Real estate e nta ils* more than just an ad in the paper I~ ~ ~ ~~~ mdInsinllSpt nui lh-m. bu If "Me Mad .er "m goel n y in. a a am u tree " Oum brls al* à coes- ~ >'ew bs pi sai Mntmalter wll "im tak you questios ta Wbeh ay mdvise yen to, lit below mi or living l nma Il es«mb" YMIRl ma Ioa che d ser boU à m " Cyen de ckensmuor SlSO,0. on d t rh dii b i f yo.a'u Mo Yom *MWl seas dure l Mdy à bld- Svics an mii mulIaciione I tasss me -uadha ycn m prosiad for titre ornrat) aid Ir lisse y-m 1- tJory, mdvisi yoo over clam la listig lstms itdomn Y om hiu. >oe goal. ellEycnexpectadim au. go Unt il dlly above me vine. dut evm dsedah listing expéres - if out of Th l Mlllig la dmt beglmnlg of a sellimg For instane,. you msy have no pressing the purchasers imloduced ta the propesty pm dt acndes à wull-tongl-cn aid and ta mgi your home acd am wllln to wit Týw.t titoogit s u .- @n activities ofa du olir ItiedW arketing plan. accoeaibility ta a à yei mmi the 4 illfer conles; in. On the baya il ulihi à spocfld tite liai - a wldi rail 0< polilSS buy-e aid .omtle- caote bud, if yon're hein& tuatisfered to One M(die rond fiotons op in listing acommssion is oet ta dit bgclang. ment sa prmaeul anler It d aro a enother job postingI. ycu'll have mcore dim oe rt is for th mr te deeo a un For more informaiona bout the listing you*Il recel,. frlendly, helplnl advlcc consris M ies ar. thng y ur realmrWkiug ,Lauionddp wlt Yon. AI dhi te, P. ý, m w. vi in dirosisicut t sae of your honte. ahould knw., ta dmt heMe cai ecomndtt y-, tie Wehi and saisemo t onig yown asa. j Tedmemlldy speakitg. a listing as ai andio- a marketing appmmach duat beat sasi your Mm for de Pluiose Of leillln Yen honte. CI,. Ihi afii is, prvddh lWra ttypaiey ye ta à ase brrier to needa. As un owter yoss'11 be mçiPiuib fo t and the Ontario Real Estaie Agsociation ma yut uels in *fblm your property for l'ie em M professioual aita needg ta do milt 80 1 uaim ditatingi (Of h or ttÇtty <ORE4) for the benefit of consumsers ih sade or leuse - mccording t0 the lses aid a market valne comnp.antasg se. what coin- wttere possible - widi actuafly bccomnig reo e <emakt condiions set ont lu tht listing coln=t parable homes in the airs, are selling for. physiclly ittyolvtd in showmngs. V/be you ist your honme widi a real estme You'Il aiso decide hi long the listing will l'te reitor wiii tell you about prparing tdie ___________ bro&erage, you're çntering inca a bifiding be for anid whether il eil be pu on the house, mrraiging; showings or open houses agbeem it m Oit sia o t's inmportant te, Multiple Uaing Servie (M1S). &Md tell you about what's involved in offer choose à cosmy and real mie alespeson Use of ALS gives your hone maximum PSe" m yon re cadisle wltii Te fiad tht raght filas exposure ia todmy's marketplace because it ____________ and individuel. ury ineriew mng dure ralors off se " l the op om t toue i S ecntig fer Dyers aid mik duem about due services thty'll offe facilities and services of other reaîtors Once t listing is complete, the realtor wsll K WAMNA CM 1V MtBi4M when daey list your homte. tlwogh A systet operaed by t local rea check hisAwe contact luts andi heom t n- sli V/bat Yeu Cam ExpOaI Your realtor mill coaduct s thorough inspection of your propoety ta hrp deteumint whas your hesne's mute vine Wa Hie or she will talt accite measurenea dlong miis detmiled description of t popehty. YoD'll aise, ho sklcd for documntation on mmie, surveys, fidt deei auid mortgWg infor- motion. As melI, it's important for thtm te knem if dice am aiy limitations on dt prop- - Wel.plmnned throe-bedroo home bau rmn for fuue expansion. - Foyer epens te, living roin with boxai mimdoi setL - Efficient kitchen layent flémures s corveen celle id"~ * Sliding glars door ftm dinimug mom operm sa .nbk *Raillng separales; dining aid living -u tnhaicing ipco-na tlwoghon home. - Maiter bedroom fMaitres wmlk-mn closes and fht-piec ousie - Suagitat untiMlsleti bw«e level lay. ont of 901 induodes a faniy rmont. a. haifoon and dtw-pueS hilton talait bocad. Only reslori (niembers of dit point aid pre-qusiify potsiia purchasers for Ontauio Rea Ettate Association aid local your homre. Ths wmy. you avoid ai emdless real seboshm)hve éccess to MS. parade of toially disinterested viewers Un&rMd.atmdq Value & Primr IIIIouIJ your 1ons. If s effer te perchise la prcnred whlt dt Before listing your home, yen should understpdcte a sdifférence betiteen ahe msarket value of your ps>perly -^andi tht l prce you ask for. Oten. dit tito ne motsh L For instance, s remitor may estimatet2t.*# Semid for Canada's lmrgett plan bocok midi more dut 500 honte plans, inclnd- ing m mide vnitty of nchltecna styles lrisns luxerions brick ain ta afford- able bungalows. only $9.95 (inclndfing shipping andi GST). To aider nsing VISA or MisserCard, call toli-frut 1- 800-M3-6739 or menti chaque or money erder go Design for Living, c/o The Canadia Champion, 382 West Broadway, Vaicouver, B.C., VSY IR. Trained consultants am standing by Mondày t aunY ta tria ycur orie for the plai book, or to provide informa- daon abont t piltu min lu ii cul- talonu lest level macousi javel 1200 sq.ft. U U COILMigA~s- ist taw lu .S srai w b 0 sais bwiy J W& OYCE SC077 Facure WMxI nainefl h'- dý' bhmss £obea n. = enmtauu .kIpS~ ~~~9 ATISe 3 Perou 2u ieu 2 Oumn tawmu L-Jt liaM wM a estm w d by WqWn - vim ci min CO day Io date M bouey Countrywilde CampbeflvlUe Realty Inc.A 90 hM Itet Nerdâ, Campbelivwe (905) 85442294 Sylvia Bursey BrokerlOwner 854-1621 Florence Walter Isabei HoSldns S"le Rap Sale Rap 878-231 85442131 DESIGN fff LIVING Dining room overlooks vaulted living room C Copyright SELECT HOME DESIGNS - 1 gint le»i second bvel 12W aqft.