.Dapt'eline I swei Oa alhkslatrssllfof eomlsg ,~ W, h u &sq17 1Wouf. T4s cOttffl hI availwis bc »W ol - ely pSl sa muSw in Pro, Thse Mum IlMClue LAUMa wel- mihg iaS *Ds ~~y du~lacontes worss lawaesed la breast- or 1101101W NMN O IrIIEIIIIl "Ym IUnfilsdiaio nformou amd IM o5 9% -"n-tle W* -u d se S 0-'- ssmeodi uts next mm. ns du Milto nuaSe of puldy cbMN ID85 th a 0Il &Wwus te mme suarsos us, Children and Youth Cete 917 Whmfa dsus WNipissîng Rd.. Ms p.m. Thse lopic il lu losu W 55d bd I» 'Breaslfeedlsl and Beyond.' For ais hae lIn et s th dth@of Th more infcsmaticc. cali 878-40 or F0 sa 48 wr. w lasai 9 78-387. I(111111 878-4043. Mm deédIéne 1a sos FMay for Wo&iaaWo ffonni nomr Th.iidy Au1 Wéa.m ucqb FudWs - tc . DaliSs % sa nethIsseapMbyçhuu The Victorian Order of Nurseà isoai a ll aie in 60 ernur- pscy d ofmea oMilice District Hiagil * ce Dufy Roud hucm 6 go 8 p... Mu Colt il $15. For furtiser infonnalon or an appountasent Cai 875-INFO (4636>. rIMm Uslng wlsh Caaor Groc.p Ummet as Miltce Baptial Chturc. 90 Nlplaaig Rd., front 7:30 te 9 p.m. Lod by murses, gmaup discussion provitle calottons] support md pran- lie guidance te Patients, fushy and bilonds. For otée informtion. Cai 877-I 124 or 878-1876. Tie us Rcross Society holu à o ds eléale ai Iloly Rotary Pariash Hail, 139 Mais St., h.s 1:30 te 8 pi. Frlimy Au& 19 lTse Italie laps Crai ceatre presentta vilico 'Beyosd Rape' - mae trlaissa syndromne. mnd police. Isospisal uad legal systeni - froro 1 te 3 p.oI. lise event, Weinch is pa of due centre's drop-io jirogranq. laites place as Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. Salte 227. ln oakville. FIREPLACES Warm up to Fal with a beautiful bujit in fireplace that is compact, energy efficient and affordabo-le I" e abIabrq-6On Fireplaces featuring Heatilator FMarne Technology. Enjoy a h. ft combination of tali, dancing yellow flamnes, oeramic fire Iogs and a bed of glowing loga that blend together to create the UT look of a real fire.The Heatilator includes a one year limnited warranty. Options include a remote control for total con- venience and a fan kit to mncrease distribution of heated air. Cali us today.t p.RR aLE MCANIA IN For fariser infonnaâSl,,call 925- 3622. Soturdmty Act& 20-21 S. Jetai Ambhulasce isolda a a dard« baS lico a m ll. furiser informasion Mdl a retgruu fim cali 9784330. Thse CusulwIaq We Cross Soclssy preastun easeoey fm I d Md CpIt couMs as its Milice Office os Brosse Strit. Pre-regims by calllm 875-1439. Meeâly Au22.,o A rree prpamonm:o for infants go tire yenr olds tuaes place ut tise Multon Children asd Youth Centre. 917 Nipissing Rd. Chsilu ta*e part in activitieç dhm help du.n learo about thse importunce of good food ad nutition. Cmli Tracy ai 876- 124 for detaihs. The Victorian Order of Nurses iscida a liot clin cMic as Loerville Uouted Oarch. SM0 Guelphs Une (as Brisamia Rond) ften 1 it4 pi. The ceas us $15. For an . oht. Cos- tam ilo Jolis, as du ade ou=s by callng 335-Ml1I Moeday »d Tuciday front 9 mm. te noce or Wcdnesday, Tbardmy sud Priday fron. 9 ani. to 4 p. Wedfsaêy Au& 24 Tihe Milton and District Horsso;ltura Society is a ku trlp to Cousay Lmi HS mliOur ancd Royal BlilaMscal Gxdena. le bul caves Miltent Mail ai 830 a. Salttîi il Iintited. Cail Cisarie as 878-2551. flhraây AIII 25 Tise Victorien Ordler of Nurses holda a room cam ellae as MUsc. <Dommunity and lnforleation Services M4 Rlài Dr., Suite 114 (bcisind Mcle.froni 9 ai. le mem. Tise cost il $15. Fmr ftans inforndos or go appoistinsât Ca 875-940O (4636). lXps to keep your home safe Police are ofléring laverai liase homeoussers worried about ilseir houses while lhey'rc mway ce vaca-' tice. Tise bess deterrent te tbeft, tbsy say. is te make thse bouas look ivsd tri. Gmvang tise itinrry for ysur tslp and etssergrcy nuoioe à aruand niuhisor. along wilh a key and instructions for due alarn arc good idem, they ay. OËac tips uselude - Havc a neigihbor cul tise graaa. pick OP your mail. neseapaper »Il flyers. Have mom ài and du recy- cling bis left cui en gutaus dey »Il cave a car pmtked in thse skivewa. * Have sone interioir ligis an a limer go téii tisy g0on et appopel- ate tisses. ht il eqsaly imiportant le bav c ilsa tut off. A liglt lima- li #9gias cm lie a sip o dv olmou lahosis - lamd ibe sa uouod doma »d porches iseould be conneci te maoe degdmi, som left ce ail u* Whist activami lisey cm slNrd. or ligWse off a potetial bagle. A Wbgi twnàsgo c e s la am* cUlis ou llalyoslst mm.> lic cf du aSilhbors. * Put valambledans me JsekY or celq tollcss l a àaaâty dest. boa. You nuy tilisk yeow vaiil Mus afly hiles in ydw hommo, bu dce t niteI. . les YWa Moite Su rsely aeqmkm ne NOg aIseIIII lance m usqml* ovus