Town aiming for tax freeze peoras fuiryouthad 15to 19 Howeve, were incluided. hotwever Mr. 'Mc Queen says m"'te- - Pof Aity -w tarpet wiIl be a bdgý' vw. T A M 'great challenge' av ANOILA BLACKBURN The Champion Tbere wasn't mach talk as councit- lors directed Town staff te draft a 1995 operating budget wîth no pro)p- ~ u nraeMcuday. et Tow's ýdeafi operating budget will cone befote councit on Vaten- tine*s Day. Febniy 14. Ont Monday, tise outgoing counictt merety rubber-stomped a staff rec- ommendatibn te freere property ttaes as a target. flue Town's drafi capital budget 1,. e"pc~ sconer. on Januarv 13, and two nîgis bave been set astde for discussion of project prîortties. ianuary 24 and5. , May be aap & Towun treasurer Jiru McQu*en called the mrotée te bing forssard no property tas increase on thse operat- ing Wiget agr&mat challenge. 'a *If tbts target %butd cass e e e vervictng gale foi any tosu peat. tisen staff wuitl provide cournctt wits a listing.. n prtortty order of expendi, tures requtrd tu overcotue tise gale, aloeg sAis the tas împaQt." b report- Cd. This es something sue sisoutd ail endorse heartily. 1 comrmend Jiru j McQueenî for vtartîng wit Il zero percent incre&se and 1 bhteve ibis is tise fortinner i6 our thîrd c-onseca- tive year wtth basîcalt> a zero per- cent increase. lits omctitng sue cati lie proud of,* sid Ward 2 regoe Counctltier Brad Clements,. Ward 2 Cotincîltor (colin Best .î'ked if additional liîsure sersice% î et Barrister & Solicitor '4iuite 301 205 Main Street- Milton, Ontarie. 876-4656 FAMILY LAW à DIVORCE a" 4bn IN-TOWN & RURAL Goodiets Green Ginger (P) Sears White Rose fflCULATION) DEPAMSNT: 878-2341 - a m ~- - - Lmii tees As pan of buis reporit. Mr. McQueen looked to bcdh positive and niegative influences on the uepcomijpg budget. Tbey i,,ddd -Tihe Town's 1994 bttdget for tegal fees was bumped up from $65.000 tu $120.00) &~o outtanding ' tîtîgaîbon. a budget staff hopes to - Existing debi servicing charges TqoWI use reduced by $52.100 next year TmmTme but 54,11 be offset by new deht revenues, is expected to charges incurred con a nets tire truck. stmgbtty in 1995 over 1994 and ibe Town«s sbarc of the Canada/ assessment growtb for 19 Otutarto Infrastructure prograatr 1994 s, expected te u bcmisrù - Councîl pvlicy mandates tbat. thse one percent or S $300,00)) cf any annual surplus bc rsw taxi dottars. carried forward to thse next year\ý - Next %car. ihe*fown wtt budget. bowever Ir, McQueen re- cagis tep aboutL $40.1)D te r ported the surpIu.s. to date. es falng provincial rutes on processtn short at the $81,000) mark. More 111IN. nt rectte financial statements witl be - Prograni changes were Il resîiewed before aosurptss report potenttat co4t impacts on ne cotnes forward in December. budget. in particutar nets e Bulding actiy and asoiaed e. diUDdET onpull OPRESSE r: P-N.,~ Corne l Coevisît the Tie~rs, Couears hnd other exahic animais tn the Milton Mai frorn Thursday, October 27 to Saturday, October 29. If you felI real brave you can aiso have your photo taken wîth a IT>e for a sifttai fee. Corne talk ta thie animal traîner for ttmes and cosis. *IMD~IN r*mtui~v~ lapfsrn Pumpkin Osrvfrtg Conlait on TOR 20TH Iafdsae ee2 esrs old. 200loo Soigmnl: 1:00 pm lut~ ~~o M,~ S2.O U a imed»k COTM C NE S LOO FO** ASINTEML mU&t.ayOMuiiha Mtole P& à 5OWt~ c PTE CMLOAWM auff *pravidis Iia for cluildtert alto Viil e Stor WpSS b ym iodosjrgi~sarat*n catM". Watctt for the Omapg poster tt fi m u dmi oeieo=Us~.U ri-i the ets str ow te aMMothsI #y are CcîautêO~nituPrM OnSloooeaa I pttilpal s -ie M In Celebration of Ford's 9Oth Anrmversary' 24-Carat Go1d M*ed Emblem & Badgtng at No Btra .Charge *For ongir 6M a month. dlisee ç » uftnt* ln as*oblls . kuxw% rUs m'o mdsllne 0 camio "My. MM Ou cbage Lasgtersatng ABS Bealea CFC-Free Air Condgmoeng %MMi Powee Dmc L.cdca & Widows Autatto Ctit Contlrai 1a t t Wr agpsw d s tae n kier oe S u t & P ow er L u r f vileu Reole <y6solwnaed