Double-A novices had Owngevil iMy seconç lms 0f tkeyearï .g gaony -ppa bsn. W2-OUa Ompmm d4-2 patiaiAluà i. mmodàrhu LA ini bwaiL Dals WM atm a David Sa" bsÊama,. aboir bouge gin.. W M&aneal tu stramon bifor, à "- ,bàory I .w mnàaaaa 6-2-3 mm cloun 4-Ou m in "pmod 1 Graie Coan O*ldm u upelb. Aý on mm ysa in 9 3 oer- SI Clilbe TW at could la»oea. Mians pmed on s a 2- lbe édiualea Adn train making a ke> save uîth lb. min- hae nsly beau "- one six werh Okli n palsbt> ZacNMariai and Salltan mphed Arienb> ,ahg nie% temauma in the gàae SdI.p VRe t ouever gîta gosittadang b) the ('aue Aoàm mitt Mo Vema anmd b.ack uath two goals in sthe sond Defencemtn jeif Nà*n mudKm i fli. r puma @«Vf pposion « atue solid parfrn ait ." Carroll dtawing u.%îtt perod MIcNaaer dioveil<n a là on m Depeisnm Wercoctrihuled b> y ng j nmora Bel> GlSanw m sanailst tatîhen kethis d m e gwoasl edge in baranlisi frain Hoape n id Voyait. iap lte Acion formard% mile a dte Dut eHad- - Marlutiag AA nut imieul i goal" la bct lois Ie the fut-piord conilq actai 0 45 of and tien %% ts %ka4eloo k à pa.. othe(end of ttkWco Rab Ocaolt ;id or Pm*aSl famd Otff éIns BDtu (ieoegcîown. as lie tropped mac> thetird pera-od Deapîle sarons from tals Tieleanai Io mitei 4. Mai Funncli c.aused baser for-I ion for theer second regat seasofi poe bi de<ewce on the pan of goàaie ledit 2 1sCit mmig MdINIaIM .el-ftwu ua Vers. Bmion. me as trwee Chiappano. Mail Craig. Kevan ton *cnt anme ,hok in rite damaI %liton tol a pnaî uIo àom scorug delmre bord dowa i-0 wbi Thomas Hosltia Spahici. Jolie Maishal nid Chrîs pen) tirr Muf ro an %at dit i le il naes lfit in lte gante winh Acioum Treor Salahas nagnf-t for acoee after ritravaag nice pisbes Wallonf. Ekwa mau "l tI rit the up .look uds.aniage of ti .core the mis, Malie. stoppat '- of 26 dmu i a front Travts Van 1onnmd Jaune garie 2-Z Vitan tiwals hmd, th on'ff .noe flarlaieiefort Howdma Dosai 3-1 mnl du ar pen- ' n fmen, die Ducs 1N Dent, sil pa the gtsalar frott MlcM.a.ler atad ' A gîcti combw fur the Malto e lâcided amm&i dicte .w o&T Rol fck Nadla ,.W a e"sa troo ýa math a 3-2 siaor)e >adaan Sittt and thenà a aamute line-r pl.asang ihear fagiei laocke> to NIw Outiarlit hitahama> "f m lbr net asaai by Jiaita Mamuagelo W_ Vaenin oçxad tht elion scoratg Malt lecmdt pokedi n the reboauril tir tht. secan the dard peama w9m th score al the final restaI cfI-I Tht lot Million toat mS scered on a Primer play ib, Jason Ford.* assisted! hy Durirk Lie id Jao Spenm on defence. of pmetseulmr am e uth Malton tavelled te Si Cadshaws for mhg nal ;to tieu bercand mm- Md duos$ "Wmied oui Weil amam m dway opcdp à3.0 lendby the sax -miue mita of diei fin ped Ale dia. diea i wu il St Caulime, and when m duo had btael Milton wu on dit wmng end of 6-5 score. L.eading the way oifensively for Milta were Derii Bane sud Duuui BoMmk mids a goail and two aints ecd. Jm Ford daigçed m math Iwo goalsand rte lie amuir mu pot- nid by l'ai Pagtê Gibe asisis went tei Mike Leihuman Kevan tieffron, Bnman Kerwin (2). Mattheu, Brown am Chai Meni toogh en &tom Tie Best Pack&pnwlut Rein-A- Car maj oron AA teamn suffered Girls VMIO"bl Mc(eiza-int~ 2 1 8 cbint 1ma 2 1 7 CeeSaiW 2 5 SaIirr De2 5 .y0(VolIeybaII W L Pte Cvsnnaa 3 0 9 McK@nzia-Smtii 2 1 7 sorti arrall 2 5 sti@ -mi I 1 4 W.1. Dick O 3 3 H.J.M. Majo Curling W L a" eltlotu 2 0 m.Ctlçp 1 0 DuitaiDs[Nb 2 1 Ken nsuff I 1 1111 Jig 2 aubCia'y ¶ 2 G11111111Ge 1 2 "Pl~,AO and (psm Young t ntoatanmtet>. mati Miltoti psebsing deep an the Brampton zone. ai emp> a selga aald lbr Braiqaion ma The scorial dremaglt didia1lima long. houerai, as the trip te St Cttharatas sadic&td The 9-03 min wàmu heaffgp offensive explosion Ofe lbyen. Tbht of Van Loaaec Houtahain aid Homalon xcounltd for s gula aid a tota of 15 poins on dit agis Vai Loclamt skud riest. scohtng four goalsanmd addaig ont astatt Houlan pîmytil hie astal boush. avgeiaave gai. acerang amide Md adalng thtoe misait.. uhale Houdets wmi airons crp »Il clomn the left mis. aftai on riv grille. Aealiem iCul"ud on a couple af naftY pIAys. acoreil tmiêe muile Paual Pedialla scoreil a sangle Md hâi an assaie Aidias one elni tada for lbs min- tit wre Zack Cùsba, kif Thoas, Ryun Haller mdar Mastrungelo, AM-ugt n- 4 -uth -m1 ni goal it mai soli tiaey for Btly Gleed tri moit tevermi goud saie. te pire- serve dit sittoat %h aea0ot, recat for lb tta nom stand a six utns ad diara lisu. Tmtckrm tldie tough Orainglerîll Flyers A 4-2 vitaey for the Grand Trais- port AA novices mas lbmir second of lbe year Ovr Prt Orangevalle Flymr. parnicularly itipressuve consmtkriitg Il as Meieveil te be titu only tua las. The garnir fewtued 'tarral trenten- dous Laves hy Kyle Gocrz in lte Malien net and lue goals b> paatyl (Je) Tend. Has finsi mas assasltd hy manger Derek Blanchard anal lte sec- ond by defeneman Jonathan Rein Thetam courlis on lbe de.ermina-, taon of Ad"n Rui ad lby meuent diaappoinied. He mdded a goal uth help front defenceman Barry Kosmalsi mil utager Jeshua Wageami. Michael Novak added a si uanui n-ar lkm ma lb dard perle an ai Iuat b> Tend. Im di mov tastem ta e 6o-2-3 A brce-gam rond rsadieftîtedl em"gi for lbc Dm 'N Dents amer thiougt te steand period Jol<i StrIigPer puie »m.) front SPuduidi and 48 stcomls Liser. Seese Harding trored illâht moui prose te bc tet The Medtc, '. ouisra a Aithar ama recorded a .-1slte iardang tuhe lblit-teici.. -cort tfwmce unasmii. ac ilittn beli frein Carroil for lbe tiré Suariger riatdidl eth aler goal mhal.Garen Laiton eatied relb aatiut. Touo h i.*i fer glea deapète, »Mo flapla>. l'ie Malie Wallace PMnia Beac tuner mmn A euntffeued a par of Im e spal- sanie very fine Pli> In Arthur, Milton fell kbanil 2-0 afiner lbs flanw pnei d mate ualing 3-0 laie te lbt second ukin Crut i4odgsen "a a $ata frt' the poti te put Malion on the scoreboard. Arthur scored &ain mn the thard before Mlon dectdue ta, an lbe Halfuay threugh ste t hird. Steve Vaiain pumiýtS eema lbe ptpelà an a Pans frott Atimw tu cMtw mnd then got ha, second of rte evtoâng jusi tue minutes Inter an a rehetaria front Rob Petheiik te hrioMlttan ta mîthin cmi goal Wtth 28 Necotts tell ani h» gtte. Mmlton pulled lbar goalte for att etira ait.cker. but gave upu anmpty net go" t trialn the gante waith a 5-3 lots ( w F.nore Rep Hockey stories check the Weekend edfiaion of Girls, would you 1"k ta, play basebal? Think of the fun. The Milton Girls T-Bail and .Rookie Balf Association la going to deveop a Girls Baseball Leaoje forth" 199 seaso. LevelT~ 1 11 Girls I Aged 12 <1 Leve 2 GrlsAt-i1 -15 Parents: If you are interested or would like more information please contact: AL JAAMESON 876-239 C14ARLES LESKUN 87845W DON WILLIAMS 878-001 HAY#E PUNI PLAY BA8EOALLI THE MYSTERY CONTINUES - ~IPU~BMIBIA.up. e U .SE. CARIs_ SPEI 1» l ary mm £a. W lui ",lm LaI w