Deadfine extended for survey as delivery. bogs dow ftMflICO« public works dirctw ohn 'bs fl ia t fmym- Mmnu 2.30 naa "&dm0 »u a~tuu js W*11111C111Mihicu &*MWi -ulbuMa pro. Ilogion «f "MW. taruu run reqd ci hintey M, la lu i Wissiunls mipois O ~à- ___ -"Y suly 01111111. %I "o $MW oemhy.I s sswi Ham poe un Nai -- _no -- t.»u I NO soui m a l'O»' of Plu LÀ" beeo -No. 10 11.Tcmuwammctala o u - ét 50- 48 gn municipal guI... pick-up. Stuc Rural Wass Maageet Infor- SadmWm ta o. Sidweed bâ't will . Esai 1il celuction W IF" puw es gamgn tu- lIs hi &iMi Avues - MW I m"l.Sm"onvlu Iqexad UcS soedh ie. ni iay. n" ru& avd utnr loeawon" ota pièk-9 suaË io w u mlc*d go *0 Hwy. 25 Sep 16 sta dmy gfinhs mnu sng nlen Roud, No cnaaldedrla d wssl. m oita - wub.up*M i, t mm doand mu Imy, .'sns1 »sigalnrs pochais of te. tatteind 3 Slduoui l3oy Roudio ta u 8s~ ,u lm ggonsi paop"oni "A rep o f 450 mt of 2.900 mmt fi uindm fied Mdg asua tint niud. son of lIwy 25. j faite qvoe gr ~ collection hll iset ver jood* smidi Mr. L.e. Th e muisse -M Asn 8*s hie I 1m le 1 *ou clb du dWi- Admittisa dfsapliatrnnnt cit bllea dbcuu ilii a lsm. 1, 19#fl nf a dm pu"nI.e he $pu ouS.- pumhmg toihizPOU" £ ais." cmpd Cor.tiUoty postal service dqllvery, Mr. on dmu sc".fln sa unta il ât a apoelogie mdb rie longs, ou of jLe. ut Minua's comDeui mnhig. Mies id oihmw 500 survys vn" vu go hmv bon mmm o su.vny. cli lu sai urvics, poth.q bu * ~~ ~ ~ t M _________Ih on by »Wda BotI cousecllars sud staff enid cmi $75m n u iav.snl ,.s*-z...e ru"nl o f du.n sud ackaocegd ste ssrvey inuy le piopty toi bill. usai"». Mayor Gord Kiontz of ~ ~ ~ liu Md orm iowM A. NIU AndSu Onum4 Oi béiasu la -im le u..ç @Um. ofs. à*@ Nbu tami i. oeLam la "hl, àér. touy «0 b.e md mmuitl fo Gmd a gmmck MWue sad for lb. m. uhôhsate imui et g. bbunu bina bagne wur adhIi" pos 33 ycu n d leI. K.l,.kuios bugr udo ca cmier Mr. Nluy buo.« 24 ymu in mil phuses thelb aumio.he IuLa& mdl min fluli Md m m o.0e Hgu en la n, asaidhi ta pmkosà aoe drpl of bao.lodge ad coimi ta 0Ooed cum buie waworj scnooi -gets 1 year break from town A potale cluuooem hie Hut remaîn Scon ocàmproprt cm Wsldoef Sco Town pmrmollvin C ouncil Cuxlbelvile Park, bot oly fo mNs year. lnfrastrucmure-fuuded pgrk B '0ut ne gtollUta s.hieu B r ef igts fU sud Ton lulu. services__________ Msasy di pohtabile couahfis us of hie public figod a cSwmodty MintfimPublic Lt brury and Mil short supply i. the hassiot. Theu. Lasme Cou. la Wafd 3 (Nuin expning sciool. soc oposuting a WOa. i lBU lu At i Csqhiv <brec Campbellviile locations, li Pmn O1115M &OÈvMel Trdin ktoItn for an asinse sit but M.y Mdi VaiIy & O.s Par agisse soît bu ahi to move mmdl 1996 or~ niatioa. cail the Tocs of Ml lmu. cduk's dopwmmn 378.S72i i. ln propagation for tb. spcongiug Na.,i 14nudpul elecdio. thi votera' [lut eus postai as of SqOPeaim 6 nt vulce toadms la tacsl f16011111 pua li ianeir d on- mut do* ans fe th hai l.he i.l postod i. thne cles Office ae thi VIctoria plat Squue Tocs Htul. InWord 1. es posnt.dat te Tim Hortoas (Trafalgar Roui, scutb of Hc> 401) cdi te Boy.n Comunsty Centre, la raidi 2 fmorban Miltos) the lits la ut the Get a $100 ktagil-.Aee when you buy this PC bide between '\j AUgust 1 and October 15,1994. le Then recerve a Value Pack containng a voucher for $100 off lhe bundie price. You'I aiso get one of 25,000 instant vert game* cards, f0 mont great Spaing pnzes. Ideal for kids and grown IBM PS/i WO ups alike, this new SBM '48SX2/50Mf-z PS/i1 bnings ai the :4MB RAM sights and sotJnd 0f 253MB harg drive multimedia f0 YouX 'CD ROM, 16-bit home Reay ~ sound and speakers entertain and educate Internai data/fax modem night out of the box. 3 year warrranfy Look greaf for lsm weth Hewlett Packard .U%.LE Scomplete, simple and affordable! ppieCS HP LaserJet 4L. f35990 300 dp. luserqjalty ~~ 4 pages per miufte ouftput 26 scalable fonts 16MH-z nsaropwcoessor dmea for WIndows So get on the bai and sae. $100 toda et JMitôwn Computer Services Ltd. I751_Main Stree Eust Suite 2 a Mton e 878-465 fim bi- ton Milton couicl proclaisnnd Seplembler 22 for a Tubke Buck die Nlgbt avant, cula a lion Tubre Back thi Night WsItk t., Ingi ut Burlingtou's Cau"i Put ut 6:30 p.m Th. culs hm en -a ' lsm linuinaosly dmso hi 19708 for cones go publily voie@ fops of violissiocn a ou go brakt ullnuon. dusoni ta bu di. lupngeriésd ta The intersection cf Main sud Murtin Sirnets cli close beteen 8.30 as an 11:30 &.m. Satwday, Soptember 17 for dme Unied Way kick-off as fundrsîsers hope to My"ol Sudely nMonisi; visisus Io hi Fuira' Muai m inu th*saoil fonui lumgcv In stop euth te province. Mils.n cossril deccluu S - «- 18 ta M Legios Weeb. la the past yeu., Baasoch 136, Mitosa. putiripmn a"d spomatored te Santa Clans puasid t ie. maune of $15.00, buglli a bismiket wurtnnr for Milnise, funded the purrhase of iches equpput uad chairs fort he sec ÇaigNa Aravt> Qumi at houlibl His.o Crfinmopuu ancW vis. I. -"... Quiet, Eýfficient, Reliable Comfort, * year after year, after year, after year..2' lei :rl ECHAICAL HFATNO & AIR CONDMONINQ SALE - ERVIE -INSTLLAION 555 MAIN ST. E. UNIT #15 4ILTON ONT. LgT 3J2 875-1145 < rColemanEvconýl 1() gel,% (1