Bomb scare Galtn Rgioal olo arcl aun ln thea. mle&o Robe Baldi a Sue oi fal SIiofly allr i a n a b ly- Polossaaràudou ari aIf 230 a8.1.X tan inodiblmo btis wunythfing a ag it a re rat fooballdwino a polein hilvo Drivamo, prlay ier, asr well.y ri- Sdiy Casl polie ed replow P ihsaaoor aIll dm a r i-3 &.anroin in h a ylghto bout fou~and nhlo raibe oneobà lit, gut ruisl b o . rAinidrn hingpo 9dlo, Ch~ ~ ~ ~io i ccksipig goal adeorr H retpfl amew àfiscsd prHoobà pfiloeande àhi pootihoun lo menlion e on*hs ot hi-na lta.. pla scr haeni gela w Sudaaiithendowna.m.a lb lri.c on thf Min Yout Mathsi Stsi unrisn Spor'ts.........17Den0 wRealEforme..rE1.RW4Esa e gor whit fore H eiler Brc Podofates Thlefdy a theévinters .ooais .... à.C... . a brings swift police action npectators héard a ,"Iodd bang and it A cardboas box tis policefed cootained a borne yesterday, maris os tumned oui lo be haese of cms- A auspacious box wAs duacovered n the soutit end of lb. Town Hall parking lot, not cf 12 Division Mcice station. by a uniforsned offi- cet a 6a.m. The PaCkage as accompied by tnote tit saud, "l'm sorry." Rilton Regionil Police iamdi ttely closed off tb. ses ou it called n thet etieiency explosives unit in nvettgale tdm 'Duse box. wbich n e officer left closed. said Staff ;ergen Roy Smtith. "You don't *y with tdongs that lotit Ioolegooli. he said. Two members or de unit àiived t lb scne itbequip nt ai 8 Ely titis dmn,cuiu t %4uwacby police, n Mam. Somsuresdm ve i p las chairs to, winch due wac. Donniog a proteclive suit, onotable Larry Brassard or te xpilives unit ai e 1 aik. With specWa device, 1W blse up due par- 1 i !% &. in ms asern to dirsupt ny po"auil expibsives. Police tdm kosa the incident was folie aloin. The box aclually cet,- sined a plastic case of costume jew- lsy diae bal bien stolen in a #eak- ileehely hWal bees lft oulside ie police station by m snonymous kief Who as rehswning due proper- , Staff Sgt. Smith uaid. Debris aas scatered over a smal orlon of due parking loi folloaini mexplosion. liefton Fine Depatment and sambulance acre on bond in cas Ian etnergency. but fonunately ere oint needed. Dwing lte ce-hour ait. Town aIl staff acre alloaed access to id from the building titrougb te ictoria Parke esltranor. "We alloaed accets because of e big cernent wall Ilsere," Staff SfSmijthsad. The operation actit smooth andi fely, saîid Inspector Keitls rgory. "Public safety as or main con- rm. That's wby we ccrdoned off ouesa t, sucit a large «emt." Dinner featuires., off beat prize Ticket sales for titis yer's Uniued Way cusipaign opening evu - die Golli Rush Dinner Auctiot - are well abeal of lms yew's, accortlni to volunaier cordirigor Vicki V#Pnti "The committee bas really been promoting early ticket sales, Ibis nigitt is ctm of the main events; in du annuat U;Med Wîy of Milton fundrsising canmiaign." m September 30 event fecasures bot s live and sulent auction, aitb moleher event ddlord galooId Rosi tienn. Qiesis ahI tiff duong Sed go diaâcover *nugges' toit wjîl entide iit t0 donr mujas. Among du auction items ailt b. several nooks of at and a variety of donaled goods ad services, includ- mgti bùmuub servi. The ont innovative donation yet receivei bas ten mi nfred thernn- grapltic sct of ycstf boittu 10 defect bast lois. provided by Pnedictive Iragea of Milan. Tbe gala cvening ten b. teld at Hiton Hâte Place, gels uuidoway ai 6 p.m. on Fsidy, Sept. 30 ad lefi- ham a penea rite dînaer. plus daidsg en due L.eie Walker Bord Auclion donations are salit acl- coted and there are dinner tickets avilliis.ea $3 0 par petits. 'Caith du nite W&y of litn as 575-2550 for.more information«o * HOM~ H ~ 19 G1«rýnVCAR Sepliember 21 sa 24% SHOW N o w . &M"ffâ.87. pe ilnN _