.' y *O UR-READERS WRITE =IfOp I okIng matis,. 1 mr wriuing this letter in response te cola- marnai made by RAi Kelly, edisorof The Chapimu. in the November 9 issue. 1 would initialy commnt chat Mr. Kelly should flot trace the muiialu election in such a jo&ing lTbe two commte te whicti I amn respdllding Mt in - -, - e 0My handling of the Marin Sauet issue and my allie. Fosty. Mer. Kelly dlucuses chi face of my wideb"dnz a letter frein illé Milton Down- townUneaa bqovmen Ame (OBIA) saw- ing Mher approval for cie three lances t the Townet Milton a acting in my own interes. Mi r m as withlild becausi by d tinte the letter was ready for subrussion. osany bord loenibers irdicaled a change in direction, wIîch was prov"j 10e duth case a a genraJi suenbership meeting later (bac osontb and a subSequeni survey of oseinen. ltier eventuaaosenby du DBIA totdu Town favoured manaaining Manin Street in il&s currendtîwo-lani configuration. My actions ee in due best înlerest of th1e busineates downlown and th1e conssnnty. 1 hall daolutely notini te gain fruos îeo, Une. four. or rive lailes. 1 fini il interesting tsa rosi- deM ctIa 1 bave spoken with since dm cath- 'dates meeting found my actions te bi nMost admirable, yet th1e editor of our neuspaper mmal ce ime as if 1 did soosething chat wau morcally objcctionile. , econdly. Mr. Kelly coososented thai -He', ton young for councit." In the saie brieath, Mr. Kelly riconimeuds rigional candidate Colin Best aid Ward 1 candidate ltick Day. fuse beo long-standing; aid laird woibing candidates ucie elected at ages 28 aid 23. What does tige have Io do wmi il? ln closing. I implore voter t tt~ u i record nuoshers and induan educaIý?ùtsin in dur upconung eleclios. 1 liNy recominnd ctIa Yeu watch the televîsed candidates nue,- ing lonight "i judge for yourself. As opinions and întetpretatîons may differ. do not rnake your decision based on due opinions showq in lite C/laninon. Renuiniher il is dur paper's job îo report th1e nes. flot makle ie! If elecled 1 will 11e required te resîgn froos osy j3b with &11 DBIA, and wosild tike te add cht for Msy campaign peniod 1 have taken an unpaid leave of absence firm 11e DBIA en avoid any possibility of a conflîcî of inîereci. 1 have not accepled one dollar of a canipaîgo contribuion, as 1 wis1 noduing te bloc rny sense of judgement as yo;ur counecillor, 1 ask Yeus. lios mrny alter candidates would bce wlhing Io give up their saiary rend famly niedical benefits 1te ie th1e communlîcy' . * Anthony W. O. A/hrood Cdndidat. for Word 2 ceuncIIe Ediorz ame: 7/le tact rqins M. Ait wood with/eld t/le letier in quevuion. uq'pa renib for a siibstantial length ultime against thle mis/le of lis boardl. lat the hi'uri trier /lantRod ici p<îsîtion is immateniat A, 1, i/le mrier of Mr. Att -(Wod's age - floite put toojfine a poit on il- t/le opinkin e.Apres.sed revoit es around t/le issue of exlpeiencýe toutd moturin. ,ioi chrono- hcgîca i, ge If il s an1 Co.%sIjltion. the iiihers acre Pro/la/li. troo No0uig ais ieti. R, K *more Lattera r on page 7 il 0 1) MILTON MALL H7H-6 Pi 7 THiRD S1(10 stefflmillo Nt(IY >, ilRIN £ANS SALE SAURA NO.1 INSOE SEI ,MEET Jam esL ts Sunday ? 12 Meet Kw0 of Canada's le shocing ùheir lalest wrlà excellent selection of u and sold-cut releam wll -avallable Il /MlsY\ frarned pr Spersonaie dize THE ARISIS u mbers hirley Dea ville lovember 13, 1994 Noon to 5 p.m. LIITS' also be axIra added HARROP GALLERY & RESTAURANT 345 Steeles Aw-, MIlton 878-8161 1 IýwDeicr DealDavs M nommunummu mu K Satj.u11%Y /3.~79 LTR Scruhbable Wail and 1dmi Finish DM à &=M * ccu li AVAM5 av BUONTY mmm PM"CU sdoWAIPAPE ý4,b BOKORDERS WAIPAPE off U? TO Nvew Fail Unes Have Arrive~1 p9w-mus /3.79 LTR ICE 217 MAIN ST. E. ~ s 876-4922 MILTON,' EWNRNCEA^T BACI M 1 er,