,Man with krnfe robbed Martin Street gas bar I A hold-up at a Mîoaih- asa bas derectives looking for a 1ler I cloured car m in Unope it mii tend thent (0 tise cuiptit. Ar about 5:30 pým. Salurday, Nov. 5,.a min entmrd the Petre Ca nad ce eard ofmpmgoS$,00. ~ Mrts Sret narMarket. Drive. Hie Younaod amt give your naom and demaded ash hîiebrandishini a yaur uqfonnatiqtwll! be treated iMMt knife. A&mr some mommey wag $urned compéte atinomnil. Crne Strflrs gover by the attendant, tise auspect dots wi suscribe to cati tq/la. walkeà ta tise soutit end of tise sia- Cafi 14-668-5151 or 823-TIPS i tics spfcçxny. <7Ws 8M-477). O A momtent later. an eMde medel ail Ceont Sâsger o! Hoaft s operal. !. ver GM car drove off tise lot aad ed by a bariofdreiorsa*adtp of lurned soith on uMth Street. 19 c/Wlhaasfrm ait arms of Ha/son The man waeted by police is Reg.n lieremswdpW> d ss ran desmrbed as sehale, 25 te 33 yeat cf gtl inancaal support of business, age and five-foot-nine te six fut tati idatry, sersi=n gllabs and pivate wihh s stior build. Hie bail beown bait cii/mn. lIbe board of directors raises and wore s bise shit and jean. ie nmoney, dde on dur ansount of If yo rhînk yoai may knom W/mo as' rewards. and actual/y pays thme responsible, give Crune Sîcjspers a rasrards. Criue Stoppers is incoqxa- cal/lf yoe hiave an, us!ornwlkio Mia rate4 as a charitable organiaon leads ru an arresi i tdis or any oier ulerefort ail donaoeteread case, yau ay be e/mg/b/ for a cash fund are tas deducuNbe. Not a pretty sight Cotrcorfsto by du Tow. dnelMWpéd ecorl m»p Infapletictpele fm Oudrenedd»n» MO Pfl retenyil wos part of sas MIN Pond up-sO IAKE~PRCAS TASTO Rbd17 banks including local CIBC ýRIAN'S AUTO? FREE OR YOIJR NEXT INSTALLATION TIRES BALANCING T Ie ______ KAINSIHCSmmerce indowwn Mittoi EW n izn. «Fordffyur uto eedsThoChamionJohn Robert Laramie, 48, cf Four enpcyces and hocustomers Lakeshore Rond Eu rctsbed batsks tn were lin tise bank mises Laramie. BRIAN'S AUTO REPAIRS A mîssissauga mas dssbbed the t2 On"ai cilice si tows between armned with a small handgus, I34teks v OljS: Mocdty -Fraday 7-6 'Tiliey Banitsdh ptmaded guilty to anuary 14 ad Octotwe 7. appeeacsed ateiler addemandeg Miltes Omtaro Sa lexcet lng weamends 875-1522 Iholding Up 1,7 banki, including the Just belote clmSing on Febtsiary t1t, cash sheetly isefore 8 pa. 1 SCasadian Imperial Bank cf he heid up thse CIBC ce Main Street - et. CMp on aiseai Wýýffl NOTiCE 0IF the propased stopping up and closlng,' for a jberiod of two (2) years, the5municipal raad allowance betweten Lots 1 and 2, Concession 6 and Concession -7 of former Towashipof Nassagawoya,. in the County of Halton, now An the Town of, Milon, Regianal Municipaiity af HaIýon SIXTH LINE. NOTICE i8 hereby given pursdàz*1o Section 300 af The Municipal Act, A.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.4,, that the Council of the. Corporation -of the Town af Milton propoaes ta pass a by-lew ta stop up and close, for a period oftwo (2) years, a road aiiowance referred to as Sixth'Line. from the northlmit of Steeles Avenue io à point 1160 metres north of the north limît of Steeles Avenue in the Town af .Milaon. -1lhe proposed plan by-law and description showing lands aftected, may be viewed In the Cierk's D.partMent at the Town Hall, Victoria Park Square. Milanh, Ontario. .On Moriday, Navember 201h, -1094' at 7:.ý0 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Milon, the Cauncl of 1h. Corporation of the Town of Milton wll hear, In persan or py caunsel, solicitar or agent, any persan who dlaims his land w#jl be preludicialy affétecf by dmi said by-law and who applies ta b. heaffd. Any persan who wishes ta be hesra should, as soan as possibe, make application ta: Wm. Roberts, Town Clerk The Garporatin cif1h. Tawt of Milan Victoria Park Square PO. Sd 1005 Milton, OnINIo, LOT 4Q6 DATED at Milton, Ontario tiq2nd day 0f Noveniber, 1994. l2 AM to7 AMI SNOVEMBER 15 ta APRIL 15 By-taw 1984-1 prottiblia patlsg aot any Town sireet during the wlssler mocfts frrnt November 15 to April 15, belwees lthe hours of 2:00 arn. and 7-00 ar. Tis By-inw fa mtetsded la assit Town wrma cess lIn aur effort ta removes now during the mihter months. Whsie this By-Iaw la lIs effeci Halian Reglana Pole wlt lais. appraprimie mesasjres ta asslal un whlch cen isclude Towlisg. Voue coaçeenian le requenteri. J.O. Mathes, P.Eng., Dkratar of Public Wa<tes Toms of MiSais NOTICÈ TO VEHICLE OWNERS *Y4LAW 1984-1 ~Mtir 9M.Xrant and ?utembers Pf XMdto.n Council - cordïally invte tfi Cîtzens ofthe. 'Town of XMion t o attend týe INAUGURAL AND SWEARING-IN CEREMONY FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL ELEOT to be field at 7-'30oP-I on .Monday» tDecember 5thf, 1994 unt <be >Muniei Council Cliambers q1oW »Xli Victoria 'Park Square Wlliam Raboerts Town Cler< 1 i.. -£âLriau luw