teint lîliaua pla)iag Pu utdfo a àc Cohga odiWCOslt uU alita (ast nmemd) 31-6 and oui- lie le th1e gain tep4 e 1* iseL touajdefensive hockey. Farumoeu ndi ~ U M ~ S 0 t0 i.UmSuW sccred thet 6-. Malt Bronizeski \huIouî. Gosd.detîvewok by Jeans ecd ha pair of S"l while Ua »ly b e5WilS.otIVkO1~I lsd th1e point parais with two goals Brydon Dutterwdrth. Vldn. Mike Treviaini adisd a siagle la th1e 5-2 C~:li o~.Aeit 00kg.. léaelle and tws issists. Jossahon Southgits Ausiee and Fraser Konthis. victory. Trevisani. Konkîs, and W" E A M OnsritabIL 38. hadl two ntarkers, Mati Lyose n l Erin. Haion hostl Chiaigua- Brourit es*l chippsd le with two Ru»10) 844 « a xit 12) él13. am iay Sprae g oa ai a2 n noix., cousy In àaC c _q exifng match. a"t wilh Marie nid Naini addiug Howie Main earned the asalats, Tbers was ne soering until th1e 2-47 ose eéch. Tyleriiomçs had two, andd singles mark of di1e fil psuiod wbes Petof Ia gaine th1ee againsi Sault Sie. WO N LIlcas lLy f h veut tu Bobby Smitih, Jais Vlia.. bangsd away in a sihnoul action- Mais. HaIts. juaçsdi mIs an carly m mm Ryie Ciotat and Dylan Ssawarek. bicle mnait l 1 -0. frrs WWi 2-0 lead aid maiagd te @W MO Brownles and Nairn assiatsd. 11W.c on s de Sauit miais h 2-1 and 0 1111 [aglon et lcy 13 iis Halfuay .,hrough thet second pressd for th1e equalizer. Pstkoff 7-U1 iiaàô.i-P4 ?U .i,5. McDmi*du pa Jcey Faiaum pan llrd in 11b Mals goain, ons con- Wilh lhre straigili victseles th1e iet 11e .sop shelf esakiîg il 2-0. lng off an excellent bsakaway effort. I ~ w i d ah Halls. Georgetown, Legion Hurr- Alarie also dreis au assial. Ching KIpew haW 11e mWa on Pslkoffs cm ammi poeweea ipovel imer mais il cimer ba wkbtli Soolgai- Immi griL aIgg.p..am" aiiUdu 'esina 13-24 tendiag by Auirew Pupnes the lhe mots ezls and w«M playei miuomU bamf la O.plim they asuuiy isfeale Hurrsaae came cul wila Mmr pai by dIs Huinea wu las the their hoata 6-0. Jeel Petboff goi gond wSak byr defeoma Vhisu. qmurs-&aa aga" Peaarugh.* thég going lmt in th1e finit perli os la huqias. th1e Ilrrimejil lhise bail eveqag~ sai-o- A I O o ~ ta-m-aboc play as a by amid oui os top 5-3. Il wu a gonid cm enaton, bard woek by th1e for- ~ ~ U hwy~~e Vida d SoSet Naba effort wai t iheo motiad mm"i weh amid ism- mi exce«lMm ihcy maise 9'2-0 on a ai break- Single, marliresa eta Io rs, gm pisening by bslh of Halaons.aus-- nuay goal by Mike Kudepfll, wiih Carter Trevisami, McDo.ald and nalies, Mu Kerfons and Andr&a