Select girls win ini tense, shootout ThiFos nEagagledfo Aqarad peréi qsClmsforms (O ulyfrn Godyeuar!) rànhsm hid P15/013 519.00 t P1957-14 59.00 \<~9X. #1 8.m.- PIes/»I3 17. P195/75tIA s.: P205/70R14 91.00 Pi 65/ àI3 $100 Plis/70Ii 9.0 P185/7Wla 0.0 235/75R1@1 au 215/i50I6C <<2.00 225/75R]6 SU <24.00 875RI650L 124,00 Effn AIR MILES mial Goaiyo smm md se iekiog 1t grein? vo;1 inti n di Ans ymt pwwçmç i Col i Ia ieodw aes fI Rotatio bîu" Va hIIIIIIlln ë,cIud SMILTON 45 Ontario Street North 875-1502 fIbo Milton Select Girla Unader 15 soccer teait Sot <li kicka over the Labour Day Weekend by wumning a tInuemnt in Belleville. They bad foew problems in prelim- inary action, beating <lie bos< team 1-0. Brockville 2-1, and Peterboroughi 6.0. In thie semnifinals tbey played Belleville again. <bis limne Winning 270. Tli set up a tbîilling final game againat Burlingion. Milton bad pienty of cliances bot couldn't score in tbe first hlai Nei<ber cos<id Burlington despite an excellent opportunity oit a penalty shot. A <ense second baif ended witli sttll nobody scoring. l'le teamis tlien wen< Io two five- minute overtitues, with Milton final- ly potling one. wben Kelly McLaaaJs< banged . i auo the top lefi cornter. But, Btarlington came back in tlhe second haE of tlie oiver tîme. patng one in on a penalty kick. Next <bey went to <lie shootout wbere Miltoni prevaîled by scoring tbrec times tco only one for Burtington. Thec MilItpo wanners are: Irythia Soltysik ai goalie; a defence of Carnie Johinson, Maures Kado, Nadline Villa and Amanda Wolfson; midiiders Shaina Hasselfeldt. Sarahs Poltz. Jessica Roselle. Laura Spagnuolo and Amber Block; for- wurds Laura Ajdamuon. Clirystal Johinson, Kelly cLaoaghlin. Jane Myers. Lua Slimmon &Wd Carmen Smeitink, and coacbes Bob Adamoson and Terry Myers. Imp ressive show,_m by local ridersJL Four local riders tured irneaxl performances at the Canadian Compeniie Trad Ride Camu ýiiprc<y. The two day, eigbj-tour mile ride attracted teallos frons Alberta, Saakatctiewui. Qoehec. Nova Scoria. New Brunswick, as weil w two tesaio frot province of Ontario on <lie trails around <lie Mapie Valley Club aer" e pneisaene. - arlLidstone of Campbeliville. wbo bas beien competing since 1980, rode as an individual rider, narrowly missing a teann positions and suie came Up tbe btg winaser. Carol won first in the ligbtweigbt divtsion and won resere sweepstakes as well for <lie top purebred Arabian borse. lady Saunders of Campbellville, along witl Barb Alkemade ansd Julie Pliait, maide Up dms winning testin from Ontario. Alkemade placed <lird and Sauladers placed fiflb, and witb thse combination of <betr scores won tlie Canadian Competitive Trail Ride Teatu Cliampionslip. Sbirley Dennîls. who bas been absent from tide sport for several years andS returned wrth nec entlsusiastu. pluaced seventh in thse two day event and won dmi "Best of tlie Rest" award eaned by <lie aop Ilorse alial is-nelber Arabian orlialfArabian. f~T oobl pione foot6afccntemà JOIN US ON THE PATIO) INW L189 miLL, ST. 878-6680 WfiNNlER 0F WEEK 82:* DEN NYHOLT 1t put anXtin the box baside the n&nsofthneteam you tin ml w a ch gase. 2. Fit in youa nom., address (inclua postal cod2e) and phone no. 3. Subnia pour entry Sp taking il Io: CANADIAI4 CHAMPION 191 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON, LOT 4NO OR FAIX 77 TO 870-4943 4. Allannasmuitbe intlswo.labpFaday a5:00 pm. r- - 8SJND[A, SEPTEWMBEâR 18, 19i4 U ARIZONA al UICLEVELAND '- BUFFALO ai U HOUSTON " GREEN BAY ai U PHILADEýLPHIA " INDIANAPOLIS al QJ PITTSBURGH J L.A RAIDERS ai Q DENVER 1 u MINNESOTA ai U CHICAGO Q NEW ENGLANO al Q CINCINNATI Q NEW ORLEANS ai TAMPA BAY U QNEW YORK JETS ai Ü MIAI I QSAN DIEGO ai U SEATTLE u SAN FRAN ai U L.A. RAMS U WASHINGTON ai U N.Y. GIANTS U KANSAS CITY ai Q ATLANTA MONDAY, SEPTEMBIEA 19,1114 Q DETROIT ai Q DALLAS ITY EINAM7 à Im « nosn.. ofIrýl h4 AVANTI AUTO TECH 795 8 9 m 995 909 Nipissing Roa 878-2954 il" Arcaro / Osener Operator Vour Hmt~Neaa. 191 Màin St. E. 878-2341 RF/MW' Mitowne Realty Corp. 22 ONTARIO ST. S. 878-7777 Committed ta find the right home for you and your famlly