Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Nov 1994, p. 7

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Haliton Cable la the wrong rget Dur Edilor Recenîly i received a letter 40 petitior the CRTC about Haltoit Cable's plan 10 add atiditional programming io titeir Value pack and pass along lthe addiîional cosis tb tic Public. Perhaps titese peuple sliould look ai tire whole pliîure before they sperd a lot more tihan the $47.04 it sitould cosi, on copy. ing and delîs'erng their pertitiors. Cable companies ihat add progrumming must purchase and instail three addiîîonal pieces of cqaipmeoî te gel on the air. These arc a recciver, a modulator-and a decoder <itis is (0 anscramble lte satellite signal). Tbis eqaîpmenî is a lot more thin your back. yard sysîemr, asnd being commercial lthey puy through the. rose for it. Along wiîh the abose eqaîpineni ihcy must puy royalties to cadi anti cvery station they show. This is whcre il is unfair anti the CRTC shoalti sîep ir. Conipusies such as Trillium and McLean Hunier puy a nominal fee, where smaller cable companies are per- ulizerd for nol itavirg a large cuotomer base. Royalties are paid on eacit anti every cus- tomer hook-ap thfat a company has. Using Family Charnel for an oxample, a large company car puy a littie as 50 cents te'SI Per hook-up whcre a small company rn northerro Ontario can pay upwvarti ta $9 for lte saenne service. Is Ibis fuir? Both YT anti Vision rccenîly scrambled, using the mmoa expenaive eoquipintent titere is ta boy, foreing thte câble compainies ta fork over more money. YTV is Carada's orly gotal youlth orienird and non (10w) violeint Charnel avaituble and with CRTC's trend t0 non-violent Progrummirg. shoulin't they be trYing go gel figsent tlogo hack ta free access? Wtiy aiso when programmirg hljs coin- merce ibat are suppos e1 puy for lise run-. ring o the station, sltould we ite forced la puy extra morey ta dpend money on titeir products? These stations ahould aiso bc frie uccens. - *By the way, although 1 used ta work for a rorîhern Ontario cable company 1 am no longer affiliaieti wiîh ury campany , and am wriîing this letter on My own accorti. If people wanî ta petilior, they sbould be going lifter the compaties finat supply the Duo- grammîng la the cable compunies, or go aller lte CRTC ta forcqces compaities le charge lthe samne acccss fer to ail cable compunies. Alari T. solwI Milton Student . teamed Dur Editor: l'm a student ai Sam Sherrait Scheool. lm very proud of my sctool, too. Abouî flhe inci- dent itiat happenedon the grounds oif.Samt Sherrati printed in tte Wedncsday November 2, 1994 papier, J'believe You to somne extent of what was said in the paper, otherwise some of the inforuýjiaion was incorrect. 1 would aiso like Io taik about last year at Samn Sherraît School, when we ta ised uppooximuiely S7,(OJ0 ini jump rope for heuart, but was titere any ahîicle about if? Na! But ta make a long stary short, and I think that I speuk for almost everyore in Samn Sherraît, witerec bave you becto for thte last who, knows bow mary limres we've mon the Halton voficybaîl anti cross country chtampi- onslips? Have you written about that or the ouftanding teaciters. like Mr. Ridley anti Mrs. Firdley, our gym tecithers, Mrs. Furonell aour art leaclu,, Mms, Boheite andi Mrs. Johnson, aur core leuchers, Miss Day Our music teucher? The liaI just goes on andi 1 wsould jusi like Io suy anc more thirg. About 2MX good îbings hap"e ai cour scitool for every one buti tbing. But Ibul one buti iffing, when il happens. is on the front page. 1 wOuld have ta suy ltai voue are making one of lthe top scitools in lteo Regior of Hulton look.iike.a but scitool! Maeti Kllmuy . Grade 6 Congratulations to Jo. Unar Edktoor: SFirst of ail, 1 would like to congratulat: Mr. Joe Deoni for wiqtting the Ward 1 and Ward 3 Roman Catitolic Separate School Board election. The: voltrs have spoken and as tie servant ot thse voters, 1 respect titeir choice? Lei us, as volers and parents and laspayers, <* O UR READbERS WRITE Llaen Gevert She kaya' rePortlng balanced Unar Editor:. As a randidaqe in the receni municipal clection, 1 wish 10 compliment you and your staff on . eihe qualiiy of reporting during the campaign. Your reporters were quick t0 seek out can- dfidates, and were quite objective in repOrting ihr.viewpoints Of cache candidate, The reports w9roc accurate and balaneed. i forci that your paper made an important contribution tu the democratic process in our communiiy. LcampellI Sn.whteel monser sirnips ail over friand andofoe aithe Il has Prccriul sopeed arnd 1rncrebcl,m1,b- ing ablity Watch th,$ racer overcomse obstacles monh Is muiple tresa8nd the force et 6 waies Covers 900 fest per minute, Available in 270or49 MHlz Choose f rom secrn green or sean orange dcenu Ths w1lreless raCrrg macrine vrus .a. 10 rua race track Challenge yow iends taday' 60-891415 RACING TOWARD CHRjDISTMASI Overcome obstacles mon Roadt Pounrrit racer cas clrm o leipt a 35--g deq e Travela uplo 300e perule 7-funciaon Operation anti 2-aihe driveis t h o aitîmata otrdn g POmer 2MHz Great RC veh.Ici for ndoOro utdoors 60-4124 * 9599i I Own fourie video 0of a Christrna$ Carol. 'l'u couli voire anc of6 Pantso Inte ract ive adoShack for corliplete reguialhons andi pour entry feimt Winners millboifi e i y phone. *]..à Pochai Reposai gainte tests Presehoot Jack.Rabbit refflS the __ dea beîrserPC eisia rrYoung fa\a m ana Wlth twof fuflctrin asti 2- tdi'ne27,m4zùMatie, cris durable materla ta cîthatanti = =tcie taih racing caodtions vni Portable tun andi actaon far thé w5olt am,îy! gainles aus aistr playing arcade pmnbait' Improvoa vour piramil aita, and cthaltenge %rotr friands and amîity 60-2481 299 ridtn rid gan lm tr #out au hacesiwa 01o am ain upa scor anti naffcaweirnaitcds For anc 1orheMilpliears 80-2417 A blOf VagiS Onrpoue tablaop! Mitneiatoppokesc troutaiy avariions! n2432 FOR AYS PtarINOX alacrone chare.aChllenge vor t nds cui 18 tavaicof play, W05 dorr66 ncvgjj ta hclp uaprova pour ptaying knowctige anti aik Fogwc 5-dugit LCD Wacn lt record titura Mae, aonti iongtar ifory rche atlia yas ta, alorsyurutnitct ane o a lawe dais u00.2428grnesfo -~fl ft boom~ ~hI ih uu *u.. Sm le uuoehul APPVOAM dm Un~ M N ue rM u, r p ts. p..nh. i -1 work with Mr. Deoni and tite. Halion Sep- arate Schocl Board to ensure finir Catholic values continue te be taugt in the Cuthoiic scitooils, that tcachers continue to be Caîtolic raie modela, titai lthe thrcc R's are empha- slzed, and tat the hourd trtmaines as a unique, non-integrated board for matters pertaining to Cutholic phtlosoplty. 1 would like to thank Alison vaax, My campuign manager, My family who support- cd me titrougitout ibis election ca.mpaiga. lthe muny friends wito offered encouragemnrt,- and the. scruiineers. 1 wanî to especially thank ail voters of Wards 1 and 3 vill qxer- cised their riglite vote.

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