I. inMtn rwherever "ksa gvnt lt sSy goe k oMd fammen you happen to ho. C o UPWlo the titI 40-U8. Atright, New look Merchants tàke the ice next week Dy STEV LOBLANC 6e2ila ta, the Chan Ten tisys andi counîtng, outil the stat cf a nea sesson of Central Juior A hockey -L mnd UPe tu or a nw u for the Mfiton Merclianta. Fans wili lie seetng s vey different loltiog teat n mx Fridsy eveuing t Menmetiai Acena wlien lise Merchanta kick off UPe 1994i93 tesson msanss theO1vtlIe BIM". The club's biggest change will ho hohinthe UPench. Eadier is som- mer. longrime skipper Rick Bince tiscidedt it as lisse UPr a change mnd tleppeti down as heai cuacli cf UPe Moufchat. Slvordy aft dhia decision caner Bratdlhy Grant tsmi ituerlua assistait Dmn WaDkeru UP uh ew huai coach. Walker, who cause to Milton liroint the Metroe Leagtte's Btussales Bloes, wiîl guide UPe iean abus widi ass tait Dave Switzer. lt yeur' a baud coachi of UPe Royal York Rangers. With neyerai top over-e leaving the club tliu yesr. includung Pst Heuubenry. Ryai Delosuvie Dome Fins, Troy Sacet, Doug i.na. Ad- BaHUM and Mlle Cos, Walker Md Swlzaor aill have lise tuitI of building a new hockey squad. Houever. Milton teili stili have a couple of crat Volmon UPth for. ard Unes inlianie Isujevicli sud Scott BeMoî. Janjevicli. a n0year-old tliird-yew centre, will play lis final season of Junior A hockey dus year and lias been nanet teant captait, It fee6, good (being namied cap- tain). I get along great wmtli te new coachies anti playes and 1 tion't thiui the leadership reponiiuty will bce a problemi" naid Janjevicli. lest yeass leson scons kaoe anti MV? "This year l'in Loing for 100 points, but 1 did have two Viet lin. ondes lait yenr wlio belped tny point total. so we'll jus( hav to watt and sewhat hqgm.n" Demili. an l8.:Ye«-old winger. hms opi Io go dm .siversky rom m bis hockey Cam ad wifl -lu for bis uit De su sopiornore weason with Milton. Latei yens tearn amd league Rochie of the Yegr recipient, Benoît ta expee tu 1 bce one of tde assisamq captumus am assunme more of a leadershtp r" dus AIs reurmng t0 action next weelc- endi will ho forwards Sean Linday, Shane Leamon. Mike Mcphatl, Anthony Sa anti Cliat Turner, leur guartis Rick MacDonald. Ricli M@clCenzie."Danny Bach anti goal. beos JeffULlie. Reoeasdy relumiing froct ()HL canp in Kitchener, Lillie coulti b. tIse men's ,ude onc puckapper Mbi sesson. depotsding on if Scott Bay coee bock frman the 010. heami camp tn Sarnia. *As fur as Inm coçucemed i tglt now, Jefi is Outr number one goalie," saiti Grant l'be Merchaut otener lias "l stgned peomusing forwarde Rou'n Gubala mnd Steve Clark, wlio have been lnuesulve in early pre-season play. Gubala is a I 7-year-ol centre firont Chicago. witi great apeeti md gondi havmis woouutheU net. Ltfluinge Clark, 18, playeti wtl the Guelph Pliters lut season and possessea tonm solid scortng abtltty as well. The. nan'l eseculive is also woeh- ing on deala fo players in Thauder Bay andi Guelph, andi are boping 010. tuta cmi provide one or two key Travellers and Halton Pool in fina~ Rr.e were feu surptises tuisu Million Fag Footbl Scott McCahlum hooketi op witd Dan Bàb@Uol yoff action wi UPe top top tegular tesson tearns - diuee majors nid Biai Ricitataon for UPe odier in Do as oud Travel ai Baillon Pools n' Spas - havugisa Clienry's 26.16 ain over Bendeyu. Mark Gireen Io Civil atsvuy easy thm making ilthUPuglig theU finals ulsîc, Green, and M(a Green te rtim McCurdy acocounteti à beblliSawvday, Sept. 17 utnoon. Bentiey's sceping. ayDugade, loti Brute Bood Travel ou asn ais Six touchdoyîn pasel by Rick Goodua -si -thgj 'en TD pus lu thei 42-24 win over thaWaltzîng for Thse Dititiato dispose of Renias 35-2 1. Five diffe- tuai. 9 -1i player htbd" thir scoeiug: lis Honey (Iwo>. az- aura ad Rick Flemmning haule in two aptece Homio Canupboil, laend Geodiga, Keidi Sanimerviflo th Victor lannanthes and Kim Buâop pg i sine. sp aeTunr. Job latomo, kicirot la ah Bye , lJohinson andi Andy Currne belpedtheU causo widipois Toddt Tuimhall tue toudidon .eoio Dom erceplions. For UPe Weuàels, Duam Coceua tosu Dcci LempttIfo UP ma l andwt Deroil Tata. hâd tbe câer. <et te Davidi VheIiban, Christian Gudisel and 'lbe Di*ona fâced UPe fin pimsas'lrm Foais muin ady Sholbsbotn - . . PODIDAL.L Pfl U additions in the club. Milton's neecoachos have also' been itnpoSffl witli thse local talent ti% season. Playera like Adamn Brttt Mark McPlil andi Daryl Loader have survtved the liri rw1 cuts mnd coulti ho arount coes oçien. ing night. "One of the thtngs we want to accomlish ta lenting ue local coachi- es hucu dime UP minor league synem tl vety important to UPe tevelopim andi future of the Merchants," explanoti Wdker, "We waal to give dise yotasg boyms bominto1 worh fer." . Mlton's bead coach added thsait tehue il msay talle nome lime %o pue togoliser UP A litul, lie bas bean ploused wih the us, ding at goi andt that the Merchant will nce Mgain lie cot 1,et. We'11 lie reatiy Ur UPe playoffa, 1 dth mt jut s ma oe f 80w mach of a jans we maino out of UPe olaihi gé dut wilà tdrmn h.. we fur- ili" % M. (krmn lourd wh bit nu bond coach. t4 dmn dis 1er- d club cam fiei the top flle. 'Il aill MW a wh*l ta set dmt maglc chaiséay, but wben lt'a ai laiud snd doms, IF dinh liai Umm a bc bellutd ibu luson'e laid Grin, "W'. gctag In peU an cafdhhrg brani of hckey for Étfu."