I 'Garbage hoiEtp at Ward 1 ad~e etn LmL imq i spdgWs bonus. md wlux ka dd fur a MvW&g liem .ornt rapbmdboqo ec algd o cO ui oroiod in social wirk ai Tuaaday W"r 1 al.eanddaet 00n Pocy W. Munry Seboalt p- ite la isa 55 liftng ku." MMl aMy- Sborlal. Colilge. bol dà't con- ul énevas Ne o<gahqpe lut. Wb"e last.d mom titan thea oral cundiciate dlénn Botin&q.*r- pise u wgrn Ha.alacaïd b'a ring ta, the charge for hfunog, dllTuntly uocad m u ld a W L ~ ~ em et th tuq s uliby 25 Wli totm, coaqaunefim c" NOVIMPER i d21 ae. fr.y. aal popo hug caedidsje u givea a few of t. l due U imm OID mi duosmd Closma ~4<i Zese drgunq s nide of due rond Meaityulle .pia oa s~i Ben~~~nocolobraêLsa m eaoa in due rural ward ta avoid psyun duibe o huiltrlecni He waa responding ta coneona kt voles. ' I WdlikeIo sly lhank Youto our V"l~ Cusbmm. r- Reenve a free Holuday>loanntw Exclusive **epied-Hoiday lin filled wntl llavSed grmt oa aVOalU la 0§ £Kr Open Huse e*Reghe ta win o Hoflmacrk <3ft WrpOrganizer lilled with oïl your Chrisbnns wrapping needs - aver $ 100 ritail value MILTON MAUL 1FM Dey fine. The maxium oalny i. $5.000. Don Peu., Who i. chuilenglnno t«. Pionna md Rlck Dey for conncilo. saidi Ina appcetaccspanation foe renidenia wb" pupety valeas bam decreaaed due g t e dueiocuildamp - an issue tdm bau boau cf mudli coîvroyersy inn diewid. A NUl bonuse cf mmr lIa 200 peo- pie slemnded due méellag, .onaord by the Ontagh United Taxpayers. Thlm lut ho bkuedin couhn'a find a dui md reaoeied la standing ce rea on hancheai the a ck cf due rm ' David Lloyd, Who is nnnning for mayor. wau glie etI seye ques- nions by §de .on Sbe ukd in ta expait iis involvement with yasnth. (Mr. Lloyd has iMdcated in lis campaign th be toould like ta sec more acvities for yowig peuple lu tawn.) He saki in due pain lcetrai a cale house for teenagers ta hulp ilium stay out af trouble and ban dbaired nuny youili orgaruzations. The wam alan ssked Mr. Lloyd about hne educational background Iffl fer pompi" "MY occupatio buJoa nd nu 10 repsmoin People âAd figisi for peo- pie" laid! incombeut tUitk Day, wl. lia Mdi catate lawyer. I dinh yoq Seni Me ta kick aus and not bold budi and lIai ecgy ulu l'il do for YOU. Wards 1 and 3 public school truatee candidate. Tim Cingsbazy,. Salta Pnu*dy i Nancy Taylor mur pillant y vola nt at edeot Whno comte out of due acbool sysacm u- eue3 un"bl sa MWn eff"lnay. Ma Taylor said diu probisui i. dmu tuscitnt mce apendlag go nei [une deiling witb other situations and linos in due xboOas fle discipline and violence) diii soute cilIe alip thffoghduthenha. "The systeen is putting s anmuchp nto the eadbers. I ne wbaa', hep- pealng. Uniess the commnalnity and puen gel invalve it's flot going la work.- Calhoic scbool bard truto cun- ddles for Wuil 1 and 3 - inni huant lac Demci mnd Lieven Gevaeet - and Ward 1 Milton Hydrnq Comissian candidates Sbaron Blrey and Bill Chama. Were oni band at duuie eing. Regional Counîctîlor Barry Lee. neba was also in aleinance ba been .acclannud ta, bis position. 8-t. John Ambulance cadet honoured by govenor Milton St. Job. X."=hno cadet Pamoula Hicks re da quecial honour fr im Ontario Lieutenant, GoVernor Henry JackmaÀrecently, when shte achWcyrd dme bignest sanding a cadet can eaun. Ms H4icks eaned a Grand Priûr's Badge. wbich in.m tunleî a certificase frain Mr. Jacknnan. Tas ot>san the badge, a cadet muet complote 12 ather profici~c badge. P -TOGETHER, i heC RNER pCoin. Bring i yota OW nom for us ico puupars or choosu te Baskta C« Goo*i M ~owbetUmmI, ME