Police view media passes as helpful to both parties eV HOWAAD MOZL tatin of press passes for exclusive procedue it schedulesi <o te imple- 'There is nothing untoward about Speaal te7h@.Champio usezb woekig repoune idm photog- mnied in Januauy - will feature <letahé Udig <i cek lc are noi an invs ion rapliers. Only those wlo deal wth ndvidalspictute aida entilnum- galIgOwiudleuash of 0r1ac s.iid Sgi. Mairtin. New press passes andi background police on a day-to-day battis will ber dlia belongs solely li ai pcr.%on. (ba esplainung members o;f <lemei chiecks on members of <lie nedia are qualify - white for fulîtinie. brigJt Sgt. Martin nid <lie ciesis will allow t _fIili C'<oi were pari of Nus cimatr Wdakd flot invasions of privacy, coniensi yellow for fleelnis die media fasser access <o crîime and llsy arp ido mo for <lie passes. "Soi fie <lie response Halio Regional Police, bat siniply *Everyone would bave tlie sanie accident scenai by expiediing <lie àta of t e lias been very positive. ways of improvng access and scun. pas. saine ruLen." sid Sgt. Mautin. procevi by whicb officers on site Those applying for a pas% musi tyý explaining duliatoo ttuiy people are decide wlio is Lgitinman d who is ........ vira a specially preparrd visico oui- According tq Sgi. ioe Martin, a pasuîng themseîves off as media Mso. Many police officers, equecially lnn o h oieepc h coniner comprisesi of media offi- drieu dayi. *'liere won't be (a pass) younger cms ame oe , war of.> M.re mia liow <li polrice sexpe lied cers fromn 17 Ontario police forces for fauliion magazines." mi"and ern on <lie side of caution, a mpg dPu vice-versa.I sut dosvn and devisesi <lie inçsleren- Eacli tlwe-by-five inch pays - dlie leaving nied" witli deidlines <o ieet 1its a double-edged way lo resolse in <lie cold, ions alue <lie public is noi uaid problems,* saisi Sgt. Muaiiný -W are P p o ff cerTo qualify for credenis Mem- Only extreme cases, sucli as Irea- hoping a lot of good wîll comte of P o lice offi ce ste i bers of <lhe media mui# ulso give son or liandgun offences; would lie <lis and aîli stop <lie nonsenýe. police content <o run a background grounds for dis4uaIiftcaiton. saisi Sgt, nie passes. whîch usesi <o ie bansi- chieck for criminsi ictivity, Tie <dri. Martin. A convictei pedopliile would ed *oui for free. wilI now cost $25 to o n rii d sco erj .'mine if sogleone is wlio they say aclîvîty in a scliool. for example. th videos. The fée May also hlp About $3.800 wortli of liashisit waa <bey ire. Aller al. members of <be Anyone lumesi clown cari uppea toi arwesi oui those os <lhe peripliery ot founi <n<besole ofa Malebtrvi » pmed iea are olten given accesu in situa- treview comittittee. the pofice brai Correctional Centr inimes slioes 5.'5L A W 5C Nov. 8. Hali Regiona Police say. A Peel escort officer foand the ioto a figlit wlth her*39-year.old drug afier reiurning <lie intmel io ie boyfriend at 10:40 pin., police say. lad] following lis bail heating. Hie grabbed ber boyfriend by <lie A 43-year-old imimate. orvginally hait and kneed hies in the face. from'Rexdal, <s charged wîtlh ff breaing bis nose, police report. He session of a narcotic for thie purpose <lien unaslies a window of tlie male oif traficking. victim's car as lie lei Man charged In au lt The nexi day. the saine man allegedly ihreatened <o huri lis 36- Police sucre callcd <o a Prince year-old ez-wife ai lier Street residence Saiurday following Camplilville addres.'. an altercation <lii involvesi two mten Charged witb ibreatening bodily and a woman. liarniand <wo counaiinch of ussauli A man puntc liedi a 3 5.year-ol d - ad breacli of probation is a 27-year- Prince Street woman and <lien got old Guelphi Lice mai. fStained Glass" Supplies'- Classes'- Custom Work - Gifts 5 Armstrong Avenue, Unit 3, 9ktagee Georgetowni, Ontario Stainid L7G 4S1 (901S)877-4041 *Au.. CùsTrom FaAmiNi - (VOUR PRmwr OR OURS) Au.. IN STOCK PRiwm FREE WHEN FRAMED LARGE SELEcTION & UNBEUJEVABLE PRICES ON Au. SHOWROOM PIECES Um 0f tor Humr On For kust SM, W i Unique Framecf&3Art a2 UNONT S. a., UNIfl 71 MON*IIWR.N., UN s HOUAS: Mon. - murs. 10-6, Fn. 10-8, Sat. 10-5 MIL ____- - OO6MONTHI 10,000 km * liiPOWtAOAmpn 0 fOIRiIIN Ot47.01 Wh!! Evert aç5plissai muA A big nul. puwfmasunusoot, <Os,., W 4 u~s u va $17V7 Om pAW $at Iru iio9 95t .f M I1miu..w u A ai mm rovlm o