IHattôn Cable working on rura ama A request by Wrd 3 COVMutC amoeus fleohabu furan laà aer le O.telL Àgr Da Jons puailua v>le cfai I P& cadseo Halo Cible TV Seviceu la Moma brout i s y n thé1 CugbeâvMb IM wu aMIS JO Cmayexaculvu go lma weei' tova cuncil Maol. M92sd.19.e &Md Sa udergroesM" wyuas <'q delayed bemuse oftide reconsuction of Gueilph Un. j Ye weai y-tmf pu to*ueu" amu m- maySom aiJUamad amrapochinu i. ils. 5 aeriJohn De Joug ONdoemaicillors. 'HeigllsI 01111 MWt Third and Foutus lines. vicil R feoeuîlY. Ou the biBl Of a ettet reoelved bY cusicil iochuded in à. Iabatn Wasl 2, sg11 deesus récaive cable Ifrt Roges Cible TV oudininga $1S Jamp lu mffily stylie. jCible pli us Me. Broks ahi à. %mv 10 mud- The câil execulive toid counâcillars d dit CRTC gsi. with Hilton Cil* TV is servie dN-ponc Pla- lu stipsu auy wue diii receves lovu waff or uvwor mu. Milton. Mr. gro*ks suid the Campbellville am ba been vicemait aho, Mecive caie Mvice. ivatg apgrasfrd agvîoe. Mr. De ipng sa nllke Rogers. Haion Cibl bu Do Lam weck. Me. Bmook beard ta Service is in place for plan for a rute mncteue duti yut A amal incSmi vili b everyone nadis of ie Campbeliville Skeroadexcept te- madie on Jaisaty 1, 199". 0or subsibes eajoy ouof ideîaîýaf one subdivision, wicsc hem have service by the lowest ruies iu somahen Qstadç given the location ~~ cloie te major rmteoolla a0as," sid Me. De long. 1992 Chrysier LeBaron LX, loaded,4 (r. b-Chey .......... 1991 Dodge Splrii ES 4 dr. whle ...............*....8q995 1987 Dodge Coasvan SE wagon.. brown ........... 7,90ô 1987 Dodgs Omni- 4 dr., blue ................. $3,591 -1986 ifomic 6M0 - -agon, b-chery .......... $4,490 8V KA $&MHt Say& mois people, hov.r 7h.~tn~mrciiie afford a lawyt?.s resauier ftu Md fce. bave novisere la ItMM Lotose Et*d viu buili on frustre-- -Welre hmr for she amd uI Damu lion. * mt'l hem fur théh!nse onta ." Fed Sp vIth ccssaicsad masuruce bc Eay. 'We're incély hem betante dlaimt procédures, Milton couple the sysitroi lamm foclproof an eter Todi and PJ. Klaby doecided ta aui si&- We vant dut ta stop vIl a" a Service they vligs vwufd bave hem Claimi bave been desalAr Its. lite.e for ome. Kiaby siys. for a reuait M simple as TIte couple, wvise lait ingtiance a chseck malin the wroug place. clii mt.ued la a lavaîji. bave For close to tht.. yea.s *. vas *pened a business called Loose employeri by Hooper Holmua Eunds. Canula., vheftd aytasis theud For a reasouable tee, tht Kirbys the i sand culs cf Inuream~ snd yul bitidle a wide range of oftett- lusuratior invesaigasom. complicasi and time-consumins Aller managlug the limas hibou- insursoce clama (ccient, méidical toey for almoil a yea- mnd maig or ieuQfl for eXsample) front aMu to tong contacts widi the besii cf finish. underwrithag depelmts cf major lhieir work facuies an dlaims insurance companies. ahe lef Io5 gogh puivas insurMsce contlaniea. wack in chupaclccite. colgcvccmtuagecie sachas ht MIS. Kfmby bu taaw bai a cbleo- Watt.. 'Conupensaion Bond gwactic bealdi aSilaMi for six yeu. "Weti a lo c f people who wtt Si. aya sie bu literuhly dihat wiSSI jula waitlng bu us 5o cpmn up," siya .unaiti cf clae BtonluS. àmiW Mes. KËb.'26, visa lives li Boteatve end sud s4~ peqap1 slip Sotre owtahause wlth ber common- iFwogh the cracka m eitser osa die liv Itugbanitubad thie on.-year'old positive or néative aide. SMu. . W. taire iasaraisce dlaims Soc "People no longer have'leisuethe1 initial stffle," sht aid. "Yoa âmow, andi vii.. lby do li's Ml btlug Can ciii us wilS a policy tr itop spent fillins out Étasceuce fout and nmer aid aSU die datails so vs e makÉwgpbmucalu luatame die dlaim for Yom (MW is- Over à 03apI&r Kicby. in& a vaiver)." vbo suits ba"l prebWims inuIt- Iibu bulfobte couple la prooeta a lng hmo a tk iboalci sili, Uay sl raorvard clasm la abouti SSI. he vun «km lu à. msffe"t and Prices umi for lutr aMd pubi- time apin by he sim aben 1w igm clama or lumVpum setdaqws., tried tu cdaim lusuruc )lefits JI. Kiattys. vis cuuemiy u the thmuga a prnvase compaay. He duel- business out of tbrur hote, m e ly bâti la hife a lawyer ) contactai by cailla& 117MIStlu THIS W EK'S S.PECIAL- 8 3 006 km' misteair *101m Peog indow, P ec~1 calmi~we f dmey atv'u *White wkIm .hareai. m1u W E~ NS R Tiffl, aWTHM ONLYAT *~ UALLENEER@ OU5 MNIN STREET EAST, MILTON a 875-8673 TMs K4rbys -Todd, 30, end fla,3-a onisSesllu, silarws à oompetny elliquabss ai" Io hslp people pruessi rtdl oflsnoompleand MMetm.onn insurane elsma. Couple aims to tié upn paperwork loose ends