* Yet1j rr4-e for Monday fire ordo"%&%" ~lbeo ý MW lin h êuiy A u m ew cul ~* MM TA& ~7b# iUuwm 2 plat mills Tous of bMu ussk- unlo ua ont a Mu kftcim - ou obuued '*e bimsWlsuu 'oMs. uni de *urd u lame a boy il i 11au It 14 m go *0 m.hg OBuci - i- u mg bra M, i îÊuB0 t hu."In Oshor a' du b«au ou due M I a - 8 tall et àé tif * af U plie DO. SOL. Rom mi am di. olla mm"un ah.... rire es the baho N fls i as a hhof * e kvvowdpçioed pigniso & Chats" -I on MN WO. alu& wau iud to nst gr bouui. acci and souts books adi Stril F.M. flb e~ evIdsraWy ufoinoni. paler in the vaitls locatios, sud No oe wu iiedw inthe biaie lie U" chier Pensco No damsage estiMai dits enu polie usd trefiglmn dose Police sud il appeused the yodu wu rmAeu.l Ma Stric fraontsoi stresw gaiM ni ry Io the preus disougl Thetwou youdi. arrested &fier Wilso Drive fur ,isasy tac m l i secunssu door. investigation Ny the Onario Fire -We lai su close the rond becise chiief Pensoit sud tins furs. had Marséal and the liaion police uill Ie halNl nor font mich bot su t eif se rsids à neutr aseehoue appe in Milton Young Offinders rad and ailo in case there acre building tu lhe mre0(odie pIeperY. cour iffisS eir16 chenancals involved,' sid Miltoni Fnl Cierf Huld Pinson Tractor-onaalr stolen Mdihougb fireligliir wctn meàs ulule fighfing dut flue and Mi.say of the Eniroonent officiais ace h r l h o d caiitd la ibe scelle. Chier Penson be ' th wo d sid no huaiaidans chtmjcai attre A irfwor-ri mienc frot Milion Augusi 8 s ,ecoered due oeil day, involvegi but lis laid of lumber remunn ng %ii atudo.id fâclomy is afmulWyaà ibs trmo ilc. ahed wo 4 4&-4oo traies, haid blen lsft tuuung aost gpoftbuildinrgsIntraed tist of siaHrop DveuicoWmyhny ilssiuiUst i u4 pm. aon Ontario Stret. joie tr of due rail- Regona Police suds raid lyacks. Two punsier trucks, an Il wu faund ai 5 prit Auguis 9 ahoidcned on diecasihound Higlia> 401 aeisi vehicie and rescue vehicle neur Whitby andiut du $0.000 woefli cf ipruce tuidur i carred wea ed sces Police mm icakiag fas suspectsý SEARS irdfirefîgintera emerge front theo abandoned Pigiment à s R WNGS IA YSI the oifrtohu otiis W ureà crW o0 f tutigcm Tac yostUla hia, boutn ch.rguï S.. mtosy ut le&t. Use your Seors Cord ond DONI M CNIB lottery calendars until AUGUST '95 when you purchase Ti Canaiman National lnsiuts for the Blind ' CNIB>. Halion-Peei District, as ielling 1995 lottery calenrA which ciTer $4&,00 in pims 2any furnlture» or floor coverlngs. rtnsy. Thse cslstsdse me S30 iuch çrfour tSa $100, wt daily. aeskly &Mi Excludes patio andi baby fumIture vnmNy prize rangwng ftra ISM 8 e i pru&fr n i 0 d Then sie 8W9 pries aitn 8,000 ced~bm rid a i r 0oa en Y~lLQ I To tedu ihe himing caeds. phione (905) 213-ý5332 or tend a disque m«âtri. CNIB. 151 City Centre Drive, suite 201, Msissuga. LiB 1 M7. Use your Sears Cord and DONU4*Y until FEBRUARY'95 when you purchose onv KENMORE Major Applionce. Kanmore Major TELE VISIONS AU# Appuliles FoR Cov.rlngs WOshers & Dryers Stk. 4 14825 Sears-O-Pec Reffigerators -Freezers StkC # 148626 ecg & Molle s AUGUST 1Oth to AUGUST 2Oth *aWk OFFER APPLIES TO ALL REGULAR AND SALE ITEMS 0 MAINTENANCE FEES FROM ALL CURRENT SEARS CATALOGUES $0 lu 5 ée àJcýWSHOP 24 HOURSA DY ýMU AND.o~s Ft&QCýÇ G NAPPQs. 7 DAVS A WEEK ics Fah & s "50,1 &i.t Icýý TOLL-FREE CWAMMO oacoeN iDlfz A-S 1-800-26-SEARS n- e ro0om ent Ouse utes WAU MM ODOIN 1-800-267-3277 For more doas vis» your local Seos Catlogue Agency Iocoted at: 15 100 Nipissing Road ý'15750 oe, *~ Faisuou Vieil lui Poo Q6 pel a MILTON u Uvi in Trmuqu Mii.. orcal for detaits a? thr TaO-Uuoivo U " 878-4103$13