OPINION Bx4,191 M" kS E.. Ih M"001,e" - Millin. OIL LT 4N 191hd $t. E.. Milton Ot, LOT 4N@ fglm 248). la one of TMi (9M)878-2341 = 90ft.. -1 f iD mlw~.~ ir j TMeOMoLime: V -3837 aunil Advaio. Eunsimeg»î im wÈgutPa.Okw Fu: 378-4943 rjii Sotoi aai6M A*iils mm lo ~> Chuifiet: 873-3-30 tntopm.io w m Fi.à amu.. ICkup liv. m mw El&da 1 lmn Oliver PJsllù iher 0 - m.OoTd.Owmhy7 m iéiaoc NIM OR Cý,d a mu TNS O..rmO Pefln W«M uO Lb"~~. Tubai. O j f r e Mlq u D@O W th e 4. in e e.cd àW p %wu Hý CCWMM mQer ý OW . cdIM -t-M q- uumuil by tu Fliring with direct democracy ys are running the zoo Citizen, voting on civmc issues? A govern- mient thsaï listens to ils citizen,," Could it be? ha,, hi if làndsay. Ontario Mayor Max Radiff L t' ha. hi wa, averionofdirect demnocracy e ' tyul nbtîoaliy ine no(t taa distant future. The farsvaud-inkmng Lindsay miayar lias r- T l poelamodel Taxesmeteuhs orii goventiient In Jane 1991. Rossland enacted a bylaw tbat even a smaller group, namely the cauncil- known as tise Municipal Constitution, which lors. lire deciding for th1e ffajoeity niglt now. includes such pemnciple, as: The Rossland model shows cleauly (ba low - Tise direct participation of citizen,, in tise voter turnoui ai election (ime dors miot ratant govenwiee of die city. low lumoul for a referendum, In cm referen- * An oppomuniy for citizen,, 10 vote on dem. people wmo bail neyer voted in municipal bylawsmtaied by city courbci. electiamis regisiered to vote. - Citizen,, inifiating tiseir own legisation by Jse final criticmsm - a petmy aone - is tisas colciga petition containing 20 per cen of rellrendmluns are too expensive 7J. m 'i d tise town's registeted volts. which in tum trig- But, if weIl planned. referendums can liane Th e~ DDoUf e~I gers a city-seule vote on thise several issues, îtcluding lime election of civic - Bindimg city caunicil by tie resait, of refr- politicianu, on lite satite ballot. Ouir local amd regianal govem enduin votes and go lmold referendumrs wlien Couple tItis eih tise tact Uàndsay is airead big d a a ye ovr keepng stuccessfufly peiianed by tise citizens. investing in a tsew vottng oegqsIer. This wotild es as close go zero as possibl So what are tise odds tiss lise model will talte allow citizen,, go vote ai any tiocs oser a number plamned about downloodng of c eoot in Lindsay9 Rigi now. it's liard lu say. otfdays and store iller votes in computer mrm-tt provincial govemmbent. anmidis Mayor Radiff lias supplied lis councml wihory for counting lamer on. ý' control tise expeiqures of tise lime Rosslanai information. He alsa mv invesmigat. Considering these factors, cosmt, is ard1y an or pseudo-govenmnen bodies su ing tise provincial Municipal Affairs Ad, and issue. Is it a cotmcidence, or amx polifcins ctnly sýago uity. Ta, increms plans a qown hltl meeting for Septeinher. concerned about cosqs when i milies ihein body çlse's faillt, was mise nsessag Mayor Radiff liopes to, recense counicti adoption more accourtable ta tise edectorale? As fta nw u oen of tise direct demnocrucy legisiaion çangetme It womld serve Lindsay, mnd evemy otier ioWn faesIknw rgvmo fan.ain ciy i theproinc, wil t, tke dei ad regarsiess of littie glitne titi fal m cîî mntis prvinc, wll 0 tae a5TliJS recession us sttîl flot aver. ye However. tserge am cnitics. look at cmpowening taxpayers. Sure, we cal Prediciably. tisere have heen suine reserva- vote whoever we want mn or out every thec ser wrnis expausiimt ade tionm froin counicti. ls liard for poliicians. whli cars, However. hetween clections, irreversîble cotke tise rutosed Haltnd Regî are useri go nmaking aIl tise decisq ut empowu- damnage can lie datte. aetrpoosr atnR er citizerts mnd allov thlein go nake choices an Sa, wliy no nmp tlie p"abmein i buNd? Carrent coi estime - $1.5 nul iumportant issues. Witb mupa electians; comîng in Novein money, Cali me a cultural phi Tise cnbtcs aisa note tisai since Lmnd.say ofmen ber, nosu is the time for axpayers ta get the wmish, but thms isut gomng ta nu doesnît get nmore gitam 35 per cent voter tumnast. comnnstnt of miseir local candidates t0 citizen- see list. And tits isn'm a ane-ssc tise mînanmty sliouldnmt ho votîng ont legislatimi haseai goveruneni but wîll undaubtedly entail subs for mhe inajorimy. lnfortunately those crmmcs, Taxp.tyers are brima you ai] tise way. Mayor mnd of couns additions go our civ many of sboin are omn councîl. farget lit t',, Radai!f Tlmanks for paoneening tise innovatîve ro11 ise saine 35 per cent seha voteti tem in, And mave Io citizen-baseai govemtnent in Ontio.i Les, governient, less reai tape Coping with hair-pulling obsession Jennîfer looked lîke a normal menage gi 4 Sasan Swedo, a psycbiamri,,i encepi when il caine ta lier haîr. Spe suas National Institute of Mental bci atlwayN pecultar about lier hait,. spending boues% sizeai titat trlncotllommania nay in tise bmlirwm miiakine sure i lamokeai just sian ratiser ilian a problent of a oigh urges. Sho diin't like go sseun ce even go oui af tise She stuiea 13 tnichoiillounsifi aedbcueshddntwni oglwo ervdt e tan lier hait sud Mailier recently notîcei tisai j cj lg clomîpramîne, typically useai fo Jenfrwslosîng a lot af hair. ihore suere 90j, >QjS dsîprasmane, useai for depressian, clump%, af il ail over tise hause. not jus in tie in IJ the V pll 'ite researchers sucre bimi s bajIsmomn. ___________ _____ icatio a given pattent suas talcig Jenniier isad trtcliotillonsania an obsessive tie, md différent patienta rece destre ta pull her loair. Tis dtsorder occurs in tncreases in stresful situatons, an important uxcatnnts in diffricnt orlers. aorly five ta 10 petople ouI of 1,000, mnd usually port of a hiavioural prograln involves stress The resuita were quuse positive. occurs in montageas or young suonen. reduction ignoegles pients ntopped pulltng tiseir hsair 'Mis probiern ta classified ou a disorder of Close monitoring is alato recommended, by on tise u-obneaaive nanlcadto, inpuise contm. becin dmese girls aie un"bl tise parents. so heUp prevent haie pulltng wrism- oiiers isue-pultn wsu "edild ta cantrail 6 uge go pull hsaut fian Isly part of lever possible andi ta provide conatequences 50 pet cent. ln compotion, only tiseir body, including eyebeowa. aras had, suhen il done occu. lue effllivenaii of helen- on repot y mnpovemmd aven dieur eyeliê Mony beconne bld and have gouir modification, by ituelf. ms tilleur. thoughl issdeprimarl ore placpboh. ta rm oa. shore mre coue ulue uhow.gla soie silo- moi paet choie oan t. l'rxichtmtii miaac ne umOaly awnrc dist tltey lescienta haem e ea id ucoeufdly. lion after the intial cxpedanmu have a 1ron a mo.y(bentehaualy Se*tis lay laccsw. houev, espedcally if ptei.aanary follow-up reula it. yet dâey cai't sent ta, reuist dmt rSe. lime tise SucM e mme dioeptive or mmaky in renuÎdo tpoe remuit olien ju social ilolation, ta elcapc du where aid whea alle doem il, orge sho mply De. Soredo concboidea dtho aixey. embarrimonument and lefng t socil champo m acs of the body gls a esal - if- redscod tht aggtanss anm imtoa gaihung. fIiulitIo oIbe (mo die Vois or.um). p.Ilin& aiIl i.craeed the Sir igele ne vey lèw ltuhudit nchmtilotm. A study itarted înk 1989 niay provide a Ssuant the cottpalaion. She rc nut. mmit of wrius ie heavatt moiotfication pvaoiug âew appetiscis. white tai d3ie nge U1UIC ho id, lopièg as lise treatoiet. Sugce hait-palliai ofier. dm eodoie vtevyieo<6 dad., .odéoci . View Point are shai sue ask for, mnd what are the locos praposiîsg' Another hatle empire seekîng expansion. Let's suant for lie 3000 new test- dents toarrive in Millon hofore spending on titis. We still bave tise pipeline ta puy for. and sehatever othor couts the unLknawn grandiose schertnes ansociaeai oilli Desttny Milton mnd ldm Halton Urban Structural Revîew programn have yei ta reveal. Wig s a wotiy expenditure? luo,,e of you subo have neen tis mesu signs aitie Leisure Centre mnd Rotary Park ntay hoe interestet m knou tias tis fornmer cos[ $28.000 mnd tite lat- ter $4.000. 1,, tht, money orelI spent" Que counicil tisouglit it was. mnd o&viausly frît sue coulai atffoed iît Hasu ulai you fuel if you wete one of ihe residents fighW* (ho developer agaînsi tie proposei nan-peof'il bouuîng pîmnei wesî af Mllou's Fae Grounds? lThe town hireai a pari- lime platiner subo îugponnd (ho developer ai tise Ontario Municipal Bouad ieanings, Mayho these apposing resîdenîs dîdn't fil1 oui (ho Destiny Miltan suevey. Hase dues the nonsenset oe me gouig liSg over tise widrning of Matin Somee fit in ois the fgony spent an Deatiny Milbon. wlise claim t liane iu lthe suppasedl developnen of a plain fallawing consultation oriti mnd adice front local citizat? lu il tise bired help uoying tise citizena ho dumnd? Or is titis jug a smg of palitical inep- ti"d wiinSq Our cauefilme? Me iespoeae fronst both groupe ia uay lise sinae. We toopiymi me smtpttulc aid dot mdwmtgige b3 ig -iin. Moa bond oi the e7M. W.!, 1 wmeld ratier have a developument plamid aid hoih hy die SMp Corrigeaie. Woo mforuta &W cisalens olabe aid peovide à wmmuy. Ilth ho lad wbw*a Vme for -by bimil help 1 duiî' semai, bagad me - fraigmeti' utmma ovmmmtd arnnd nsents maie a nolgel incuemu- C. Tbey com- :asts froin tho me inabîlîîy ta schaol -ord ch as tise con- lits are sfiîl un rof bople, he t tise biggest in aur region ana Museuin. lion of out tai listîne if you ie My "must iespendimure, aidies forever, il service puy- amd les, taxes wîth the US lih, hypotise- ho an obses- ricanleollatie iacs. rcc af lu: Tise drug robsessions, id aplacebo w hics ned- ta amly givem vrai tihe tire entrey oriile am for "n cm otie 13 owle on tie phase.a»Il evealed dtha tity of bis- a' dulty ta âlb elleviciai