i .1 I lui ~' 1~ --f. Fail Spectacular. ESCARPMNT RVm>x Weloom toi an excefllent buy. Solid three-bedroon, brik bungalow on juat undefr an acre plus oni town water auppily. Donl mlle aeeng tis onle! Rea Siow Ron op 89,500 APPLE MILL FARM Beauflhiy ree::ef Caa -n WffO large neuf wkg and coach house aet on manicured grounde wtth mature treea, pool and pond on 109 partit, wooded e, ru. bamt Cam lig ulnter, ui0 Roi 'e-a PýW Emmée IlImmmsL $750, TRANSFRRE ?V/nIUW Cao accommodai. a 30-day closiog on th% fovel 2-"e&oSe homeý Freahly decuratad oea bruadloom. kitchen raceoilly rarrodalad à rfa, footing, nm huier. à catral se Ne moi. merla faori rumm a #nehd aemr Four 2-pc botta R&E4Ax uvan ReIy C.P. $1 64.9mA a-ati epilf Uouomg. flremd. F rom. livin Ir, ~ hdo ow kâhu %sisi pIoI l ato. - mmlt New aIt- dom, C' IL toefa III veeel e oieu uto - bf ~~~Yriec 36#900 au N.- -- '- r *~-.'. '-* *-r0- ~ SCARLETT'S HOME RAvrk Wnding eaarceq es the local point of W f h,s beautiful etreculrve home. Fe4fures incfuda Hof llywood kitchen wrfh commeo flors. farrny moom wf h fi-ao.torlag badroomori Lowe, levi has 40-foo roc roomr afrwe at o mlf I oed tour nofabSol wharr you oeil me for mg 1he defaila iEmmwmRyp etri 254,900 DAYS OONE BY -KWfflMY Uo offen &Nl the mode coer-eenceao ut oday wf h herd. mod flors . mein flouf famdly rouer. centiymes. French doms, pochaf domr, dream kitchen. prof essioooly lanocaped frount andboc an ou59,9 grag CaoI Carole ludwlortfi, e7B777 $ RfE/MAX Mulfunne RaalfyCorp. 5 1 0 LAP 0F LIJXURY This fuourous honte displeyo t he f inest in agl wOufcmenal and qualfy construction, teifre modem greaur houa.l folcfen, maimnch principal roura rnclodiog à âeray, IMw0Y bedruonr wfh a btelouoy local ed in a seeact neigh- buflood Flya -0R"E» .ýt $369,900_ OREOIJS ENNisCARE WOODS ESTATE This humeait Son 2 lovaety acres in Enminare W-odb .10h a clee MWe ut Surroondng ffllawd*.AW=r. 3,000 #q I feafurngi a drear 101che0 .r laechad ah oW>. nafry. buitin Chêne Clml Aapfb,eca plm* a cozy eCoMM.oy Co af «t Syef a C a. i- Sumey ufa adra $429, 0 coiorinieaeaeRde Cm*b.Ira humi f-wy 401 Set on XWuof va 3 ocenlc acres, fMl homte Mteu res a lunnaf iN rouer and dmmig mcm, cuatomn uok kWmfe. hnm roc. ruomt àa tabulous indooe pouf. RE« ftwn Rok ý. 419,900 UMOWiNq FAMLYT A home youol lova. apnffculousty cared for Soerecenf c le window,. e.a. auffi. oeri- f raIa.cw rfnfJm bload=.e, Oak Maing helfNonr, ai r clamant. deck, Large beamifl 4 ber rho meprf forl Ph. mma . l 9, 0 Thia ylalrfittal e ettv MM teaturea 4 large bedrM, luIt! aflaI tu h meale bedroom.i large ont-in kltctren overlooking famlly rmm r wttr frelace large nlcay lartdecpe lot berlea aree irfmcuWis I e a double-car garage, mafe-floor tamtly roomn wfth firepfilil, large upgraded Motfioen, méfiar bediroom anit a more. Backa ordo park- Rm4BmIwwpwcn 1224,900