Six-month.oid Colin Tufte huit hie footprlnte checksd by McGrsjff, th., Crime, Prellention Qog whos out to "Tell. a bist out of crime" et Colinsa momg, Data, looicsd on. Ssturday wau Child Find Dey et Milton Mmii, sponsorsd by National TnasL Activities lncludbd face painting, frons ballions and cele coetums cher- Thousands sign petition about violent offeniders BY KAREN SMÎTH The Champion Thousandb of Milionians supponied a t 2.15e-signature peqition calling on thre govemrment go infornn tire public whlen violent crime offenders are released front prison. Tire petîtton was circulated in Milton and ueveral otirer municipali- ties following tire slaying of 16-year- old pantela Cameros. Thre former E.C. Drury Higir School student's sister Deanna Cary- croit, 23, of Milton said sire Selievés tire public hau a rigiri tu know phen sueir offenders are released back into, society sol caliens cait better peepare Sie said sucir a law could have prie. vented te deatir of ber sister. 1I timn peqile could bave walched titeir lods pantela, who'had recently movred flrn Milton tu Soutit Surrey, Britlih Coinnibia wifir her famlly, was fowtd. suffocaed la dcciii in a wooded anres sea lier ne irne OCtober 5. Site disappeared theday before witile walking to a service station te vsit ber boyfiefd. Soutir Surrey RCMP allege her killer was a man released last Nov- ember front Ontario's Kingston pied- itentiary. wirere ire iad served lime for sexual aatt.Tire man iras ieen chrarged] witir firsi-degree murder. lire petition, signed by residents of Milton. Mississauga and maiir ailes sucir as Ottawa and Montreal, iras been sent to tire federal govemmrrent tirroagir MP lionnie Brown. Ms Cémeron said tire support recived by volunleers wito eollecied signatures, and thoae who signed il, was tremendous. A grade 1l E.C. Drury Higit Scirool law clais looked afier collecting (bc majority of signatures in Multon. Volunteers approacited sildents and knocked on loca dicmni. Pam's longtime boyfeuend. Mark Dunlop, 19, sougirl signatures at Milton Mal. Anauer friend of ilte family, Andrea Carr, 23, of Milton was tlaco insinîmetali n the project Ms Camreroni sill. "Most people believed higitly in il and if they could, titcy woald irave signed il 100 ligne," sitc said. Ownyrour frtuenow... and ontsSe (a) Bih Until June, 95! l 4 ".5.- .4 's <4 ê Living R Sleep Loue Motion Fu Sectîo '%i Reci Ontario Chesterfleldis Pre-Chistina sale is 1on NOWI hacredible Savlnp on Every Item lu "h Store! >Save 20%/v- ý60% on oom' j ChaWr V <uti Pl-irmN Cu sofas! Nigirî stands' Mallie,, Sels Wais' Familv Rrnrns Rocker, Ace bmiture! bîning Rooms' Fnieflainiment Centres' Lau gris' Dineie', Sofa%! Tai ner. Walnn' 5îl Unt,-s'th Plqu Muech, Much Morell Sele Store ~Gorgeous Seet onal Sofa Swith Hide Away Bed maw -- i Incredibi. price only Plus Many More ln-Store Spedais! a"Pills Morny Morte Speabla Expecting Company for the Holidaya!!! vol, le,' / Mr^, for DellasU! w 1 erfekt GIft for Mom or Dad! Aeg, $1049. Enougi -.nm s- room tor the ettote fr S ..ttaî Iamily. square arm i tted au design and acrelied ntle rna Min dacron fillied pflowlli desune lfo entra soltnessu -s l a Covered fn ant oielin lan btand deuigner labnc go, greater wear. AU available for one freat ~9 Spectacular Looi ng forthe Perfect Styllng Place to Display your and .Coliectibleës? Quallty We ve made spenlai pur Woekjnanshipclo Fugg$249. Ths 5 lacelage 'alr a eoigiete arth Cannoirban to matc~h rend and g001 board, 1 any decor table and a beaudul and space. geser h IU n stock 'M ror adIo dChrkqmas $1 99 C-s 29 lans Koul SINGLE SET 15 "ai warranly. f KMi Kod 20 Fsg. $799. Tisa tyllal ad&a stencil M higirl - om.bsuLdof any 'nm. Cnmlortable il Aay amA iright ~ min tolded ino a SoitiAa bail for grour $499%m' ~~rA 4 4, 4, ' à Ontario Chesterfield "Home of the Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee g .Int Koil Sprint Air OUI1LE SET QUEEN SET year warranty. 20 yenr warrangyý ~Km KMd .NoDw p'aynIeni NoIntereot & NoPayment undi Jlne '95 -*Guawane Chrisas Dslery Hamilton 1439 Uppenr Oîtâwa 385-8844 Guelph Hwy. f7 Auto Mail 763-4466 Milon 725 Main Si. 876-4488 Stratford 455 Euie Si. 271-4488 0"C IWW/iAajbW$f0rwu ~ s~oua ouccJn a in Lim for Christinas! CHRIISTMAS SALE Everything iii Stock!. J eannette 's Shoes SHOIF Wed. - Fii. 10 - 9, Set. 10 - 6 4