................ Use of RRSPs.plays key part i Reampdporasbm hmwti reach - especiaily for first-time buyers l S avim fralrhhom unewer Cuy.If .......... yau'oe in dut iwketa boy, yoi bais OHOSP uAL reoen*~ wxended d acenalgiada psy.oM 14 and muWme alioMsng auuk are em a dlgne.pu4, c finH-mm buyers Io tuât away savdg towwain dwdw If you hasw yeu cm lhm&i niaihes payment on a home. payamn mi eue- but du caisn psynassias du only duq din haldiaa you ......... bide, myen a vsoWlie admalap fdu Ton M O 8.a&dtugOfe dupliif -eeil extndeld RRSP Homme Buymt' gisidie you nor yc u m hms bae wned a Flma Revmnped for pax-Dim byen, only, hom and llved in a as yow pricipal place due fdera plan WUl indviéal widsakw np Of adMion MY O' f due five calidu tg $20,000 of dueir RRSPs, tax fres (o use yeN bef6k dude S O isudaa. tawud thi down paMMMML Hovevai keep an nl dii yaa CMunIy Or if you're in no auit (o tay, you imay parliciple in du plan once. vuan (o lake aivantage cf due Onta Horne O=c YOu enus MI a>ageemm nis buy Ownriip Savinga Plan (OHOSP>. 11»i or boil aqushfysas h-m, you -ay provincilu - wu a2W recendy exsledd vidira fun&d tai yonr RRSP, kwt you ,£d revuaped allwing "is.dmna buyer, t> ui acquar due homne befor Octobesaof Wn& avay saving laisu du dawn due yew followis du yeuf le vh" you psyn uon à home. wbile reveivu, an"ma& du ie ak l For exaie, if y-n in areâs of up in Mso pet indiv"~a andt wid fui" in 1994. yon wanld have (o $IW00 pet couple De"al o0<w bof aidis camise yanr pmh-an bW-i OctX e inenfive pggmnu ms oulind belais. 1995. RRSP Ho uaslyer' Pil How it Works 'Ise nuis. asuifled RRSP Hom Duyene' Plan atlovs you (o widackav up ta $20.000 fia. your RRSPa ($40.000 per couple) ta porciue or build a haine. Na ncome tx is deidt fr. diss fi"si. as long g duey'se repaid (o an RRSP accoiding go due gavertnmt'î repayanent achedul. Tht papa. bu belped diousawts of CaaunUan due dieu of bonis ovwnwdzlp-ý-m ni.> i uld sut bave hein iIs io make a purchas vidim i. Once you enlet an agreent (o buy or build a home. you'll have in complets a special forsn (T1036) ishidi l availal gi Revenu and ibi 'fia ehSw ldhenbeamisI e i linanial inshittusioa Wh"c ÈbYa*P Keep in Mui duat yS ou * moaasy tram yanm RRSP tu-fris If du rooney wu depoeis n lma90 Pdayeprior iovîiftkwal. The haine yaia buy cni be y-u peincipul plac af weic idimes. y w bying or tudil st %i bocau amm "h b. aapalmd ont mmi dm. 30 da>isf1oe evn dis msdathisu under dis RRSP Home Bwyau' aep"ynt Sihedu Ta resal dis tax.ehd aigus dhm bemy yau wiikwu mm. be repaid mair a PXia of 15 yeu's. Yon cM opi %a psy leus dma your sched mm"na paynxns but du asouint you don't SMpy nai be reparled as mineo on your Ma retun for dit yeu. %la repayments have to lis ma&l belote [)eoenibo 31 of each yev- but due mmpy-m p-eod beJna due -id y-u foUawini du y=u an w"ic du wididrawal wu ma&s S0. if YOU io" fun&i oui ta parchas a hom in 1994, yoa would hav on more youe fila paymm by du snd of 1996. (frlepsfynu don't hmv sa be nuls Io due mm RRSP you widuÈew à" num Alsa kssp mmni dm wYOU don't 8i à acoad tax brea wshi you wmie ana paynten. s you'Il have o nfom yaiw RRSP isuai'â youw repaymw ii'laà regaiN USP coulblion. RRS? ueglynmna auM avilai (rom Miy bRe Cm"s &dis office. ? eOSP Ibo OMMl HOoua wnu*àap Savinp Flua as -'l valudule ina n swing fer a d"Ms pqIlyx Sàuce ut wu fii halmoxletà yem *go, mofh 350.000 200M 0people hmu .ad io boy haia kt wu iuady ezs.adeffl due Ixovic gavenaptso v (silndefiailey. Haiseva, it wm.ý gvade Oiy mx sieditares daued- due me n beqoeua exeahieu in du Liaid Trafe Tau- nais. you opened a pi. by Dess.ai 31, 1993. Eligiy in OHOSPls ksoeind by âeAiy incarne Ton Cm '.>ll-w.agun inaviaia if yow usnai net Inan is lmu dama $40»00,-- or if yon md yourwspm havesà combined net incarne of lms dma $80,000. Mdiougb dma su noD1 Loti du athe you cml contibule, yau lau credit entidena a bwed on consbiaona of Do snre dam $2.000 per poio or $4,000 per Keip ûs nind due yo. haves linahd tim widiyow nm 5cud muion for mor Tainvsin en - 0840, siqaly eoWii M OHROP applicsai hmr gc-y mûdpudng liamacil hulonM Mdi dipoalt funi d e pL. Toucon ofy open one OHM. fyon'o hue-eflin a iiha advuahe of q« diss âe Plien, a " eai -#feà cm bp you underomil hais duy work nul duat tnyou nhlxhau duir binelIts 0 k lais w l proWdod lay li@W rerslso Midme OtRMIO Redl £uMW Absolutely no cpnj fees Wïl 1996, It's aimait too gaad to bq true. But it la! Ritght now, ads anly rigin now, Grande Regency la affering to pick up the cai of afl cosadomlrilun fes uil Januamy 1996. That mInens if yau purchase your Iuxury condoinlun suite at Grande Regenacy right now you won't pay heit hydra, water etenides cable or maintenance until 1M96 Plus. ...you cas> also enjoy thse worid-class recaonai Necilâties So, you'd bette' hurry Wlth mer 806 occute dlm is siot on your aide. Beca.. when thms frw mtes are goe.ta'it.ithoniare! The model adtes m~ qe MoEL-hu 1aný Mi. Si., Smai à H~ 114 There will nv be a bette>' dnm ta bisy Mt Grande Regency. Our remaiedng oie.- ansitwo bedruxu sutes. reMi the lai of the. bst in BudllWSo cosidounlnlan1v- lIng. Enicybodi lake andi ecapent, vlews ... an excltuave pesitatu lounge aos sma... Wnoor racquet wSpts ... smun... tenis ... poci... an se - aust kWee d§W PIUCED FROM ONUY 41900-