Hunter acknoWledges confiet, av =NEL "AIUHN Ward 2s n4 municipal caunicil- lor. WaIly Hunier. says bis job wni the Royal Bu&i would be a confile o4gtbe Pigmrent & Citendcal isu,. but lie sl bas m opinlon aid lofu ,ý«k g o on aliter ftonts. ..Ai lte ail candidates' meeting, 1 clflrly said 1 would 11e coosulting witb lte (Tawn) çIerk. lve bâti detailed discussion wlb him and seili the bantitsad titere clearly would bce a conflicî there. and il would be declared a taI limie," nid Me. Hunier ibis week. silo zwpy Hawever, the new palitician. naid his cammenîs urging conîinued negotiation ainong lte banik, lthe Towen and the Ministry of Environ- ment and Energy stili apply. IkRayai Bank is a $170 billion ceantity. To leil il to citat up asite aitdn't oten isn't realistlc. Il would cotDetaxpayers mongey te laite dit simplistic approach. They bave ta cornte up wîlb s viable option httween dwetL" said Mr. Hunter. Chamber Vu", -" On ther fronts bateever, Mr. HuM ileni lo be quile active. He*s alrtdy gi wadc studying tht upcaming budget documenta. "'Me laxpayersuen't peepuret ta be sans- fied teiith ay increase in taxes," lie nid. noting diaposable income over tht long Iterm is on a daientead trend. WIN TIItjS COMING! AIR DLTCT CARPET 1UPIIOLTERiI CLEARNG CLRAPING CLA MING <neeting SPEvCIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Monday, 10% OFF m" 3M FREE Miltnnbmer ofCiehyrce wil REG. PRICE RN VAL KIT bce held Monday,4Nov -J Its --------- Halton Cornmunity lCrW Union. 44 Main Street Easi. The general méembership meeting begins ai 6 pin. to elect th1e 14»5 diroctors. 77oha 90)877-2320 sTAz tion will be hosied by tht Chamber. Fr~N 71HIS COUPON AFTSR YOURA STIMA TE For more information cali Saody THIS OPffRIS NOT VAUD Wr7WANYOrHER SP.CLS Marmn ait 878-58 1. OPMI LVPIl Dac MC *W "Whatever it takes to maike your Christmas special" (Joan Wlldfng, Milton Sars CataIogye Ag.ii for 40Oyears, Sears has bien~ proud to sere Miftons needs. And wî look forward to serving. you for 40 more. But~ more than anythlng, we're commited ta holping you have a Merry Christmas. If thore's anhing %ye can do ta make youar Basson special, plis ask. Drap in for yaur- Christmas- -aaou Oinifyou -led have oue, èpst drop in for a visit. 1-800-267-3277 Localinquy 878-410l3 100ONIpibing Rd. MIlton I airs at otherlissuesk "me qtoding égd safey couvains. experts mnvolved freim the conanun- Mr. Hierm néid 11e wanls 80 hma ly. ron lie laxpayem.who "itir bia On lie issue of lthe possible leloca:« autgo witterpriorities and con- lion of lie Hilton Region Museum t. outis ai. . the Martin House. Mr. Hunier %ail& lncreauîag use of technology goa i'Ye sot joule major questions I ilmprove Inunicipakerviçes tu resi- wadnt answered about lthe financial" detis a Iongelerm projeci. vmabilhy of titis befège we gel int tite Mr. Hunier aaid he'd file ta gel feasibifil> sludy Tht's.anaRher Issuez invelveli in thet echnology reviete titat will flkely camie ini thse fold oogoing in Destiny Milton, and gel soon." he said. Mr. Hunier nid he'll lie ready t0 .11 lougb quesions on bote emcitmt- ly Municipal omt'le mr being deliv- red aid if igene m beller temys. "Tie Ihxpayem lthe cme Whio elecied ie ta, moite ieyre pet- liag tair valse for lte dollars." bu sid, adding bce aise, anitl see toten couneil plu on lllon Regian and lthe reg-on 1 scitool boarts, letting tach kot ilIon tas- payera arenl8 prepared t accept qtending incease there et r. Tht Town ultinmalely collecîs t taxes fer bath goverignn levels. Mr. Hunier said die Destiny lioln planning proceis mutil continue uad ht'd flle ta laite a cloue look ait an ongoing bylate review. "Sorti of the bylmws aren'I in sync teiith currenî standards," he saili Another issue lie says e'll tie, if locai residents don't. i acac aboul the Ontario Stre crosswalk. over wbmcit 11e nid Ibere arc legiti- *RS FO A NNM I M2Ç FM :FEAST FRAT I f « CrZAI H EEPFIS, 7G4UCaES