Are you fed up. with rending? SIf youlre fed up with tenting and have alw aaied a borne you cauld cali your Il- but thought the chance was just beyondti s ap de sa eoAomlc fascta - you should knaw tbat the tErne lias nevel been heu ta traite your dream caur nie. A combination of Iow luierest rates and a retura ta Mag a#fardable pncea ishbelping in make il possible for countles Canadians ta enfer thie excîtsn wodd of houe ownership. SwzprisingIy a% il mpy sound. you'Il find <bat thge cats of owning a home, in many cages con be substantially Iower or compara- ble ta <hase of renting. And, if you stait looking now. you an4 your finfily will probably haabe:ta maya .n die spring and enjoy your hom ah nor and out durisg the summier montILs. If you're rager <o buy, but have conceros about.the stability of youT job. a job loss mortgage insurance program called ALWAYS HOME is avaitabte ta, hetp give you an extra baost of confidence. Anractively priced and, extremety compre- hetasive, this insurance witl <akl care of your nmgage and praperty but paymen<s; in <lie event duat yau involuntarily lms your job. <n thie nieultime. you can get your finances in anlefr and locus on flnding another job. Reattors of Ontario worked wi<h Pafco Insurance Company and Thompson, Thompsan & .Associates Ltd. Insurance Brolters ta develap ALWAYS HOME last fa»- and mnany buyers are taking advantage of it. When buying a home you shossld also con- sider the equity you'ti lie build g in your propersy as turne goes b> i n once thie mortgage us paid off, all you'il reay have to conrern youretf witb are taxes. mnenance and utilties - not a bad return on "Rur inveatunent, DON'T MAKE A MOVE' BEFORE YOU CALL US. Memnber, of The Oakvle, Miton anti Toronto IM esnalnise Boards Don J. Donofrio BmW 84508 Ras: 8752180 IAN OLIVER Advertbaîng. Nesi Oliver (Manager) Real EsSate Rap. Wandy Oteazkowicz PubEJse by, The Canadien Champ«o, 191 Main SI E., Milon, Ont. L9T 4N9. ,878-*2341 Fax: (W56) 878-4943 ýAdvertîng is accapteti an the condition ghl' in thge aventf ai a typWgrWhcal gurar, tht parion of the aclve<Ilissif gpace acupiieti by tihe erraneaus item, logether eilg g reasoat- able alfoance for signatare, vrati flot b. cloarged tas. but the balae ai thée ailles- ment ailte b pasi tar et tige applicable raSa. Thge pubilaher rae.rvea the nit ta ealegoelze and rfaest advee<elang. Ite eavent of typa- ai the arant; pive, gonfla orsgervices ay not Se agetl. A~daokn la mèely an aser <e %«s andu ay be eit*en 19 sny finie. Produa< an beta tihe Oelustie hion anM DéwtMc A" eIMabod. a-~j. bé. r assi M.v p-g - .9d -W. fr gas. hd5,ier . i 10. fr la W.d . tiugdsé W.~ ase a. i ".. - Cd Jt F * EA oli . . .SP.wi.g.s.gelSple 0 .10n1- lgidgoom,*. .0 . Y4 mm ald Vaisage H-a - a è-uv. W ghv , 10.i assa i M&1 L . . . 1 a -g hm.aoe assi Asi n $78.' g 00 Coil 0gug avutS o.v.u si. us gn a4. a s asig - sésd 'l jh' vagl u l*nVtI o ew el45 u 'bv.uugu.0..u...e , ='.uu. a«