Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 1994, p. 15

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Mixed views on giant retailers coming to town DY NM A hIMKURN box use," conu te Milo. Soute local retailera exclamalig fSr "eheekg wareliom pnicing and locate in warehousng zones, but planners The mWepoe have akeady feil the effects of such guan toe mm mmagtng lIwou* rdua on their own." saisid m ook* te isei pmrltuig aid nraffir neda (the'big botts) in neighabMin mtaaacip.Jite. Mus Rusk Nieubenhip weioisse clubs cur asiar" Men*bmhip warehsouse clubs and so-callced "Retail in ibis province is changing ai an Milion downtown Business Improvenient peodlachi in Iniid coa. go saunukets oe *bigl box' user - rgem forum meailing la a far acceleeating rate." wrote Municipal Affaira Ame (RIA) manager Anthony Allwood nays deparlment ntoreài Warehomu seores usually cry firom tke general store. Those retailent Minister Ed Philip ini a cover legstet the die provincial report as tordy> specialize in one pmodî bua Are luger dita aren't banging down Mution's door yen bus lbt provincial report. 'It'n aintout old nemi. Thie report says how Io etrk<îa sçtectaiized retaiera. saya tie report. tomn is getîîng ready. "Somte of un dniitl realize. these megu-stores tirai wilh il. A We of bushnes have aiready -Ibere âne differèggl types of wIti ive cal big "We're jusI beiàig approacked now," saisi and the impact they can have on a communi- adusied or tkeyee alreati> nul of busines. k i boa uns. There are those like Toys R Us,. Milton planning directe Mel brvio in Lote July. ty's residential section and business section." noted. The downiosso DIA manager believes wbîcb are ciearly retaîl. Otkers lîke the Price "Wedappoacb th a loi of cauion a di saiti Miltont Mayor Gord KSiil. wllCehoiiS club stores arc losialg thkir novelly Club and Costco are wholesl/eaiIsbe montenot. making certan &Il appropriaie states Tlir new retail style is acdressing nectis of but isn't totaily opposes igentk locally. confusing because current bylaws deWa ttcll> are donc and consideratios are guven." ke aaid. Canadian consulrrat. ai lesi for the short terrm. "Yonre kîller off havîng a Walnmr in yeur wilh éither retail or wholesale,'s.ud Mr. Jos o Tic îown bas bal indications of tnlerest but saiti Mr. loio. Wketkr ils, flfe is trmied In a communily hbm in the commnty nexi to fac provincial report says large format stores no formésl developrinenti applications, said Mr. fime framge or whklkr tlfere's t0 kc a funda- you,* ki said. oecognirîng taxes firon socb an hase local and regionid impact, Municiplitics lovio, mental change andti bis il1, 1 dton t kov. ne Towno council necently received a provincial added report called New Format Retailiog and the Milton MaIl manager Marion RuSk crilîcizts Public Interest. Tie document was alte cîrcu- any indrease in Milton reluIi aciivily wiîl lte lated te Mlton's Chamber of Commurerce and townos preseni population. lte Milo downtown Business Improvemrent "For lte town go allowlinore retail. particular. Amis aIAl. ly wholesalers, if ssould desqro> many basi- Town plunners are iocIudioý new format Dessu that for the last 25 ye.îrs hive Noen sp- retaling guidelines mie Muton's iww Official portibg tir town. saîd Ms Rusk. Plan draft. wbich shoulti k ready for public *'Ifthre was a lot of gromîli as per tke HISP conmment by early next year # MHaiton Urban Stricture Plan) thn fioe. but in "ýCurent municipal plans don't really atidress these econornuc limtes and wilh the current pop- .rw format retsling." sasd Me. lovîn. ulation base. n0," sa.id Ms, Rusk. Local retati associations are also pondering Nor do ail cusiomers want io gîve ap a lte impact shoulti what Mr. lovio cals "a big "shopping expenrence" or personal service in Retailing changing in the '90s I ront RETAIlERS on pag0 4 becasse they have more needs but tkîïr ncomge isn't increasing. And the consumer change., faster the 1 retailer. which s, ilmost a shunte hecause the saccesstul retailer antici- pales change and is ready Io belpi the consumer wiib change. ki said "If a retailer dues thag, a consumner remnembers that retaier for lîfe Tkiy neyer néed oe advertîse go gel that consumer back in the door.' saivi Mr. Bergerson. The expert alse spoke about bat- tlîng the competîtion and tacklîng perceptions~. He looked te large shopping mail parkijg lots. the 'artîficial streets" crealed wîth trees and benches in shopping coocourses and tke genfcul spaciossness of big mals. He chal-- tenged downtown retaîlers Io mccl Ihe ~perceptions" of coovenîrnce head-on by promotiing the do,«n- town's real steets, 4persorsalized cos- tumrer service and neatby, no-charge parking. To altract shoppers seeklng a "Iota] experience- - shopping, Wervlç" entertamomeot and food. Mr. Berger- %on ch.ienged retulers, te peovide if. te hecome part of the communlly by hosting events. ltke the sscc:esýfuI Faimers Malies, or capitalizlng on trends like the cuiTeni lioc-dancing. tu drau. customfers. Mr Bergerion poîted the 131A mniiers about Ikîir perceptions of ibccompelttion. IHe heard the comt- prieiln was based in Toronto. Oavillc an< Mississauga. ihat selec- non. coovenience of hours and peice wcre factors. Mr Bergerson keard local reLailers say îhcy believe îhcy offcred fair prices. good service. esen bonuses lîke local gossip. lu downiowo cos- tomer' "Use the perceptions as a steenglh.* be advisd. Hie also advised cooiperation wîîh BIA effort, Alîhoueli a sidewaik sale may not bnng inging cash re&- isters 10 ail dowiown BIA mem- bters. thire could ke indirect henefits. ,flic payback msay ke long terrn if nol Ibalt day." ki suid telliitg relailer g0 tartes marketing efforts te guagnon- îeed shopping periods. like Christntas and Mother's Day, te ckaw back custonffm ail Year. FRDAY August 5 SATURDAY August 6 Mr, Allwood said in Orillia. ihe DIA worked with W.slnfan. pus a kiok tin the large retaier*s parking lot, and encouraged people Io vîsit dowalowný "Stores like Walmr or Aîlcenhead', dlru% people ftomn out of i own inio*to% o.*lie sîd DownIosso store, offer a differeol style of rew.ling, for those who min persogli serv icc -I thiok the two types of operalions cao co- habilate fine," sad Mr. Allwood. lTees been confusion as t0 whether mcm.n bership v,.rehouse clubs lîke the Price Club are meail siGe, Ther provincialI rcporl says ihey should Ne consîdrd relaîil ourlets Thk> coule! 9.o0 pin-i amn DillyDwrand 3 pm Hawuoan Tropic' Patio Parlyý L NE ENTERTAWAEAff ON THE PATIO - pss'f OMWAVS) LOTS OFFLINY SUNDAY ~wu 11:W ainis August 7 to 2-00 pin Joi us/'oryour favourit.e beverage &fod on our 1s néwIy rernwafedpaso. heip avoid cross-bosndary, toter-munîicîpal store waes. t ayN. and consîdeir agracultural landi protection, healthy dowotosxns and public transit. The report suggested lthe possibiltt> of ssam- housie stores lacaltng in ne%. regioii.l and cont- tnuniry shopping centre', or a, replacement, to closed departmeot store, or other traditional narrchatatsrs. liossever ils clear downlowns arelit usually suitable sites for large scagle retailers. Large scale operatioos also require lairge population bases. The report said a mem- bership warehousc club needs a population of I %,1K) te 250,.<I I 370 Main St. Milton, Ont. (905) 878-2U9 PA1ESENTS WOOD1INE Thoroughbred Action POST TIME 6 pm MWnesday 1 pm Thursday thru Sunday

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