Iadm figi (4-4 WINTER LEAGUE For Boc" & Girls âges 8.18 AIlt1i garln.pu weh- Tue& or Thsrs Strns Jmnusty 3 & riai la Msrch Brui 6-.30 - 8:30 pit ai F.C.Diuiy (1H School REGISIHATON PIE Omalas tee agplutm Dec. 1WU4 Appkmaiton avuable ri Fbiess Technique, 99Astis Sports & Miton Pro Sport For more infacrnatiofl eut OBA lTU-OUT (REP TEAMS) et Blshop Rodlng mon, Dc. 5 W.307.30 - Mkwe Buttai Boys & oêne. <aormn 7-O30M- uBvfmSoy(bo n 1M aocr 11) lues. .lla 3 6:30-7:30 - auitui OStu (effl ln l0 oral) Jummfti Gala (hein In 167eor 77) 7:204&30 - tikysgGhtB@&a m IMtoor7(b 7:30-&30 - Ateanlbs Boys W t!L. tmA 1970or 77) tf~PP1I1IIIIt1SI~) Yh~ I TI~ Milton tops major jitu-jitsu tourney' cSybody waa jiai-jitat fl&antimd tisait tands vie Miltos firnit place fuiatchra wcrc Fhllip Tsllgly, Bsn as ligighng ai thc Milton lui-litas Am"ua Toura- Coker, Daniel Kelah, and Matthcw Mesdoza. Secon ni placings went go Biakc Hilicr, Mautew Gooîtnan, Gary unre wcre 12 figtimng divisionai and four nolf-efemc Laing, and Lakte McNully. Titird place tonours wcrc castration divisions. Milton wus beai overallin ai ttarnod by becy Czikk, Mmttew Lalonde, Meaghan iung diviaions, wîi four finir plac finsihen four sec- Hîlio, Daniel Conigio, SemS Barris ad Kovin flac. sand six t". Otiteus in order were Uic Oakvilie "Y» ln Uic sclf-dofou dsnmailn diision Uic Miltos hI) Welland (2-2.3), Oalcville Contre fou Martial Ans club's Matthew Cook tiook a fiiti Pbliip TmsJy a sec- -2) and Deep River (I1 -0). ond, and Daniel Kciait a tird piace fisnih. Reding close ft Ir0n UCLI. on' page a1 aller ilai waa a bons,said coach Bob Shurge. Therc was (0 be Do bonus as Oakvillc-Trafaigar scored the osiy ovcrtimc points in the 44-39 wts. The in waa forccd io play with- oui Maryclien Gleeson in ttc extra -is bo ace had fouicd oui. She scorcd il points on the Saine asd wus a force ail over the cours. Sait Btowneii, hoscevcr, camne in fromt Uic bendi and playcd exfrmcy wcli. Candice Ceclas was liix wtiri- wind on Uic court. siteing Uic baill with amaring rcgularity and addint fivc points. lCziaien Ituinga lad six points *hile Marianna i4rkac andi Icmny Miacaris each addcd four Ttc Buniop Reding tasas failme tiroir ycar wih a record of 29-2, incudig a 9-O rMgI" Ummso inui aMd toumnameni viciorica in four of lthe five ttey entered. Even more impreuive, wten you conaide Uiat tey hiaditrwec grade note nMatser. "Wc'rc really proud of whai theY accompiahcd," said Shurge, wbo adde i thdugtti iit wiaa goq Io bc a rebuiding ycar with only iwo rewritingplayeta. The Balion champioship final junior tous train B"wo Roding ta CtuUint CAMer Matyesn Gicemon Connie Buna, Sarah Browel, Candice Cceian, Mosica Beau. parlant, Mariasua Hrkac, Sibrisa Linder, Nicol- Lae, lcnny Mucarin, Metiua Villa, and gzlaten Hariga Ttc coaches are Bab Shurge and Jaic oncur. , HOACI1I a ers. began t0 play more as a tiain Il ws an otatafldtsg.weekend for gaiig mucit needed confidence. te E.C. Drury higit Scitool wrestlisg Thcy won 15-1. icamn and the Dynamo Wrestiing ln the hsddle prier te the atari of Club ns titcy pcrforned wcl in two gaine itre coaèch Rosa tld duc teami «enfts, that the momcntsm baid swung in On Ffiday, Drury sent oniy seven WlI. Dick's faveur. Fromt the start of wrestlcrs to the Hageinvulie Novice thc agne Uic Wildcata wec in cen-. Toursamoint, but their show'mg was irai. Ihey led 8-5 ai the haifway pron aprd1nougIl for second place overal and nover reiinquiaitcd the lcad wu- amnon 31 schoola. Lead4n the way ning by a 15.-6 margin. wih iheir filsi carcir Solda werc Mark Lamnn and Blair Beaulicu. Tire Franklin and Justin Biiiingham U , feiu juat shtori, carning silver medaia. white Tom Gilmas aito rcachil thc final Io place fortii overail. On Ssnciay ai Brock Uiniversity, Uic Dynamo Wrcaiisg Club coileci- - cd ntsc medais ai thc Brock Invitaional. Earntng goids were Spartas John Macîinnon in thc Cadet Division and Drury grad Colin Widdis in Espoir, pius Miiion's Victor Springcr and S5cm Spurvcy of Pearson Higit in Burlingron. Dsuzy's Grant Heffron carncd his becond sdvcr of Uic ycar whiie fe"lo *~ Spartans Ciayton Cowtos. Darrcs Gaiiipcau and Jcff Mcads. plus j Whitc Omits' Mite Eider, ail briigt 1 home bronze mcdald. Dan Marin, Chris Prie and Scott McLaughlin ail wrestiicd strongly te rmach thc fminas and finistied fourih overal. Wildcats win pennant 'downiug Sherratt 2-1. mAt Uic otar is lm19 volIstah M" lof0 te Pomsm eimn4m scason Wl, Dick Middle Scimool teales arc; Dryans McComb, Evan boys vohieyball muése Pied Rosl à Jeans, Thmvo Maills. Cam lvaa, SMa for Uic riait. Ruse Daviui; Maes Jeaust, Aady Since only iwo of tte 15 playeua Wadsao, Mite Sinclair, Kria Bse, bad! previous cxpcrielace as a Wildcat, Noci Kent, John McCart, Beyas a rcaimaiic objective was to win tho Gent Tom Gailingr cmd 8.1 Poirier. lier Il North Haitot pensant. Thia wu roaized by a dedicatcd soi diaci- plimied ltain lmi weck in Georgetown. q a The Wildcat werc very nervous ln iheir finir gaine and lest te a morc yl relaxcd, mortecxperienccd Sainm pp lers Sterrai club. ln gaime îwo. W 1 Dick witthevocal çncouragement; ; ab m edals