Richard and Joyce Piith arc ptcuacil ti) anniere te rdatîin witi distincions ofi c ofi Business Administratioin ICi utp oîption degîrec tîîm Wiltrrd Laurier Unriversity. 10Graduatioin cercmiay is Oi.îibei 30l. lil. 0 I Fl s a giuduatc iit MD.I. adi hi, iccipi- ' oai Asndersoîn Ciinciiltinj iv 50 Comina Events <005 878-5807 Pick your oan or ready picked purvipkirns gourds, indien coin Fleady pîcheil apples FMe Hay Ries, Playgried à Ptq Ride - . -Com Mue,, ibunte.8 Fou-est Vice?, WTNis Ir Wtoweet0W Si 00 11 Pcb your on ur ipkîii corne, on out for: HALLOWEEN FUNDAY "Cone i COSTUME. and gel ln frFB EL " AUINTED HATCHERY " Face Painting " Hot Apple Coder * CANDY11U * Fun for EVERYONE CALL 873-ela0, o077330 IMomAt;ION AT THE LIDSRART a CHRISTMAS WORICSHOPS WITN4 MAC BROWN (SuIscles o d'splun/ 0 AMI911 WO6KSU8St 7:00 Ba. *cuis D.%s Teidays Nos1 i5 O ih.o MiOù F51518CIUSIi.W5EBSOPI: M.1 Pa. il Z uîTIZII daW."22 hi2 & D. 6-C. t S2 5 0 uiO ION aflqit Ma¶lSILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY (90<~5) 875-2665 ' THE OFFICE 0F THE CANADIAN CHAMPION WILL BE OPEN ON MONDAYS UMMfil 6 P.M. TO SERVE VOUR CLASSIFIED NEEDS TO AU. os, aulem. auppliunt. fend kln m Aa maiy of you m MMa My tesiastd, patient Noble *MW j sln t &mns t hm woslad doey aoM Bob opsui - u #s Wainsa ta u siess. VIIIU esppt » t of oyal conckontious emplos as valt =on»u lei provride îdally asvs - aoasrIs As Bob hoi kliésaii RAW NoMa LI la finseiiy à, appmo 18 adilosi Ie-ili aliat VAl aiMa us le licrne lu Ws of assvéis prossnly - chiai. Il >rol have aV qiasies or1 an glas do tut heali le MI ines. 81 , mR riffi Oc?. a AT laS PA MATE OF MI AMiE VATUOS O1. F ou0 C0UI 811. 0% UT,. NOV. mU AT lem AMW ÇwF l Oladi MW A lfluis MW IW Mh la u qkiteste i , ReBa IL flM FlaséMieGrI Usai taile Autoter Doit CON.ig 878-3185 AUCTION SAL9 TI4URSDAY, OCT 277>H AT 6:30 P.». FM, oEe w aAise NmobveM ma ers. To conaist oi household lorra>vnos. ardnues "ri coliectible, lins, tors, ttna To be heîd et Hume's Aciorn Faim. located ai 9313, Fourttt Lîne. 3 mi north eci ot Moin usuel terns & codti . eteii 4 p ni tlva Thîs is the last B 0T & RV AUCTION of '94. Unreserved.repos, fl0w anoc uied, SATURDAY, OCT 29, 10 A18M. BARRIE 400 MAR«ST. Hwy 400, exit 85, AIl sites of, boats. motor homes and travel traîders. Over 300tts corne ouI anld grab a great end of sesson daif For detaîls cail ARROW MARINE AUCTKON SALES, 705-734-4777. Théa Lao Oufidoor Show of 1he 'Ceai AdhtoteîIiii 'Afunitea croeits M SeflMWfsiy fod 120 acredtd datin salliitg trins teir cars. trucks and nans St year-end priceSý $deae 4.00. Far" .ki. Sor_ cr 29. Downrtao4pmn AmSFoYLE AWlOlU mainE. Hep. 481, Exit M1. Flamboro Antique Shows 905-585-122 75 WOnt9d- - STUDENT n"ci rida front Mitas ta UravarsWe Guelph. Fea dors a waek. ail share espionse, 878-4534. USED absebarroir assd conntrucion type lor Cement inorIs 864-9950. 78 Firiwood FIREWOOD Ouaky auon" hardvooid 12 in. or 16 in. Dekvered or Pick up. Taylor Nuusqri, 876-4IO00 FIREWOOD seson kàwôood mriely laai. 16' $200 bush cord debye; 106 for hlli 87-8251, MILTON FIREWOOD & LP.NDSCAPINC. Dry- hardaood mvalable 'Trie Service. toppng, ton- mîsg cabling «Fencing wood. chais. lin, *estertodîing alerte *Concrets work. Relamirrg aab,. "ocksa. Poallng* Ganerai yard maintanance.* 876-1875. 80 For Sale GUNS For fiaal0; Rlengton sens-auto 0/w scope, Case 9 accessa $575., 12 gauge Remington 870 punit C/w 2 barraIs, casa & access. 142,. 12 Wînchesler semi-auto c/w scope $100, CaOl 90"-75-1061 DESIGNER aaeddung itres SiUS 12114 asa normn'a enigagemttilng and malthig aad- an bai. 876-1489. pOUBLE UEO, hoed board, foocS boardt $120, 090 plisss sel 878-886 #IRSI quslly. -roant =maopet $5.950faq. yard. For adt ysur carpa nellidé. Cdl Ai 877-&30&. 20 ytr i sser feplrarnel FIINESSI ollipooil squmils 300 ait sS sain ttursa6t bule, TYs, alame at hmeg liast V2 Pitse. 073-068. . NAVE YOIJR say Itileit skM RoaitlUma VJShmr ¶OOd5inthis onel' Phaons Pa ai 877.8877 Auftuiols by CFO for lui Pan Jofuaeo Compliigin- NEW AIR cowrssoi 5 H.P. alOi 60 gallon ftn upilfit. $700. 80 ce Kaaaaek diai bika menyi -nea parts $700. 1-9&875-4513. VACUUM 01EANIERI. Nsa a" umei partend repaItra fbr most m"le. Compcet Euea. Etectrolux, Hoover, Fitter Guse, t<lrby, Kamttc, Titare. ýýoeli., 873-9240. WAUNERIORVER sléic airurnitd " uIt ln Adiraei ovsm @75-4397. YAMANA keybmoui olle. Lis tia $60 SUS basse CS. ueta laid caSs. 2 monlu aid - S2M. Plios <0e>gi 877-809. f FAX UYJCLASSIFIEIE 1784943 7t4 âosual 134 vvOeaS at the .GEOIGETWN DSRC * ~70OGuelph Street Georgetown Satoday, Octolti2tm à Ssaday. Odolse 3Mh 1994 Ad.,,... $2.00 Adulte Chgldr.n F,«. Whern plainîriq your CKAFT 15ALE, t1ortt foret to advertîie iii the lOr ce PIUMPCINS ck.Vaur-Oan $1-6SM8 T~aala 105 Gardon & LandsCaoe GARDEN M0t, Muais, Bond, GrMM.i Plnt Malia. Pond aupplieas Pick-up or Mevey Taylor NbreM.y, IREWOOO. 870-100. 13 Pt tIOCk MATURE healty Iguana, aWpoarmtslY 5 yearS nId, $75. Pieuse phtone 854-2701. SCHANZER - minieurs Ptp" CKO mibrit. mmmeto implanied. Champion taloodiri, non- ùmlrdig, 0OC4or people atIh l lergis. (906) 628-66 2 or 05 >62 1994 138 Horne Improvernent DECORATIVE "JATERING. Interiora end extertor. Bsut raist on corracea, seing censt»i. panali moutding, columna. reatoratron aork. firaplacea, and cueitlnt svoik le yow dtesign For ai types of plasstar w front dryvat le ilico. Cal 825-760. DONAIS DRYWALL Complote besenunt denal- opnient t ramîng, boàrding.',tuping. T-bar coilt îngs, niuny stucco ceîîîng Pattarnsto0 choose lrom. corice and cave nmungs. Caîl Dwayna 878-0827, aorkmanShîplMO% guaranteeit Hfalrarices availablO. EVESTROUGN ctaanig, Ires atting. Oaura labour. Fros stmallea- Cal VU ai 876-333. .NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS » flu Ovalsao msimai Réghi coe proies de- crimitation because of &go, aas. mantaI et"t. robe, coïsd. natioinality. ancasby or plc of orn ln ccetpliance aith lu coda ibi neaupaper ruadea lu rigNi Ialeas Inoeayr changas je sfartaiitg cow Expenrence Lime Co".a Apply in persdei le. S73 Ouitario StrieS Seul MtSoit, Onlaro No PHIONE CALLUI DISSATISFIED "7? Woik tram honte. Il ashoa y '2oa 9>87-5684 NIIOCREAIt pliais Uteilatse or benir assy tâne lnvsej Hanileit ar es, ta bu ai lle saUt sole oocceai,Uht FI@a. atette Gr-a psy CM0) 5744M2. FuI Tise Salse srseei To wotu a 42 heur a asaiu Isdukm- 2 avait- Olps anit rotait asakands ln os, sieuill Succsful lapplcant asouhi have a W , Iliof lsait ob itit and m km 388k SIsavl. Aj is isuki.Aply lpsn tfl : NhsigRe mitEs. ~ ~ v sietsed U %3~StUui Cser A srvadIty AILE YOU otn ifd If so, as May Ihm a pm*of In oUf Wul dépt for'ycu. If yeu M21 or suppliei. Earti what you "aê if $800- $1200par aaakor tire18suou0 coui m. AImsU, 332-171 mOOO UIR vinadi, Cias B. pis- terred but wll train sitaSS candidate. For io plan call LCdisaw Trasit. 877-228 AQUAINE WATER TREATINT SAL W. SM be5110 tors ase M ti »e lps ahaB dus sWua aMd telleI of oser Wao Trasesit Eqeistfea ta esat MW aubstitai ousteserah lis brsmpta. MM emi» Mala ampitn la à doin»ê @Md ms de ogeu aeesplatstrl -rua Our reasumoatilctpc tles sasy, ar ad lu aeamo. oomumOon Mdi bsbaIs For s psadS Intrviens plass un Pastis et: 87748242 or 1400.ý288. Rarinleit MiiPi Taise.w ECRElesaagna bod oinl nsE&W uy 876-17or =Mqie Sale Rep. y inr E oSin-At ServiceanadCientCampin.uhr Ontarlo Wîicetide trinnoaeaUnto Mrketing gradut e. Exelente oritls, adI equîellit ao defi-nlte wy M 1976et ATECI L ( SA>LES-24 I$OStINg SERVIC CoPat ReursSlsRporNsEWSLS4t Servt ie Eist Clduk/1 i Suth Ornutri l Witt r*e t inspecho and eaia Mupt ha sckd barunt mcancl ACUTUC (319)p833-7241 HISTUUT exadimeisy OMPN janli.F*pu5lIe ncin ae muslte Nodisui nssau. 76i6o Metae a mut Pak.round mohnia s eacic rees e Candsa dius9ND..ln kaIss. SAomaT ofchp ti the ur a valabletrinng batticeds. Ca 906-8om26 87I,96o OFIE id t roq upe pe of ie. c tlre ottrer tC.op àirrne pttes a ut OntaataVrin etl.o o PAT-T ofpermae hpoal ntetovn.l fairawt pbontler utng tnd lu oItel ün*Storroessn Oeets tomData Enr Clsrkaiàvroyf Wev Accotrntln rkslngfrte obn .ccornting EnoCWb l CA0 *Exac iti Qecr«b*ry *Swhelbofrd Opterators *Credit & Collecio *Bilingual Frenchf Engfth 1~J~DG8PannMI OSltillU27 ~~ FsxVft LO27E