iuitIa a preat tiffl te play an OUd iuuaawiS& LU Fiat weekend sees midgets ousted early in OBA finale Si MURRAY TOWNSEND Speca/ Io The Chsampiont nie hemse the leaju. the hagher the csîarsltons. and ftic greaier tlle dis- .appoanlment eiti [buiig, ikiat go totll Thats, saat ihe Mlitîn Karnias mitIge>, Lassa oisi Ibis p.Ls tieckrrsd il te Oniarto Iil iiatia Cihab.m- pionsbapv an Bartitigtohi ((ansaded tue of> tht tai(atilcs an tic 2-icaim foîurnIlaamena of the pruîsice , elite 4kN tiavieal u earis Agtir toisis 85A lo [.asîue and &-5 tut Stînes (teck Su ittririe, uit tutti gante 'arc irbscat- ticloto Manger uit>l kils saj he dibi .âai lu iake uihii aii> tfront the ta, t inning iih,. tbut le>> Milits à, ia w henr tktcttaii they> l i i plis tIke i llte bhin, bhal bain us cre iticntal tut iits and plis vu., dicir.vid k iesn Ile itiul note tf wctr.t if îhtm Surnie rrier thc spe ut ing, thlai raiueJt bapficn ta, heiin -î-cb as ilroppasg the lxiii on a lt. foettng tahtit b.as Io ibriti l slipping àMn talliiigo ais. piji ap anad geting pickedtoff ai ftr,i vase ltiats, part ot baehcbaut ha> bc a chaipaonsbap tcai> ac snting lu Rialte%. ,tiu ca'i tic malsang busce mistikes in gagne% tif Ibis inucit imiportance Mtlton ta, but sorne bai gamles before anal sii von. says Ridie>. bot against tht htst in the province yoai soiit gel aseay tt ai. "At itis tortl. toben you open a diior, dley Lotti craisinthdrtugb Radly ltopis the temn lias leartrd somfetiting anal tit the players cati overcomne the diappoainiment anal feeling itait bey beat tbemseloeu *1uou catit tai expeneance. vou base Iou go titrougil t' ' lits %fiaIt becs a ighi> Nuccessful season for the mialgrts iss geîîing into lis touarsalent as an accuns- plttsitrti As sseil. thty*re undefeat- cdl an 14 gamesý in the Central> Onlartu, * Basebait Association anal base an oppaîrtuiy to gît to the AAA Ontario citanipiainvbips an Toronto oser the Labtou Day wmeerr Gueltphi enaied aip ainning thte mid- get etamaunulacu touraattent thi a 7 5fanai ganse viador> oser Bairlinstun anal tilal represent Ontario ai the Car .aiai cbaanpîonshapi n Alberta. Leaat'adeSMlon 5 lieKarmua Mialgets jainspel oiai to an caly kWain t the second innnag. Sitayne RadIey toalkeal anl Mois lird an a cloue play on a sangle by Kevin Wilson, Radley came borne on an anfild out by Jammy Fay, anal Wilson scoredl ou a sharp lime drive b> Jef> Langîlle oser the ttsird base- ma', htad. a. fg DGETS on pige 21 "j, Colas ln ni arbm e Umu Uhai mm semue Die Diedi 11111-180ou assa Jay Roui ". Tlsey wue luil book froma Use Wmw ClimmdlaU Mihigf Goodale shows weli in BM Fine Mullon BMX bicycle racers Isuadeal dowo le Waiecfatd Ouks. Michigan dus paie woeimad lo take putI in tise Watld Cliuupao*aPlsa flaity-ulgla couarlees wese rpresed armat dae 600 puafcipainît. l'le flot Milton rider% were Dave Goodàle, Pul Cm"al. Jan Rowley. Bobhy Rowley mnd Clirmon WilliansSo. AUl wee "N toadvuSo pani tise farst round. whtre liait lie rident m eliniedi in a tili of 270, Daste Gonda* inade go tie top 50 in die 18 ad om cilas.Gonale is àdd Uited Stages tou. The DNIX Nua"i Setua u confihg la C lise fini time ever ad wilI taise place tigt Mfilian Augma 20 ad 21 aI Tracs 200 inci Park si lilima ad Tnafalgar Roui. Most of tht top pros in the Unifiat Stale contsatgto Militos, seida $3M0 up fat graha h %sem ti tnt fra«o specwua. Milton athlètes shine t Etobicoke n Tsa M liton atbletcs contrihaleal excellet'ptrfortnincts an tise Harsiet Taibr an Gants in Elobicoke recetal- [y. Compeltng for thte Atletaquts International Track anal Fild Club int Oakville, I 3-year-old Neuad PlJtvaljcic misseil a meet recordl by the niveusesti sargans in tht bain- tant boys bigit jumtp. After pulltng an aiet by beating the favourie with a jump of 1.64 osetres. lit sase the eoena alelayed sehale officiais bei t dancover the exisfing.record. Dairing the alelay it stagrtea ta tain, mailing the jamping uprain toc slip- pery for tite baskethaîl nitoes Pljeopaljcic had been using ta Ihat potat He taselchis over to igi juni sitoes gtoang hlm beiser traction. but the deîay anal colder weather, &long watt a anfi sitin. wtrr jusi enough go keep héla out of aise record bockgs 10 -Softbal silver for midget girls MWs Million serve Clubs nudg Vil% s~ rain~ claanned t falote -medii recensly in the peesiagous <Ctan Sursauter Golal Tournanteua flseu onl> Io,, ab an the ctsmi iinship game. a 2-1 squeaker in Windsor Miltun sqanteJ the weckend on à positive moe àgaitisi Amhtsaiarg wataung 14-4) un a con*sned no-hat- fer by Jayne Cuirrie .and Cathy Ravtser [attisa Duarams lmuanaissen M'u1Pl Wdthoffence, goan 2,fore2 wu1h a double. honte ran .and fise IBt octrne anal Sh.aalent kffrey cach seent 2-for-3 andýRebecca Courtrighî Darc: M5 tîach andl Ciame eaacb went 3-for-3 ws ayne goang 2-for- 4 &ath 2 RBI Citant> Crombie ha; a tatrer tn humer andl Soephaue Caersaa wtns 2-for-2 wth a trple anal two RBI Maltun %on their thard straighqi gagne 12-2 over Chaihlan ta go( a ,cair an tise pre-lugne warrmap hsien liants Naylot sttapçed a line drive wath thse end of lu tose She man- ageag stai ll play, hawer andal i- lceea an RBI tnr isaa Douegai iad Durvat tacs -cotl 2-for-2. watts Durrat colltectiof thte four RBI Wendy Nielsen. Kelly Smath. Croniae mat hl jetfrey ids enels liai a its anda ans RBI In diesesufinullgage Mahontced Salu Londand cesituatal in oam- inwge, wastatmg 12-1 Gervaib led dt attacl oSmg 3-fot-3 semi; andl REIL Durrun wu 2-fat-2 and Dongegas 1- fat-I wilh 3 REiL Evetybady an tht bouv sial ai km cm iÊ [X the fnal tamte ptteal Milton rX t Windsor Milton heu thet iantige drey played in June, but not iais tatou Windsor prevailea 2-1 16 on die Inaà paldian' duel. The ficion coca- btsed fat oeil seven hlus M"f Milton ensered lise sveab hi=&n thmt in lraalang 2-0. Lasa Donegan led off linifliDi seatt a single anal moved la secondl on a hellaliful sacifice buta by Relsecca iwll be McTrach. Durrant theta singlea toa oàdo".t thseit foher second hitof *rý Sanie. Wandsclr pitrtaing retareal Me isent twr, boumtn, lar dBiet ttwi. Millon"s nest toutarmet is the ~eet Broincilqaiir. Agui1-4a t. bi L.argelti m04ialle thet recatt boioks. Isotover The 1 O.yese-d set a mitet record aof 9.17 niegres ehal seat- sang t tykt boys domhla l1M wsea tise rtasi of Ihree pernonal hesl for oml place a iehj un.aa e prepetst pataud I8 pets"a records ai tie mmat to uus 13 tsdais. Fox your sports te>ots to us 'éi SPORTS ry.- a ê1-. - 1