illalton n1ores quckly to 4efend its aerqQlt Iiiisffla 8eAm ! ViocesSuffoletta. dircor of plant MUn i mw fé capoa.'eaiosfrao' m yes m unidplte. 11un ei len Halton Region is dcfending ils pie concerneti about healti. di adF(I' êahe thsfl dtOte drnin atrafe tePrvnca iiieevnt.mwor phip advlad llr b W fet chmintaino drmking ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... .aî a...........r. ~ t tinln IAuduloC anmuleai M recenty cai womien. 'That s Ba igt, lt'a mo isn',U ta mmrky shadow on tite quality of fair," hcnl "., Dr Pbmn Nosa Hilton MggdWJ 0OCCir of Id lth "Permanent elilouination of the 1Ontario's drinking water. 1I can't leasti v ùq éta people Mthtst wsteuly moitie t0 bi dis- I Hilton would neyer digIribute nsould mt be concerneel. If ayone cusscd said Dr. Nosal in a Sept- *vaer taIt dois rnir>n~ its high stan- wahts to talk to m, I'd be Mm thon People in titis region are gettl itie mn, bout lte MnOusty of Healtl and embar 28 thesot Habio fI.lMa dards," said regional Chair Peter htappy* te taIkt b tem, to address hifitest quality of water."l resscd Ministryof Environanent andti Eergy coundcllota.' Pomeroy la a statement isgued foi- Srops, ta have vie" to titi facghWtte ME. Suffalett. ne sêtifiet, titi waw la re-samplei RcSulallc!aa mof May, Smt touoief Ilowtaf lte provincial ripait Il'm extremely proutf of tle peaple Mr. Suffolett nait Islilton's waier ad if positive, lte systetin lachu- on total coliform readings In water "Hafion Regmin ta fully in coropli- who opine Iis nyfim. flty're pro- slipply. which i515't cbloriitited,' la naet, inempled andti duateti until sampleg, ance with"the provincial certificates feasionals and tite minute there's a. coitstjutlly tested andi if lila lests tite resdingp ane car. Total coliforn ta a bacteria group af approval for ail lite (wster pdrifiku- hint there tnay bca nproblemt we act," regitei fecal coîttonnisi WI (euti- e Haltoti Regiatta itealtit sat public useti asn water quality tidictor. lt'a tian) plants aperating titrougitout he said. immation) above allowable: standards woils Staff are alan arptg riPai an indication ofi nadequale dwùnfcc- Haltan."* staeti Mr. Pomeroy. "Thcre should hc no concerL (riadingi. of zero), n secondti ent la an titi poasibiîity of cblorinating lion (sïgnalns potentiel for dWess- NOWMOBILERS' ab SCÔUT, AT R FACTOR WAREIIOSE SALE 1 DONT mise ri lIS.WEEKEND L&'ý solDECEMBER lStnd& d o THURSDAY à FRIDAY 1L 9 PM. UULýUBelieVe 4t. SATURDAY 11L 5 R.M. I I7TH VINTERAMA EX1RAVAGà%ZA '#5 anti is différent frota fecal coliform baceis, whicit representsa adefiite contamination. Lait year s regional report on Milton's water said tite supply rau- tinely contaena more total coliform badeia tijan chlorinateti supplits. itueer, tieleels we sgi zral- ly below lthe maximum affrile entier provincial guidelne.. Titi report saiti an uncitlorinated water supply la mort proni l ns - mination by supply linebreaks a&W asutruclon. Thât happened hisentea- lien thia fail when a beaken watilmiet almug Derry Rond led to an adviMly for *bout 450 aaulth Milton resilents tu boi titeir water. 'Citlaiination, in my mind, ta a pos- itive titing if itas donc rigit. ls witî's done in ail lite otitez facilities. in the region. Titi nanan we add ditlorine is ta diainfect andi privent Situations whidit currently itappen in tit Milton a upply. tam htappening." naiti Mr. Suffalna flic Reia bas cmergency chai- nation facilities aI Kelso renervair. 'Wî éré currently pursuing pottins lte =am tiig at lte Walkeras Une wefl,» said*fr. Suffoletta nating titi Regian cen ue portable chkxination equipraint when necesnary. D«c. lut li Dm-. 41 Fwq.- * * * â- m %_v