. ---- - . .. .. . ..........~ -------- Laiulfil etiquette IN&2mOe KM e dfq' i cessain "go tor we've iccked a the coi- .Fer the .eccrà d tien inc mny [ntice. Oaa wu'Vu O< go 99 te du -Ums, Moldi.oo et eaeg bock luts of the &in&-" mud tIatt Mu Cct thu Milton dtimp. fotîcaing "I ami go jet to ri honora of it Weâsidcy suout in d sud, 5Ct it .M,,ivd property," MiW public amiks ------te ua. Mr. Le e. addlcg. -This rigian' c Reuicocacit reccody rbed mota ù 'A Wottd Oust Ptac ta dumping fes for gartuge londs ave Be'. soruly tc Gai au situt! bc chi the $YSlS~ [irait ta 13 cents pur ýpfigure eut haa Ia qmcie à land- cddtiod kiiogra. Il meani say- a u sit t ithe ucdtlSt ai its resi- oune " ig. forexcnwlu. 160kg cae.- -1% ânea LOthigs Dot womtd puy S6350 lim of due $24 riSthora 1hu tilk ai' ve corne c cpplied inci oser foui wére intua. lon.u but as'v pi a lmt fodrte duced '4* monds ngo. to go.* id Buril.gmo Coaoiitr Tac weeks iloc staff ccknoat- Boe170u5flf. . udged due bi coeuu. rico.umtl- Duritgon councitter Joyce id due change and odume report- Savolne dr*ndid tai yiu's budget cd tbat the fée a c succest in comiittei decistan bccking nier recasping opuicting couts ici tbe fuist atheb container station. asS cpmtatnei sttion (onlatndii "Baiicclly theids di a c good one. or recyctingi. Perbqc if wi modify il, we'tt muke Milton Councittar Barry L«e bit it bitt." the motd ai he c c a teck of Mg Savonine "aid dhose dumping cckîowludgement cf probtemi in illegctiy toa void ac ou nu" uCp duo repomt mud is premcture "uvoj sibte. It don't think we iitoutd bu ci cooaoue. cateuing to duat irponslbilty." ste Ati à meeting ai4 ayor nte&tid Kiu and Mr. Le ssfw=r Ms Katz comptlned <iu 150 kg Wedoesdcy, recont am uec es weigitt cec rural residents. witc inctud enu option ecpy t5 per trunsport <heir own gurbage <o <bu bouceold gasituge bug toca $5 maxi- tnp. payiîg more pet bcg thoi 9 -L idcrsients wp y for cottec- Thu cmitte ctsp' q41 front 'oni on piopcrty taxes mnd recelve Milton regidunts witit comptinls-., curbside pick-up. Among numuerous net juit abocti piou. Anne Katz said recotmcndctions, Ms Katz ccttcd shifite (hte c "criminel" whn thefo tatdfiit staff recogtiion of rnd recutly rugiiiunud over due $5It50 user. kg Bruit. hucd ber driver's licence "Dafl'< you ceruc bi au shosald cmoob&eii bu questioni refurai ta «Mi uet he sa cine, t mnw <bey dh uiies. md wa <aid to puy up don't itcvu rurat prinied on <heur ait ite but caty $10 ai bu. forebead," naid Oukville Councilor Fiounc coe momi ce Rincido Fred Otiver. uid 'mMit staff have siopped con- Mg Katz sugguitcd "rurl usrs; bi fisccting <hlvir'i ticeoces. aill hacve ootd as people witit c very basic public relctions trcining tdii year. service, a service they prnvide c fir and ail scoels asidUud. There's ciDont af dmilvm." àce iiaïvoe for groupe doing coin- Mt. Rinaldo naid coltection is c m-'iy cte-upu.îcepped upiution- ..oc ain situation ibct's acwyc al putvois to binder ittegul dutping gcing to c hicanfiontationat. The udca nia Itense rond tc bustta tni confron<tton contes (rom botté -.t, 4 ",e stili souwý*e of -controversy sides. Staff op Ilhue bave bace *0 Reiie.. -ert tuKU. fe do d Md s pensive lm Hed.d. tisu e du s tu& m tsOtelt tom. ue'0 b. Eidmom .id plc Ls. culry Of iaf ncweetmg questiom e«pasive, dot W% cap ta ut W d a report on i ut -n e-t ahit brond aidh ce bu-q.. &uhap su Ohio f- da" estes la t.ber atclpattls <ae George Tello it o iM sid hc Mr. Titl said slagte-tler amat Ifu rivu, by redocini tpa believed domp houts coutd >i acaagcut P0OUIOI0Ufd M1 a, aSt aO. hi0 bil0' dm udt exemp by uM staff tt H sud dwu M4oaà qp a oçmiy codUilM. Gw à80 Ma -RedS.- e you buy tis PC bunle sietwee Auqueltiw udtber15, 19X. itStant voni gamne cards, Io vouch fore 8100g oit t U"ea for kKds and gownf IBM PS/I 0 ups akke, this new IBM *48&IX250M4z PS/i brings ail the '4MB RAM sîghts and sound of 253MB hard drbWO multimedia ta your CD* RM. 16-it home. Ready ta uxM'. and speakers entetain and educate ~itema dua/Wax mdem right out of the box. 3 year wamrty Look great for less with simplten and affocdaUelUG HP LaseJet 4L.*~ 9 300 di laser quafity pages par minute outpt 26 scuabt font l6Nft mcroprocessor Mtuljr~ Sa get on the Bali and save $100 today at SMIltown Computer Services Ltd. j751 Main Stree Essi, Suite 2 e Milton 9 878-4651