lmn Omver Pidukshr qNY ff*hPI m tl n pg;a otser Oe-'u mar, MO- m- misé Rien.. àe. . ueO . 'aFM Hc . C.opo Wit&. M& A..s - 11 . "wl r.ue aue P-*-*e. Boný 24K 191 Min St E. 1-800-668-7794 d 9 - S.nterI MeSt Oe LÇ4N9 Fan M-54943 ..o» o." AWn, 0n.e ..n.n.tebseSa Jg5 8704r~234 1 cian 7-330 l he Champion's choice:. Best for à1o o Il is beyond thse purview of thisitempper 10 wcek's alk-andidates meeting. Nt wa.sfoethigIn, offer compreliettsive analysis of al] tie candidates analytical. flot afraiti to be outspolfnt. ruruting foe municipal 15ositions in Miltonyet WC Wally Huier bas tendered a greal deal of lime feel a responsibility to' project views on certain to bus neigbbourhood in opposition of a subsidized race. given use degree of familiarity euth citvum- housing peoject. and han demonsteated abilities stances and candidates. liduat would serve him eîl on council. One of lte Mayor Gord Kramtz should be reumed o~te fSw clanging noteff to date was bis refusai, ding based on bis tract record, commitment. and e fr lmt eeks debatte. t0 sce tie logic of declaiing a ls substwia resurnes offetted by bis opponents conflict of interest in tise Pigment and Chemical cisen il cotmes to municipal poliltics. conteoveesy given that the Royal Bank as bis ibis isJâcely Mr. 1.anti's last n for bis posi- employee. Titis lapse in judgemnent doe flot out- tion Wihu csreYfly seeous compettfos. Wlsen weiùi, cuerently, hit. peeceived attributes. Me. lise tinte contes, tise choice may be more difficuit. Hunier may wel be a elome couneil addition. Il is no(t now. Frank Wilson miay have shot himself in tise foo Colint Best bas our backing in tise race for thse last week with a suspect Yemark warning of a Ward 2 regional counceil sent currently helul by cbanging etltnic maire-up in Milion eheit tise pop- Brad Clements;. ulaton booms, despite wcli dtbogJt côt positions Mr. Clemnenu is a man who displays compassion on othser matters and s genuine presence. for lte lesu fortunaite and who bas, on occasitt. Whatever Me. Wilson nsay have méant, it could be shown courage as an advocate for ltem when it constr] as hsving riaunaI undertontes and tise * would have been politically expeditiouti ta, remain remark. made in isolation as it was, speairs 10 çilentL He ýs, as weli, a man deeply comtmitled 10 questionable peopeiety. politics; in Hiton Region. 1- M. Wilson wss also ecccdingly difficult lo pin Yct bc bas not proven to be peevalerwcenotigb down for media interview scbeduling, whics polîtical force at lte règîonal levcl. where Milton speaks to bis organizatianal abiliîy. We musit stop 11s under-representet wâit only tbree corflos short of ap-ndorscmenî. alttogh thte canjid4itte is WHallon Hîlîsin comparison,hbsfive). N bviouslýan independient ltinkre wtth initiative. M. Clements bas sisown in titis election %m- Asthioný Allwood acted in bis employer% inter- paign s quick wit and somiewhat 'combufive pos- ests whei tbey weeen't bis own, then bis own sue ltai would bave éieeved wrll aitie regional when tbey cereni btis employee'%. That's a judge- leveS. Yct it bas nol bers so mucb ' n evidence ment mistake. Hie sisoulti have resigned bis job ibere. He bas trouble gisîng voice to arsieslatçIy instead. He's too yotmng for counicil. fonned opinion no matter lte deptit of hi!jeelng As 10 lte remainder of a full situe of Ward 2 can- b hence it is oftcn difficuli to sec where be didates, pick at youe leisure as you sec it, geitle stands. Consequently, bis ability io influence teader. Ail arc likely gond men. We endor.e Me. debate and eventsis limited. Chaflinor. Me. DiPalma and Me. Hunier. Mr. Bess is to sainte estent winning titis enderse- tocumbents Ron Parik anti Art Melanson are fine nient by default given Me. Çlements' peneivedI citizensi bot have bato somcwbat pesipheral in at limitations. yet ce know Cotanciloer Besi to be an, least lteir publie political farce. T'hey mut taie estemely serious and bardwoeling representative. liseir chances witit Bob Moreau, Ray Stepisenson Altisougis Mr. Beu as well bas al limes Ëison a 'andi Graeme Barrow. disçoncenting itubility 10 inf1ue=se bis counicil 4-1 'in Wartl I we endorse Brian Penmmri and Ricir Ic' = mi~ges.feel - sady giveis Mt respeo for the My.~ Thcy ýaveVtrove track reco"d. Mn. Penman ( oiljsMr. Clements bas offereti - the rime m~i a leader in nmms forntns wlset ha e u0o exer- tome for a change. y'cise bis intellectual autistsity. Me. Day bas taken In Waisl 2, wc give a cautions nod again to John bis cpouncil woerk more seeiously titis teeni titn Ihailinor, a counicilloir aise neyer show up unpre- lut. Candidate Don Pelz is nmning against a"u paredl for a mteeting. Would tintý qà dwekg Wluf a cetuy of political experience andi two veny man coulti only oveecomn hi elpe. It caumseahaep mndg. l'seem ta ai Ibis point o eason to him, as oldi supporter quiedyjnod.sany noted deatet tie ascumbenia. I&Qtweéi,to vauh ito outiug wWtiàt is notaun In Ward 3 eeould be desghlte Brce approptialle lespouiae. Abco. Mr. OsfINwr shoms a Attenorm*gl bocir ou couicil. Mr. Attenborough prediloection for poUies]àoiuzatio by isaiing ta a perse of Mffity, dwsacte andi cmnpamao agalt tie federan d provincial fovetnnaemis te Bots Marion Howard tunti Gsrry Brooks are' lim In die raunicipl coancil forium. Ibis libeti- intelligent comtitd public servnt. We Jnsst eis ta divye ideological wedgea belweent nmunici- Me. Huniniipzeould bc a weg. pal M99mmuaita. - Mr. Brooks aonse*irie misse tise forest for tie Yet ha lu always adivancedi positions Cloquent- trest in h4i coumsil coté. i w ould mppemr. &M lus ly, mdepdis¶d generally fot¶seghIsIy. He lus t"e at tintes gitreaitp on ad~ ides toc easily. Yet ha his reapooatbility aetiously. We woulti have sei> cois isard Imdi dentonatrmsa real euie aind prets- stantial ecsevtiona abou giving ML Cisallino ec in bis consmuuiity. mor political powee - bigle office - wtlcss ha Ms Howard my chiait municipal as mie shows sorte aigus cf overcoming bis ensotiortal hmna id. but ade lu nt huait a major focc aRin difricultbea. But in titis Pluie and nt itis limàe ha enougi n couticil deWae. Yct se tao toila effec- basnobfleti hie keep. . tively for ber consdRtruimr bhm annowhlivc We endorm Jet DiPalm a weiL MCDiPjm idemn appmi toe à aring individsi ci mtilim Loost1 de Mt is choop' smugq Iles.e Coed Popl in tise coatmuukty. aise perfofmui cll la lau l fctmt oie infhin- -Coàmentary . A personal perspective rrlte setfland choicesgae W to rt sWd 2 iteadsç o lise .1r.. pols Monday. Front one who bas itent a me five moniss observihg thse local scene. anti anendei last weeg's only Ward 2 ail caindidates meeting. here are sorne Gord Krantz's 29 years' polîsicai experience is dauntlng in te mayor'. racé. He knows the town. the tisses - and lit job. tlowcvee, Mr. Krantz wvas eihee n.sty or nappngis le failcdl t0 cornte across as well as bie ws dresseti as last week's meeting, Setmgi tise figurative "oo for a 1oo-letiy speech. He soiced confidmnc abdui being re- elecied btcommilbent iotasbase growts. andS savings poientiai with single tier wastemnanagemett, but cscaped co-oersy by noCjurmphg tmto tdm fay on questions siso ai municipal counicti candidates. .Opponeant Glenn Dotnng apoke wel. bat lthe Candidate who rose aitove public contoversy and a court crisis facing his fandly. meeely taiked a lot about the ne4 for growi and leadersip mquired by lthe mayor. Davidi Uoyd, the other mayoralty candidlate, donned a suit and oied bis long bai, bockr, tlsçn spoke in a wanm. fsrezy.way about bis longtitne bonne of Milton. Obii he was sofi on facts as he advocated preserving lthe downtown ares, a dlean-up of Pigment & Cisemical and môre bail diamonis. The choice is mucb tougiser for tise ward's regional council seat - pettalps tltemntsi difficuli of thse elecîton. Colin Beat and Brati Cirments aie both iongsinse, respected couniciliors. Botit were clear os thair stands lasi week - Mr. Besi favourlng smali, ininm growih, Mr. Clentents ssyisg efforts in tisai direction are a waste of titre. Howeser, boiS ntay have shown tisa substantial political expenience by failittg io, taire a stand on tise nexi potentat coniroversy brewing in downlqwn Milton - John Manin House's sublabiiity as tise Hliton . Region Museumt site. Bot are on lit nmseumn feasibility study comnte boteever il sppeared ioyalty mo die conaninee ouwetgsedtie neeti for lthe direct unsent sougt by lie public Ifone wuloolig for a Candidate supportive of a spectqc stance, befote lie issute hkey blows open next spring. to wbont would one tati? ME. Bet certminly domes bis isomnework. Me. Oeent bas an old- scisool aan d manner dite people motea to Wos. Bois know Mille,. Tht wrter leave&die choioe Io votent. Munlduu esamjis Enter lie 10 munlicipal cua1dn ali coqedq for a nan loir maanmd dieus oftiet incumbenis. J"i Clullinor diint 8 te nt Io lm wo.k's aui cmsidmue' Meetinsg for .bmi rebns, but o une couli yeme bien ofem knowlag bis M& ior bavlag de dm for the job. ie'd ha à &Md ciie. Wally Humê la m imalgent. a*i- Voatieos (W Millin Who bui à -m dmt bit *mn defedin -oa . enfebm iw. ,aicp co cil m d arntakrm t Bomma adé lhi lmd its igss & Claeal, but be's sudl wes Im DiPain qieke fii.iy of- AaaaoeaHe moud stbcaMW m ., 1 ftor OnVmaaaM m MW Setumudn by *oem m.l COU euau eà,n specal interest groups. drives Ton decises. He drrw a haad on local issues and local dollars. not bal prionuties for a local couillitur. For a fourth choice. the weter bas two optionsý Fr1nk Wison contes actos% as a consmon sense candidate wlth gond business sense andi a soliti backisone. Despile n&bui ng lie facis,. ha diii conte doser tian commtuncilunttttt. who are piivy Io cer*akeleea discussions, in siuing op lthe Pigmnt & Citical issue. However. iss com5ment about geowth binging ethttsc change 10 Milton. whule ,ilmstic. cel have been a step beyoei lie "eam of pliltical coreecustess. Telng heui for bis imp5lication of Ron Fueik'v.potertial coitifict between bis counscil and teat etimejobs, Mr. Wilson said. "I cuit # dhe way 1 tee il" Hie coulti add spice to rouncîl. If you swayeti away fron Mr. Wilson. you coutl look en Grume Barrow. Thse rtewcoter, cisc spears deeply anti slowly. sites up situations cittout fear of jumping ino th ie fine on issaes. Anothar possible citoice. Fise opto.sa tinfottmaely tbai's ai eady rive options to I four available seais. but reielers sisouuti look at everyone to' mare their ocit ballot choices. Here are olisers csolfailet 10 ieke my top four. Aniisony Ailco sti on leave from hts jotIas. genensi mnager ofithe docntown Mlihon Bssiness. lmpts)vemenl Ares tBIA> Wigh soueS piatfoemis oq preservin; lise docooc. improved commnunication and aceosntabiliIy. ha rssed rmy eyebmcw whan hasaiti ha wîithaiti a letter fromn bis employer Io lthe Town advocattng tha Martin Stiuei plar~eause lie cas personaly opposetii. You raV'i play both sides of thessue. aiso queslioned an implied shotcbutgng of tisose needing affordahi housiog as Me. Mlwood said radier dian "em of townltouaes*". low tise buildings would use lm lnd Incuinhen Art M4elansons fortlagbtnes abot Milon being overplmed mnd bis asing tdsa lie f0anas future Miay bedcal by Initer ~iidltlm, wu i*abitg front a longlimme coucilia, He does'tuaxpac lmott-tenn gr ad qeu go fcIm ndowntoan road ats. Me. Malmeas. oef.oid hm beea m vocal te commai md mm active on lieMartin Sirot lan. [cittm Roon PatEr IIIIIIduuuif à quiti woew wb ai ys eutoie une- ligi. He tm dite Rdsnl hml lUInter lMq is hMYV ctydatu M o rllcthuce nbrmdmmjebmd Comma nu. Bal fia.t ova penIpecdwve lia 1rm lainctmai . , ,se beanc ou the qmltprolhe. ANdiu*i fay SNtqilo. ulvocata meénolldite lt opuadeg in a vauu. ltinsynoebitait my. ne Morau wamt W lied Iopu W -i qiàlfmu e