i Cool munia reeto«o luîn refbrn J oc oflliaPIsUU At a lii baing Who pIa bu ad u hI MWn 4uho dmol ~ cir, lelg ~à à. us*cuso Oc" à. tu t.Oi amz B o .m~u d ésy 9posisco developusa procama tiing and Mys *81ipi1 Win àuu a smo p I 11 0MSl bkt nl z; le0n s My mê*l of * efaV I "D Iellflausua f inamu- socil, oelOo. oavlrommoland faim it oI f ussieu dis- coud - - sgifcami km" sd polai bdn do Visesias po.d bis nnmie laiai. But dos bit dmWt , dida U't alu.mi PM«, lai me . t WD@M§C OMM iksdàùoa.W mii tac. go lu ou in coedq Ouc -Valet 8 M 1Im umisi.l b Ià -- a Uomo i in a aupoilfM mdmkey frcaà.po . - I ~ cpdm. anhn o A bufbu lai ul dc flbody a QSws~ Parkà a bu&- u lml &senior opii Plume M Mmmci sém f job, or aie ai p.ovifcia posu Io dodans, apblacl wltb Mfaltos Rogla as taub iaw msuf Win Vine coftusme couda, Ibm Provncial savammeniut l *s m* s..i job des hais "a provincial aomerlà- bddha"i __________________________________ ie b.oum*by qpuelle op dmo- baie 1<uds mmi d Ibm l1s omi pb1 md bison mm5àh upusa d adoabo.mi puaven- gruandad I h de dclassc Mm bilachdoe Un hI "àm au ff ton H-istorical Society lef g. ,l*irdfpoc opas, tocad Isand iie bos uio jk&iu mid M. Duami camo services Ami Iatem mmg- a" wumr," bi Me& - mm 9tomem n5idwi «Ils , Uahmtcmami Town plafii staff don't lîke a "(Tiat) bocad deahti cold bu Nb. Mhmmd mi 4't Plbm" The Milton Hislonical Society is presenhîflo a Heritage carda chnge ffom "have regard vend to dodums albost uîy pIaulas about ceta" thla.p.bu& the Homes Award to somofe Who has prervd andi ulinhto" tu "sbail bo consistent wlîb" matter ra fonc of provincial inter ft dis 1 veu i mm.i. lime 11m bois Uiî'oy fliifl 8~"'coeritio lois proviincial policlos. n.- nud Mr. iovlo. . Uîliua Semenc. Mmu a ànii Ibr üi« omalherW mkinga vâabieconrbiton t ft itu l I's out îcm dit deo flexlbility ibme dccc leaclpm Io fu1 xpem- iauerids of *» PlamaI Act md aid blslorlc claCtr of the TowVrol Milor. ad dq lmin the caffi PiwlmM iou ton, »mhiia mç lovio mil Envirccmut Aaommaai Act. se Theso homos mg bu ai boast 75 years oid and ciii bu Act la cuafflay liamimatd." said "àa lacooaalg mdalatod lsansirve coll as the roWsm Officiai Plam. iudged on th extrb oXIOlOf0. Nit mse powcax Aicoor s a i h MIm l ix.- Nondoan ballots ITay bu stbitted on your oeIl behilil Lcel planning dectimob pro- Odsor ref o bile I d uomg y... dosai l cl î cl la laie- or olisis nd are fefflfald by Sepi. 27, 1994. The award cil -posed ammdmroy asilpi Officai dms limitz cn dmdaoo.ilag and pose muim mumoi, Mds ma bu pros~i Oct. 20, 1994 ai tbe regular meeting of <he ln i aetacoom om <ho holdtpe of public miniga on p.lfrtoffle, HWuo"la Soclaty i Hugh Fostor Hall.wslc.PlcÎ ubta.m Officii Plan amondmnats, tcb.g 'Ilam plumed *c " 1o ia us - eccyalon cct oolpm bylawa. and subdivision plas. condIhcu ËK cu abst ma galas BALLOT sud infruncur ohuain&. spicul- Fime su nçt duelise xu the eougb tao - doam e hia- ___________________nominale the cr tual Mnid smp and watr conser- applicaion in àe OMB. Ing le cmt showa people," oMa a vaa~ mr. bobi 1 paIm "lt MUaMa on- Nor. la *8 pleinesm view, masun __________________ It he Sillon Historicai Society MI. ovio said <ha policy ste- tain devolopers; ay plan <hait prononce gcing Iao lace. Soms H~rtg Hom" Acard mot u- alraaly qpprved. pronm assey 10 les scmd Io cet- ci e hnies cit.'bq appVa 'fln rucpoeod reforma, use opan for muvaisteloca md regioni ao", ,coaa b aaql hou à. lmac. Datse: _______ Signature:_________ dobate. andi wer. introduced e an d hoba ai M th 0141B.» in regfloi. cll banaeme escaliem- Queonna Parkinl May alter three Halène Ragom*pli l couaniâ- s0gw. bi @il Sand or dulr<ar ta Marjonue Powys, 121 Mil Se.. Millon Ont. 19T1 lAB yeara' work by a planing reform k (crnber cf l.iand Jamua) by Sept 27, 1994. j comaUtsîca boaded by former For bright kId* ___ ___ __1__ - roaiMayor niniSows. . THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION r-l okhospue 'DIEPPE" 1942 and vi"t realby bam ancomun? an the oporuuity Iopom a mb- lbeyuânebcogclagkîbe qlumil jsciof tau" 1exrplcosa cboî 6docuy by caicu yoff pq - -cmm ai he fini cakop bolg 3lu 1 FS exam.l for dchom cIa .my Silver Bar whieh goes onl C.V.S.M. by the Association for Bright feba Dr.au dof Scias clii to andi ln soamosa limcup of landguIn dm1la mnd mm p- I cbhi coekéop. pmcrd tu«aet a lla 7 bamm-oo aaperimemes a d coloofa p tan 16 ladudos md <opics a u onm, demcuatoratonm la bit Chimsy fhe Canadian Legion wishes to ensure that eligible Br«Coft insL!>. meé à m et11 13 veterans, ex service persons and dependents, receive inMcrs oes.e" mrsce« Sc"IOT* Dibai S ail bênefits, honours and awards to which they y >oert, e.id i o the md AWkm ,orl àasm foincibt maytei bel barrDa.«c bed o Criaden wa.oh mm roaia35 entitled. This includes members of army, navy, mer- wcokî hoPOfeO. a ci ho blD u pts raiale ou bninb mormî3 chant navy and air force units. The decoration is also $Weac sldb ca mcm0- oince o 11gb d s* giiud or ff arl e d mery ofa- laie furoohigli. Cas oiff "Ma available tosurvivors of Dieppq advtrn.es olg n nvniypois ntepoic.Cpn f9mil rai veeras.sors, graduate studento, engmmeen wodtshop listingsarme availabl ai Ad othor professionals Who voisun- aMy, of du Pubic blibu la Raison sert thomo timo aid expertise. Th=, or by cafllag 127-3M6 ai 47-440. The tollowing people are eligible to accept the awards on behaif of the veteran. "2 Widow/Widower "~ Eldest Living Child "I Father " Mother "I Etdest Living Brother or Sister Please contact GEORÔE THORNBORROW at ýhe Milton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion to pick up the necessary forms. GEOÀO! THOIR ROW 875-9005 OR 878&5739 G~Um- Mat emoird ai- It 11feu o * fSl GoohýIkI, n uupaa Unth -- *hwbai* usn on" Ltl GM Co" cm". Va& hm leuRbY OMMPt. I& WHle AU4Mt i5O3weDBL SALESPERSON OF TliE fIONTH