I Confliet management seminar Angela Jackson, of Celebrating Angff, wiII bdep oelebrase NatonJ" W-m'as Ceqft Day mi a nab ai OavleTaalgar Higb Scbool SepoemW 28. The gradilase of bonis York and Toronto universities, wbo bas woeloed witb organizations. corpora- ticm aid associations amios North Amatira, will sbire, Creative soin- tdons for miaging conilict ai borne, ai woek and in oelationaiilp. The lnuju launches UeV"r ne. Prcgramns offered as the Womnea's Centre focuhlng on self-esteems, women*s bealth, baaltby relation- ships, tbe entrepreneurial womnae -AMd job seurch ukihh. Pmogrnt regis. stationi hlunderway. Tickets for dia 7:30 p.nL go 9 p.m. aess#w are $10. $5 foc studenss and available as tha Wonien's centre, Hopedae nuit. 1515 Rebacca Street Sitea 230, Qabvihle. For inforuajon uM 847.5520. Canada's CRPSSLEY GREENHURST A Ccliection cd ramaasl srvý1 abades withà ad"'ane. Ted vs c -w aoigyforim ved Ibis ben SOiIa, scIh ahlgtdy maad.eda, wlt square e"d cresana a bühl pacêlu atm e Ua lbday For AU Your Flou- 7CARPET BARN STERLING Ureibsaz Vsent m_ thai A a ht w biabglsa ski-e yeuse bookine tue$ 3 9 '-- - Ma na i