Red Cross open late in mercy mission to Rwanda Thet Milton Catiadian Red Cross brnnch bait for people making donationi in efforts to aile- credit card oser the telephone. and a tas wiI Lie channeled directly te Rwando. relie Icollecied $285 for Rwandan aid and is cxtend- viate thse cuitent a'agedy in Rwanida Thse Red receipt i% issued for any donation SI 0 or mûre. work. wmth notbing going to local nliniisa ing us, office iotirs today iWednesday) and Cross bas been appeiuling for donations to The Milton brancb iç at 42 Bronte Street tivç,- s. toîoorrow teLiciter accommodale others wisb- assist Rwanda refugees wbo lied war nd their Souilu (I9T 5A8I or 49051 875-1459. Tbriilton brancs, Fllke ail Red Cros îng ILodontate Liomeland in huge nunibers. atnd are now fac- As uoith ail internationtal relief donationil. the biranches, bas thse 100 per cent policy tbm&s i I Today aisf Tursday tise Lirancb wili lie opien ing diseuse and hunger in adjacent Zaire Red Cros,%s 1(XI, per cent" policy us in effect - its United Way funding, â*ed Cross specia uni 18 pm oe allow mûre convenien acces %h donations oahe ile uts pern tin by i Il) per cent of aldonaions for Rwasdan aid escnt fuudraiingadis lege volunterbaec I. Pontiace Buick a GMC Dealers, give you what you want for a price that fits. It's that simple. PONTIA\C SI NBIRD LE SE[DAN VEATUI: « S - 4 whtel AitS . aiîrinarc 1 ransiiL,,LL ria * ir r otldltrio ri g a \I Itrero (is,,olIe * pulse wiupers a i runk (rvrîlse plui, rilrir: Il Tîonte. P~ONIAC ("RAND) .'i\1 SE SED)AN -: drivS ser sside ai r hag a 4 s r \15 * ai iL)TI(iLIFilliL \\! sterco r asseiiî piris vipt1 r' - po%%, r titlrr Il L k,5 - itiliiraict r prslrsrLt11luis mot h iirr [i P'ONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN FEATI RES: * dual air bags a 4 wheel ABS " lro il I 3 1 litre SF1 Sir, I \M stereo " auiiratic t ranismission * air condîîurnrng " sporrts appearante package Srnar p.'r Ifi('nh Snart &P p e< t p oh Sinart per mnonth easc toIUr Ls fo Lase for f 2 9 . 11( j ts for s 3 ,tolls for s2 9 3 56 nt 4r~ h 1 R l t I STO\i. 1 l a i ( iIi. 11ri re *j ilsfl Bt 1 CK Lc.SABRE CL' STOMI FEATLURESý " citr,îl .ir hag% * 4 swheet ABS. - ) 8Flir SFI %ôr " air L nd in otiig * tiltcuise a porwer wîndos " porLs river scat* reinotie kevless eniry S)L5Varitiiiia * triitk relcase Sirnart P 'ff7 per month I case for for $399'.# 36 i-nonths* (;NMC ji.mM' i-I:,TI'RES. * spar(to ii~a' rer .atl seasot lirEý 6 fI jkrtrg iifferwii a irîrtrî glass 4 itr L e it \iL rt lt rr nit Ilfi v(~>ears * ttMstir e asýsti rf . ai r t lcUrorg allriiiiiiiiwhe ls rar %% iiirLrswipî-r ors399 3(j nioîhs* GMC SAFARI PERFO1RMANCZ EDITION FEAILJRES * driver s side air bai * 4-wheel ABS 4 3 titre i t \' * electrontc transmission 8 passenger seating *A,\II-M stereo cassette a aptir s c baîrs * deep tirîed glass * power rlooir liiik'. * rrtttîti hoards Sinan I~~I per month i cas 4 f for for $r 9P 48 months* The Excitement and Quality PNICUC, y o u e x e c . ri c d * VO M <* ,40LE54W3 E- s20Wm .'p- 64E1-E~ P.-.<* 6441r 4, 54, 36 SIE s - .E -iLyo~A94561W 130 - 4I .36364rir 5220.446. p. 30O4 Ei5. 'a .44 C 64444laW ..304#.0. 3E~ 44"'E~ 6. tU3a~ - br i,..4 ~a 5.A .ia 364. 0W 46.~*p444 O. .47 '41 173 4'44aV« =8:75 -ZWVW4 W r- f 1 BUICK ý TEAM