Raçer's Edge bantams rally with five unanswered goals _____________ Bratrpm onb>4îIs .C neiie m a lfrn i : lie "l ponrei Milon in the gaiea thi vr RA faL Mwti llotr in the penralty 1,1_ rineî i e p'o feRl 0 l-4 tamn, ear Si Catharins tt, t1.eiflg roi 11 .zird RtiA %aiin Al.ne re laO frs r11rrnr' u P A tmrie lhei brigue retord re' 2 Jir ele cf Thortus Rs.w n flic iko Piýiairngliett' Remri \ ouid trot gel the eqihe .l4tzctrr Mlitron r.purtrd 'Si ('tharitue, IwO Hirper Tri% i, %, i 1"'«,n l'au1 i -% 'ro. .44irm jurrrpd out II' a qui,î k %1icrte t'. %er' .harp a lthe nlet, Pontiac kéeps purring goalsnd then cl hairc k s.itt fisc F)edulla .,nr. lh,'rtu. Thitlrcr e,h Luir i rier i,'oked b.i tri a . 1 ..td m..d&-eerrl bus ..re, Lterrek wilh t-Aomoi toirR of tici os. r îudsng thrt in the h.rd in .,.-l.r Johnitrti l ,,hr hr i.c- ,,roer t .rhartrîe, it4nr irs lan cie H"t, rn h anded iritjttiti % 'S.celarW haI! hi,.utî hil .ri&d 1 i'i àn,tte 111,c '.nd -ir sonw punihmflg brisetk. r Ilre K.i ' iri.o. Lti r Adiam Rrrke. led .iîliotw '.t iw r(,' soîir r-" rrtrr rcrîîn' ie Iir,,ro. Ji -rt itrgi< go'al, lit, tire btiei 1, 1aro '~~r ' .itr rirehir go.rs ritt i ngles gotrrg ro Bern gitie Itiprt -1h, .,nd I it, her e.irh % homne atr, t rit e , art . p I i Pl nîý ,, C", r.il'î,în and Sres C Sziter L tîu:, t '.. ge.,« .h ,, e ami te, o esr 'rlatirî pl.ed rire 1'0'l; ttrt J'Iase tc,'or g,9 .,rr ti ' r.I ,X reor! '12 "Rcddirr .,id Paul 1 .sudr h.id --, tiabtilie s,,th S%clrei.td cat ri] , e.I .tistt the r,ph tol," uh,,, MI,'. tVi. h "nu r'..'r.ertrtg 4r 'ie. Blar t.lTtu.i tmale 211 ud,î , rit. , r t, ý en th 'suith rc .itu the l itte t, in1 i a tt'r - inf ttrtr o*'nmot crtk I" \1,I 'n ecd , 1J jr,, I- lie gantrie o Mena, .mg,,r's ttegj rî*, .,n .r ,ti ho.,,rr .ît'1, M eI.r1o! i.J'itrr. rt.rc,,olai ,'.m tilàpr atnd lhoi,tr. arIlOi2.nOý ..d.,ng singl-. Johnr 'rpr le tO 1, js i tite St(.En. r Catit ite %iti5 bc., trfl, -idi Mitotr .arme rut WCr, pl.icd -.ll.ý tR irceye ngit trom tire oçrerrng i, 1" ti buildia ciewsrtfg 7-o Ir.atbh -LW tire fine minuit marki. thrie ir,rd rireI pertoj belore lettn, up in trirei i.4 lit minutes of rire gatrrie Krsin Fleltrt< ,tlî ti , ihr,'ttr trattm cietttg ip lire sand ii!Plis ,r i srs rrog deten,idc game lre>s.' rlb'>o, Moidin rurie Wr anrd t'e dte,.ie c et,irr irs I h.i tlerr .i,, lir i j r na , 's .. id ar. ,'ru , 'r t l "r ,t'r - ,'r tiruie rf,d J'.'t c '- ' h -Ctt moiref .l' e( a.ii Snî tl,.,.rr Firdrl an l'un' i 'i ',:i." t., titrer atstst lih irer. 'ý0,nç r I eisirm.ii \tuirrs i to.reýIr Ticlemant. foored 5-1 1by Ancarsier I he Milton hieteti.in-'lret usinr rrosî.e'tA tcrm soeur t'ur ,\ce it tire ..orcbh'Iral uP loi..c ru rire 111sf rs- miuter,, Mire atre nih tire Wintrisl k, ur.tag- tng tt) ger rniso rirek onb.~ a nîte breâa.s, gîi.i( lMalt leu.it,'rI 'r...urare p3sîtîr hand .upertitr à-~rt.îP .s Au..aiterI s-a 9eolgrr ,.e'ptC-irr gourd &.iesc play ir% i,'hirtanf 'r.iulti ut, thc huIii.ig trI %lait Mattrgel a0m Grcg Pepper Majoir aloffl in the driver's ictea tiBei jIa..kagiug/licfli Reur 'r cd r ire ..c.rr.eiuotir au iulpresstc 5-1 record A ..ombiuait iri 'f1goud gitalrcrd- in&, tigit .efeu.e and solid two soay play b> tire torsard, base con-u rributed Io tire teauti' s succes' Gaire ote was 4-1 ictory oser Ciringaucous> Anodor KtArkland led tire attaci. soîir tsoo goals whitie Sbornus Hioulibair and i imi. Fazit fb, wlndshield Stone Chip Repairs Ssunroafs T onneau Covers #6 RunnIflq Boards SAUtO UpJiOISterY 8top in for à FREE Air Fr. ahner 781 MAIN ST. EAST 1 876-4785 ti 1 , Ith the gtlCib&r 141 1W hl 1t,, , thr âtt.t.hat r, th ir, ,,.L iii' whr 1 a ,fl M h 1e 'Iu a trioS tr,,rt ja.rtir ilrrr Mi iitlr .r ,îto tefrr ',Ir-t O orl It I i r,'l'ent Io 1 rd B,nle IIc e it 'c'ml ; 'p lih I .k11'r 11 " eel~e ¾ .M L m Brr.nr (;rg, 'r. K-IMr i, "' Ir' ,'tt in, 'xs csitt t i, tre j .tbrr ,n" ,"'sr te 'i,~'c ir i . M 'U t e:ant t Mîl n 'pen t ' ..tr ib, ...t àbi Plu lM anai ,,,il t e Mh r str's .m î , rît. r ' r M ,..x.j,. 'iltr'n ot tt ' 1 r il .1, 'n Mtr -îrt.t ,t, ill ~" rJ ' ie .'e r,,'l , h ['l ,,îs .- ,f !IX E H ~ E IIp 24 MOIIEYý SHOIJLDNT (Off B ETWEEN' FRENDS. THE CADIULAC BREEDER CROWN, FRIDAT OCTONR 28. -i,,'s ines rc.s st r-op es ou ie ev tie foau roe% -.11 be ireti euerrt W.tir pr.ze mlorre> toeao ng of Vdo.itne. Be tirere ta watch $ 1 500,000 Tire Cadilo Breieder A ,~~-~. tire co-r netito finest twsVyeOr oid. c'O-n con mali eer tirhe Pýt" paners and trotters strrve for cotamtt,y of Frtends (ien rvols For thir I glo, arndFirre Hqlrsey 27 and! Reirdole Blvd, Grorrdstond didmss-on $3 50, Clubirotse $8 00 -. Coîl (416) 675-RACE for rniormotion -r' - Post time730Opm Peetowesi itian