Chamber reorganizes to 'open itup to. membership' etm m MMa of Iaauery 1, a mov. M4r., advao uhdcydlu. Scliisr Ows f M & M dhuusigalian wcuin Th7~e chw Schlalzhuer caild a "peîy bit followiag the moi.. Mouc iiSnsn Minsc. the black &fier clearlag oap lis swlsdla for tic Chernber.- Tha mucaruu alto allowa oy "Theeca tco, fat eupe la, rus S12O dabLi J Thc Milta. Charuber of Pulitces saipruslet.exece- Chamber meuler ta chair a om- tic arplatalitsnW ul icap tics sracoemfra Charnier, prajoatsm Coicc icudroereslruc. tive Vlcsi.presldenl, fist vice-pesi- mitet, bc saud. helasly. W'sduulqwlIm ea," lcas. , a -fuh Farme' Msrk.. lbe stic ulgo "OP "oe i rap ta the touher- dent, triasarer and put presidmni meara of the board af bencsor Mm. maie wuas pprovsd sillhe newslet4ýr, business dlrectory MnW slip," says Scott Schkuehaue, prat- utill eii but watt no longer le pant oeld bl amd positions. Muta. Chauler of Commerce's golf toirna1nt. as Weil go idcnt ofaie tic an "uo. ofan - eecti coante. Thc Charier's cOMcM syste. lu cum @se pa" meeting ai il. heeae wmipsnqr, ar reapaa- a>41 exbcutivê 'commitlee of the The caile 13-member board of lti is effectivsness due ta tle 14511m Cmhuy Qredil 1.mica. i.. lie aid. f~dof directois lill bc wiped out dfrcctors uitlb fi a« Il cotéal growl af tic organsation, aid Me. Mr. Sehlaulise aned diii lMe 19 bard of directors u attened ai tle meeting. Mlembert - aW EWIE - iii Mauel, Roal Dinh of MIR F FnwW&ifh SM Cme'di(diecclu eiectd for a two- cul.gsdf a t-ye ter); aspotAç,n. *horard altp NovaTriniong ThompionLUE -Yeiers) Ml Ruaylti sail Pacpne (directcr or nshtw -r 8.11K$ Litre 6,od 1i Mcc*Doe lti, ntaTrst iséb it a lua-year terni); IpaÀ k Howar Sut Hthisn (drelor rse-dircte fr.alst-ed fr R Kfs tuPa. ear N. a rît &Wkvcleoesd iisn a lu o-y ern); INSIDE OU Michael Dourgon, Dontidson Dararga Financil Service (direc. ML EWLLOI~U#W*Iutair, flnllnls a two-yeaz terni); *Michael O'Oorman, M.T. OOu0na- CG^ (directe,. flnn a two-year ets) *Mike Shepherd, 1451105 commulty Credit usn" (dlr,ctc &*aihg a two-yes *-.) *Peler Higit, Doriand-ltalght Gallerle (direct«, flulhlag àluo- ye-ricrm); *Saady Matin, Milieu Cbamkî« of CSmmerce (omnra maque) SScott Schlotxhauce, M &M Ment Shape <peu peeidet) alto be appointed ta tle board. Ward 2 Couaciltor Ron Purik air- tently heW due position. An elleclian far execative posi- tions in 1995 uill be held [n December. Mr. Seâlchaduc la ar- rcnlly president. Deb sinnington (Paftn in Seuil Buainha) la pasi prestldent. kir. Manuel la ezecutive vice.peeeldm. Mr. Boulota la fini: vion-prealdeat, and Mr. O'Oonnsn la treaourr. Mr* Manuel ema eirmmusa cmcc- salve vlo-pe.ldeu because le hu counpleted bit terni of offli. Mr. Dlnln, uho la in the sarne buti a put PM"ida, amd Mii. Schran, op»: ýzdireclor. are Dot recurnins in snr ~ a. - ~capaclly i heboard out yuas