More tha meebs the eye Are you looking for a -career in reai estate? y yo bave ever worktd wmlb a reai t saie profssional. you kos ditM hm ho e job invoivts a preat dcii mort than ju&i showing or listing bornes. In addition i0 these funcunna bie or se nmust bt pert-lawyer. parn-flnner. p.1t-nanag- er and pani-public relations expert. So, I0 be effective in ducte toies, a ra estate professional must possess strong ntgotiating, matheosatical. leadership and people skilis- just to name a ftw, If you're familiar wiqh ihe reai estate profession, you're probably aise aware tia most practitioneri. do not bave the lux- ury of leasing the office ai fise o'clock and leavîng their work bthind them as well.In faci, almos id*1 of them work extensive evening and weekend bouts, since ihese arc tise prime unies when home bayer'. and selliers are avaiable. In addition, flexibility j'. a big pant of btîng a ceai estaie professional. They have to be prepared to rearrange their whole scbedsiles if tbey receive an urgent cail frorn a purchaser or vendor. This commit- ment Io their clients and cusiorners "naes it difficuit Io schcdule vacations or "ae long-range plans Real saie professional'. also hdve to adjusi Io living on commissions - earned when properties are sold - instead of 'rectisîng a regular puy cheque. So. their incomes can fluctute considerably. Eductlona Requlcementa Individual'. inieresttd in entering lihe profession must also nieet .orne strici edu- cational cequirernenta To becorne Realtors rt be part-lawyqei part-financier, part-mranager and part- public relatiow. expert. Regisrae's office respotidu to consumer coqluies uid coqialata. la adition. the Revssrur'îoffce cmi mopaîsi or termnant thse lîcenses of peactitioncer Who violait Wveill. Oruanized Reali Edale licensed. îty must complere a senies of To promote higiser industry standards, densanding educational courses. Triey aise, professionalismn andi organîzation, groups have to compleit a two- ytar .asticling-. of eal csais practtiontex camne togetiser tc, -rnod wih a real estaie broker andi consis- forrn real tstate boards tbrougbîout tenfly upgrade their peofessional knowi- esige tiseougis ongoing professional devel- opinent. Ontanio' s educational systern for ceaI estate pracsstionters bas beconte recog- nized as one of the most conWrehensive in Norths Ansenca. Consumier Protection Real Estate peofeassonals in Ontario are also stricil> regulatesi by tise govemmnurt. Ali ear essaie brokers and salcuspeople mus( bc registered undtc consumer prote- tion LegîsLation caliesi tht Real EsraIe and Business Brokers Act (REBBA). A broker is tht agent who represents; the huyer on seller in a ita estare transaction A salesperson. on the other hansi, is the hcuîker*s ernployee or appoîntee, autho- nzed by the broker tn, trade in real estate on hîs or ber behalf. REBBA and iis accompanaying regulassons contain nuiner- ou%. provisions designesi to regulate the activities of thse rea estaie professuonals. mer act ta administeresi by tise Regîstra of Reisl Éstaie and Business Brokers, Tht Ontano. Today, tite am 48 bourda in tie province andi approxunateiy 85 per cent of ceai estate practîtioners are reaI estate hoard members. One of tise pnmary fuor- tions cf ihese heuad is Io operait Multiple Listing Services (MLS) wblcb unIt propte- ties for salt-. Real estate hourds alto pro- vide public reiaicsny progranis. profession- ai developirseni oppoesunities andi a host of odier services. Real estat praciionters puy a fc if tbey would likc to join a ceai estate board. Wbtn tbey joîn. (bey automaticaiiy becorne members of the Ontauio Real Esiat Association andi tht Cuiadian Read Extase Association (CREA>. Only pructi- tiontra who beiong 10, tisese organizations. aod thereforte subscnhbeto1 a higb standard of professionai service and to CREA". strict code of etisics, cao ciii thematîves Realiors. Yeu cao identify whetiser or flor a real essaIe practirtoner ix a board mern- ber, if hc or she uses tht "Reaitor' or "MLS" trademarka in Ibeir advcrtising. You cao also contact a real estate board ta Flenibi t y is a big part of being a real astate pmfeýssiona1 find oui thssjnfonnaton. Profeuloaa Standarda Enlorced AIli eaI essaie boaeds enfonce tise code of eduics tisrougb di professional standards committees. A consumer or a real essaie profeusional crait file a compilaini with a rcal estsc board if tbey believe one of die board's members bas vîolaied tbis code. Boarda cao impose fines on salespeopie or brokerage fient for unsuihabie conduci. In addiion, ihey cao insist that these mem- bers upgcade tie pducation t0 serve con- sumrers more effecively. Tbey cao also suspendi or terminat ieu board nirnbee- ships. Bati dt govemnmens andi organizedica essiea have imposcd very hugh professional standards on reai cutt practitioners. Wbile a çareer in ceai estate us vcry denmding. if cao have rny paybacks in lerms of pottenfial income aod persona sas- jisfactiond lt's s canter tisas brings people together. helping tsernt raize tiseir dreamns of bornne ownership and helping to builsi corneunities. D This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estaie Association <OREI>for the bestefit o con. sunters in the reai essate mark*et. i a uumiêumioTHE COU NMfY CORNER LE 87-810 INGE WINTHER 7-80; RylLepage Rnal Estate Service Lid. Broker *Sales Representative, -Assocîate Broier U tais ~ ~ ~ cee sos 2 b.dssi '.04 tS '"Yi o-W~ 1u Sa eg..e . auom. -oso Sus wth 2.,b* . d.nsu. u h q,1~ mau. i5,,40 90V pfVS -. ulaplo. ~ ~ 3 2-d mm.g rdnd .l. S 1.9 1" poa 2 ?-5d00 to 1 MI! m . nfd0 149 mm,. 5-.u »W 72 pwtty dofl m .k.d $711.011 iO~~~~*yh 'Mb SoS a .. u. ,p 00 uSI' ", 20 -40 Susk ma4.0~ iSas à.. .9 Sal. as ', s-q= 1 t t uIb. 1.. à buff -s 51 ..hi "M.. 7a @@n mis P« & m«tt 20. 40 - w 511- hfl u b.. »M5 IL - ,M MuS a i oi.5.4 PmS~ am a -Pw Pg. COU - lu . as I7 mu s-:11. -. -m"u 3.0 ~..set; p 4 M. sip Pb- Td.u mi as- t0 t~ 04.04.- s-Wo gh pol.,Fstu tag s-"' - Pft.q mr1. Q_- Mp~a lP sip gud.d - su, *0Nuiudas sol...s ,4 s- 0 Ps .* uuuuo.s & ui ai.btud 11-- kg . c«. - bI -0uu 1205 P.*-*@ mi - P«é OM mmu0,~ mmg -0 mauau- ta* mai hum ba~ mmura dttV -_ t in catitami pt asiyck .~ ,..m i.. aM s-. a- . mwp 8, MW.swuu a Pl.. P-i a... issu Md M. t,- ....i lmPI & 8a M-11 ipmi - -_7 - 2. - Sý; ý" it -w pb- à mp 4-,s 1 'i mi... but.uu 10550 'iu - ma WO guM 0'ot-A iaU E thw. t- Rowwiq INSut but..,. I.M. iiiSslafm iu -Nn 1. ondm " umi, mi a