Halton Region w'o't move on compositîng issue;T @y ANRU LA & ACieJN cent. "lthe onty way.îhaî wilt bc gatte lu integcaîadi garbaga and blue bsausd. to eamdul a éua>' hle htm 7Ibo chamiponl achieved la if tee staei divertiug box collection on alternai.e weeka, 20 t060 yens. oegmuc eut brout lte lanifll aite." etith weekly organuec garbae pick- "Orgaalca cause peoblenis in aà A yean alker a joint Halton-Peel Heuldde "ils otr gomgl Inbe mnes- op. Up to 40 per cent'of Halion', landfill site, lthe Sas«, echt and, compotant uuueaJ ftl nua, Nion pensive." wte su organic - papers, meai, seaUlta." lie explained regoma cuncillom. surpri.ed Peei "Con lthe pivaie som asilis ltae -food à@Iqpaaax. -Haiton Hitît counquttorMarilynJ teili mova aiteat wiiii a conîposting 15 per cote you're looking Wo witlt- Mr. Leilcs sait! a wtet nmanage- Serjeanto ativocaneti peivaie enter- pâlo projeci. ton'i timelvas tae a oui t.'" aike Burlngion coustclllor ment "ideai" is a tanifitl wiuh Do prine partneealiips in compostisg with stand, opdng 0to u liefence an Bob Dradaing naneraus type organics. Wei organica would ba "sonvone wutting i0 risk as much as- obsern.cf tarbage collection - walte. coqnposted wiuh iemaining organics us." At Wednesdyg legmonal compost- .ortiic, bitte box - "isot gotng lo_____________________ iag aubcanuniltee neeting. a staff wash" telit lthe public. Nor wautd report on composimg ankod coîuoci- increaseti wass management coss S O R O LE RE S L losI ae tn.'hre't no doubt l's (compost- , H W t O iLACE S LE Insteail die suuicommuîtee iecom- mng) soin,* 10 malte our waste mati- meudeti - witli planning anid public worka commitlee endorsemant - fulhOer study. 1* lhink ee cen gel sotie stf ta motion wiihoui causing palilical uiïPeaval ai aill Weire i totiere yei. we're a long way front a pilai (pro- jecO." naidi Chair Peter Ponieroy. A five-pari recommandation gars (10 regiortal cauncil next week. I catis for Haiton ta observe - ai no cosi - a 4,000 honte 12 millin~ Peel poseti Caileton dump site. Thie region will also stutiyexisliag composing progcasa "o ai ener- gy-from-waste (EFW) operationa in Bramtpton andi Hamnilton (eauiabshed prior to lise NDP govemenn ÉFW ban) recognizing tise poticy coalti change, andi slady oeganic waste col lection ayutamts, iacluding proposeti single lier regional garbage pîckap Midi cMi Sarry Lue 1 hsave deep reservanons about lte citoLe issue. We're in a differeni position titan Peel. Wc itave a lantil site We've gai sanie breaihing room Peel dorsalt have anti 1 tisink we shosît aie aur lime." soid! Milton covmcillor. anti citair of lte region's wast nmagemeni comnce, Barry Êlue. # Me. Lee, a fariner, qarîtionei lthe compost market. *Farmers aren't going ta be lincd up for compost." He suid mosi rural Mîltonians com- post anti are more concecnedai a garbage collection syslen,, m The province has directe i mnuci-' palilies la retisce caste hy 50 per cent. Halion lias car ity 35 par cent but public works commissioner Art Leitcit saiti of lise iemainlng 15 per Farmer of year wanted The Hallon Fediecation of Agriculture is seeking a Farier/Faim Famîty of lte Yenr. Nominations witl bce acceplei tut 4.30 pr. Ociober 11 ai thte federa- lmon'u Georgetowen office. Fora are available ai ihat office or ity caltîng Michele Caineron ai (905) 878-6725 lise local federation andti he laie Ros% Segsworit' family sponso0r tise ateard recognzmng agrtctura btusiness success andi rural commnarlmîy contri- bution. Organizaions or indîvitisats can make nominatios. Prevtous nommnes aie eligible. T'he award empitasizes saccessful business aperallon (75 per cent) andi coinmunaîy involvemrent (25 pcr cent). Selection is baà*et on te nomince's agrculttral carea, nmanagement practuces, consumer awareness anti contri- bution t0 communiiy, civic anti fart organtzations. The award prersentation wili be November 30 ai the Agricuture Awards Banquet ai die Acton Legion. agent syslem more comptex andi more co.tly." S'ait Mr. Leiîch. atiding however "the las thing we wanî t0 nvisiofl is ttree separate trucks icuntiuing dain the road.- Insteati, tise region is laoking t0 economies of a single-iter garbage collection, A proposa! is bitcng fieldi- edi t he aiea municipalîities andi a preacataîton ta Mîlton council is expecîtd lhe syslent taaie- pro. psdfor a Januauy tCe 5 tr date. Mr. Leticli satid an option ihe iegtan wauli "dearty'* like Io investi-1 g-' 10.Iii LiMne, R.R. #3 Osergaebn, Ont 170 4M6 ffl64530370 10% - 50% off lu-Stock iteau throws, dçcorator pillows, florals, teddies, tinware, pictura frames and -much more .94v&-D- Omo*j FR1 'AUG. 12 SAT. AUG. 13 SUN. AUG. 14 Noon to 9 p.,." 10 II... 80 6 P.tt. 10 a.m. to 6 p.,. SUEID-SUPERKIDS ff MEADOWVALE IrLocatd at Moadowval.Town Cntr. Superkids Inipresses Mother Dear Srs: Several year@ ago, tehen Jesusi was stili very yoîing (he is noie approaching bis sixth birthday) bi@ dari becme enamoreti of the idra of enrttiling JeAsir ini a Karat- school andi of course Jesr wna just as eagily exeitr.ti ly th'e ide&. However, 1 must admit thât 1 min- t-erriy diâulketi the idra of Iesmir grovvrng op li Lie a Ninja Torder. WeU, Jor anti Jessie pervisteti andi they bot shopvev arounti for a Karatr srhoil. W'e oew many and most ofien tee werr unimîtrese<l or disaptpointeri.. that iv, outil my huvivant diveovrril an ami for Superkids anti marie an appointmient lin have you taret Jrvvie. He w«a iiaîrcssed not oniy with ytîur crevlntiais, but mitre vo with the dignitý andi rare À vbown toavarîla our attn. Event thttugh Su1terkids <lors nîît have a sebool in our immediate neighivourboov, it h. eh it teas mort thanj rarcil for hy professionais. Vl, il ië nmvw six monifbu later andot 1h rv ru rmtn aeorsntuiiIyat cannot broun tii express my tien tielight anti enthusiasm for Superkids. He hav famt beome a very respouailie yo man. His chores are dont first thing every mornaing, often tifol¶ cyrD1 notice. He is convtantiy pitching in andi helping me <tut at home teathout being asketi. My frienuis pnd Jessie's tracher have aiM ctvuenet onbiscjectfiainesa andi ntw ftuni discipline. Hi@s maîîîrity develops ant grttws more every day and lis interaction with bis peres iv wonderful. 1 have alun seen Jessie's physiral çievelopmenîi ami co-ordination tiramaticaiiy iniprove.. 1 teil happfiy teil aU of my fienta anti at-quaintance about Superkida anti entourage theni ttt sce for themaelves whaî 1 amn taiking about. mi Most sincerely, ase 6 y-s. perforuning a Sandra Yoko Geri (Skie Kick) SPECIAL CLASSES a 8uportotaré 4 & Syoare a SuperkdsTm 6- 12y.r "Toone à Aduits 13 y.ar and up DENFI FRQM UR s So.etmmntu m ror. StotuMed Progfram s ~imdu mmtuWo Cati for your appointmrent today1 (905) 826m52224