Mayor Gord Krantz says he runs tight si @ A O â .M,. iCumz attra te some dasap- nsasy ofl du Grier AMwÀrng Wts cdu, mm ilical- ce. lie';been an apold sn 1 me Qiri~l~,polin ts along ise seay, sucb - Trnoasn 's nonlaiag le do ly etilediuns Io hibigbo a $1.000 Rallierai Conservation Anîisonty, &is nese reglocal dump i.n Milton. go uaa gos GTA a, Io be issue "bi a si million ise Mr. member over 20, yejus. à pal-i Sfier 29 years in political "Yon Wein Sem, Yen le pome." bi dIl plmmd," lue Irantz said. "Ti s' s e sl ieiinradi u ef. office, 57-year-old Gord admals. but -e seid-en recsfing bo- Politdaas bi sud. e ieb vision. aidi gOvemmsm" i si hile lise dent t ie irgislrs' Associtio Su iis â -Ü Og d ha ga hMi onein ofcmiiia uay. goaer av op Mid déhi Towen Is ran pret i llly. ait of Ontario. Hels been presidento isenl flgbî ail liewa i e po M% ouiil duan do1'dnt.mind and maepoiin change Ie alsesys poor judgement c lis and MUion's Fusllai League. 1 Mitron November 14 t0 relais bis jobs ltfidingop 8Wbeisg coie keepý comu es1k Ibis vibrant white lie anemoip gobc tble c h be o om re an Milsns ayorlisajob~ ~ Yet aasslipeno~iawae andgood irelend tobe pe t. Association of Police Geyerning 14 years, tise longest reilegn, s'iked people bul 1ails noet utg" MilIeu. whici bail sa00 popula- Fatiser te îseo, sied grand hiec me Asîhmnicsor Onlari darecir and Mill,,s s137-yew hlslory. bi sai. admitting nri lise 1960t. is six, Mr. Kranîz believes - nayor he's served çiser 20 yens.wih Dot the edes cf seven children in a speech an hi& iseading ne one of shosld belp seutle local pr blents, Hulon's Cominunity C5redit Unesn. Miles Heigis, nia fer front Nassa- weddisng 36 years more Ihas 80.000 givt evtryntýesay but en gére the And îhough be knoas ilb jolie es gaaeys's noan ligi, Mr. ICcanîz caits agoe ne aife Olive byeiyn u2v rca esingtbge n ih Mao caî i I n u' l Milton hom.e. - a S 0 i enluey. Mr. Irantz As mayer, Mr. Krantz as aiso social function. lue va». "A comai Widsne aimle ubs b lsred hoselsaud accotnpanying bees a Halle,, regionai cou, lier and nigy leader should be ieuly inîrsd KratzFuls flr erkngoit I iSO Mrconcerns, real and Milton Hydro-Electric ce ission- and 1 crally a" yeus in a reiaged isdustry and open- Kraote. eyed the lboiait. "The commsniny, a ilI change andts chne n anî ne b part or have a say." said Mr. Krantz look- îng te Oakvilie ahîch as iold by the courts how ie avould grec. -I 'Leaders have to stop bave ne intention and think aWy iake, of le"Ing thul hup- pen rr ssch as il provision for change did ini Oalcville,7 lu voasý to kSepconununities Public sd pri- 1ic .ii Ibra valr plârinerships is like tis ant a sea trend Ihui's and good' s bcmna reauiy. Mr. Kranîz .............. let', ne ihle need Mayorfor such pagner- MayorGord mntz ship in oeder le get. as hie caîl' them, anal bis company neccesafully foi iseo decailes belote selling il te lui, fililtie attention e due niayor'u Mo inl1awÊs in due days absn decisions acre ade id barber shops and on stret cotisers, gîhai Mr. Krantz firsi bucagne a Milnon ceeniculer. He uaid bie'd bees, "spouning off" in s barber shbp alun songeone challenged hume Io stek eieciion. "Tht glove was dropped. 1 picked il sp und bere i am 29 years luer. Mr. Kransz is baing challesged ibis eleCliOn fer due mayer'ç jobs by iwo neseceners. Glenn Boîting snd David Lloyd. Bui lue suid lue cemsette- bers wbsi eleclions acre annual aid the aniosphere an lite being in" counsnt election." MiliosVs mayor descrilus bamstlf as a figisier. "There arc e nnasy ihingn l ever back aay freont. To .s a cliche. ahen due going gels meugit. - lIe Ceugl, gel going." Iroimcally, a Milles prepares for snpeedentedl greanis. Mc. Kraniz admits iî as lack dit groanis' in Malien ihlai first spurred huin te rus fer councîl. "hI cas ont ef the things ihal gos nMe eltcied. Milton cas stagnaning in lbe early 6lOs," lu expiained. A big supporter et pnivaîe rsirrpri., Mr. KCnt said bi lites the Toas ie cen lite a business. And white ssccessful in general. mayor's chair. idefeatisg incunt- bunt Don Gordon (but net by niuch), shertly afier the adveti of regienal gevemmnn in the mnid-1970s. He unili litens regienal geversns Io "*an adolescent" .-ea- iug and maturin g te age 20. Mr. Keanîz sad Mlte,,'s diversii 'and its resideois' lack ef coaliin issues cas more pronounced Ibert iban'new, Looking d it.M Kraniz sud.ild alhe as the captýa'nr of a sbîp. Somelimes the ship lists and goe aay but il bas soid' l've lie,, ai nhe ahi geing te.'- Ht added seems a iilefolsy." He peedîcts resgl need fer a film, h@Wd foresees Milton as a s5 ils tTi"T oid le that ahite el and il's non I. "1 ksoa ihat h seus asd the ailîhealseel. He suhurban cern- the 'big pipes" le Milien alloaing for increased aer seCrvicing and groanh I "1 tliWn yosi'I sce mirof-a hsusi-I ness appreacs $han a socialîîj appeoach, (Ie goversenI)." saad Mr.j Krantz. neîing a blg-daueaeff biten waiits and neeis fer sersices j Atee ' for thee' htMillon asd District Hort' acsltural Society i4 conîinsing ans annual Irte planina initiatives -nvolvîng local students I Tise erganîzaîîen Ivîll match i of students aIme raine motuy te ve a grec planaed on uchool by denating ubother'le. dc iahave planied airein 1994 aiss te be considered in If'UI tie p r 'eu( should caîl Roberta PwI,. Robeaisil878-400by Nov. 18. eFabsdgss. Viws V IEFOR 0- - ê à LIEVEN I 2950 IGEVAHATI$' IALTONI0 SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE NOVEMBER 14TN, 1994 WAR9. 13 MLTON -. i "GOO0 GRIEF" Underst mling your lous. A WORKSHOP Speaker OHN K. SAYNOR Date: hursday, Novtisîber 10, 1994 Place: ugh Foster Hall lime: :00 pi until 9:00 pni J ohn K. Sa for isve ~'ny experienced in the field of bereave ent counsçlling. John is the author of several books su£ 'Genesis, Saying ;odye edli a Four Letter Word' etc... John Esalicense F ne ra 1 Drector as Anglican Mîniste He Es presenjly cabrd1nating a hereavement reso men &4putc5led «Genesis". Th,.s w".ic op Es open, for arfYonge interested ,la, rrtending. Fa further information please cail MCKERSIE-KqCHER FUNERAL HOME at (905) 878-4452.