878-7777 870777? orn. As l orb.s.h 878-3156mme .et mia a am.Tis lruaOU CUM FOR sf a, ont. .uu.rnalm km. Gremloladoli UT fr o ipre og 1 Mai loerlýMqU»et Bt bedroonm clun oetioMrflo $M5 bad. UTILIIE wmmyD o 14 badoSm FOR A PRESSURE-FREE EVALUATION 0F YOUR HOME OR A CHAT ABOUT CIIRRENT REAL ESTATE TRENDS. PLEASE CALL ME titay ha ies wu" tal p"noeil. Ebman re lthOtit nef t bae pdi àl t-it »iM i soa genéri atm. 22.5 actas, wsthilg apple urchard, 6 bedomet h graut ahape, double garage. big eglmsltop. cold storae end otuct more. Giraal erpmant vie. Ia& Mllbe Créer "Me through craatine liour sun Park on théa fl IWordorM t 1êlie' - Modalln VUqa Parc. IThume am Wad Io al glae davé CAROL M.- BROOKS- im - -A a os> Spmu.TTT Pim: Mgs vm1W TmrL. Unc-lZ4M tomu bean rusasr pata uni ualme. h hattuy ad emlly rM. Tndpv omt ni lé baller Sd balh, MWd surIt MM Bd ul thi hoteaMdslbm qhlaa ç' *cM le *Mml U. o cloa. Io achoohi. madl laui aL 2+1 .aanl, goW MMa ML. e F R. 1 1#2 -mk Qmih saella. au guuga @ho dp. Hma hai nwvg Offlrly 1cr a larg tan. 8,%ar" aparrtunt accommodatIon. Marly bath- mormsa large kftchen, famlty molrt. hot t muat à» Io qtpraét. Very d.ulrihio lacortiol. Uarge famtly room addition with fireplace. new JacUZW. Itardwood 11mlra *M- ldlcln, itroufd Poel $179.9m0. aam boaesu admeWu Sihilev an a cli 2 se Ml "" ruIeuWSiy pOm u laoru plaa .0 I tuaa aias3bt-~ aa ida as bd heas Pn.d wta awl ai orn0e. mainf tam n roem IL .ale a, hi i sew a. hinr to e/o to dockr, 4 badroom,. For tisia it *nd M 5b.d - I le%.* dkn, Oniap ied omm car moaua M21. orl U~ J high I Maltmais c~~MOreS a great opporugt- tyt ta wmsNqulp Apox. 1.1 ecrea of Mi-I t ~ a body Matit al a ahptg-d ww ln hilh«lraire imm. * offIlea CaIl Jalme pS aile diaa leG ni Y bili ommc 878-7777 u.878-299 UISAY J. %LmU ffleogam lhLll4um umlp km a-l'ao ul I egmmd vF m 1, Mil 10 Y Co 22 OMWO &L &KM SM