Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 1994, p. 7

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0 OUR READERS WRITE Fruatrated with pro-if.é Dr Editur: 1 am frustisîtti with tht anti-abortion groupa. whost stand seenu te lie se righteeus andi idealistit., bThet ame probably tetitane type of people who years ago condetned the unwed mother andi would not allow lier mueo their social cie- clts. New ibis santu giroup woulti deny womn control over their own bodies te postîbly recreate tie borrner of backstret aborluons - the beerorsse feaght se hard te avotd. Tht plisi presieni of Remania criuminaltN abertuen and unwanted children wert warr- botiset iun appalling conditions. Unforîunaîely, tItis is net tht ideal world whete every chil i s wanted and every expec- tant failier eagerly awais the btrth of their global propety and in Nanhil Anuerica corm 30-35 per cent less un wagts tItan lien. HIgIt birtb rates andi single-parent familles arc cltarly lit*ed te tiai globa catastrophe. It wetild be fae more productive if tht ener- gy and finançiai reources of theat uutipbor- tien greups wtre tiirected ta obtaining a national daycaw policy. teaching responsible sex echucatien, urgtng pin te accepi tmoueon- ai and financial responsibility for their chil- deen. htlpîng wornen achieve tquualty un tie home antd busintess world. I wotild like te aid tiait pro-choiS balSv- e.s do net take abontion lightly Tht majoruty taise this stand respènsibly andi painfully. It us cruel anti biastd to tienyW'omen the night te choosc conîrol oser Iheir own bodies and lives. Tossa Ridi.y Women of Helton Action Movefient (WHAMI) *childeen. Sadly eneugh, most situations leavt tht Thank God moUiser amt "wt baby unstipporteti emutuonal- for Gus ly andjinanctally. Statistics show somnewhire betwoen 65 andi 75 pet cent of fathisn do nm De. Edkar: pay chilti support afttr the upousal relation- In 1920. bis parents nanuti hum Alexuander ship endis. Lawrence (louîousku. Hus hosi of frientis Women ail oser the world are left te smnug- though lIse ytaes knew ILu iîmply as "Glus gît wiîh a structure that promtoies a life of (outolu,*" posenty. violence andi or; eapecteti subius- But un 1985. a geaterati pastot anti people, sien that us natuiially inluerlteti frem oui social sponsors 0f a besiegeti Chistian day scbol atl*xdes. un Milton., cWIelein "Saint Augustus!" lncudentauty, women own ont per cent of Il was on Labeur Day. 1985t that Gaus We're talking savings here! * Go -th omruoihoil $Mi. mnmh~ F-M. - hof » m 4-stMi -aur.oufer 2 9 ! Master has volurne centrai and selectr te lotyou ails St~e eachstation indivuduaiy. Cornes with three 66-foot cables 43-223 sm $40 .13 9!3 A) 10-ch. cordless teatures Soundi Commander Il flouse reducten and IQ-number rnemrory. 43-8841 a 10.ch. cordies sp.aléorphon. Mas rnernry dilng tram the base or harutset. 10-rua. MOMery. 43-8W4 O) SlOk fashilon phone has auto radial and holti buton. 43-88M D) Eyo-ctchng phone with holti butn andiast-ne. radial. 43-8818 hum, hi, Cd oi u. - Il eu M r u~u wel Mu ui ft h lu V WMM 2-d"h Mhbb M 14! toast lor yaui home, ai o bçuat. Oeskhvail mourif43-222 Sm ;0m!& With fane-tuai rernoie marna record anti Ready lotuse-f ualplug ut uniAtt ioam monitor. 43-,711 1 addituonat units as needeti. 4318156 0 W-i iqad lee r he t ~h*i.h. B..5 Z*M ---us---- walked loto die office ef the Emoui Bqthisi response to Gus' proposai. "Let me checkf Church on Commercial Somt andi .ugaestd with my wifef'" Gus Jistencti te Mrs. to.me, the plat, thai 1 shouald si( down Nadalin's respoitse %site caled downIo Lou btuse he hall amircltorept!" from the upsiars of the hotuse: "Ir ut's for For a mentit, "Ill oeal esut" Glus, a real Revertnd Caznpbell antie academy. as fai etate comtpany owner, bati sought in vain to as l'mn concernied. they can use the paety finit facilliies to wbich we coulti move the buildings at no cost as long as thty tiettiltt" Hion Herntage Christian Academy to hegin And thet next day, tht acaultmy was whole- i.s second year of operations. heartedly wetcomed outsidc of the town A year carlier. the acadtmy had heen whuchb lail rejected tbem! ottitreti by the town cesuncil te shut. No wender Gu,% Goutouski was idenititd As a devout. liftlong Roman Catbolic. uc in a sub.equent publisheti invitation to th., was dismayei dluat the non-Catholit Chistman public to attend the official optning of tht parents of Ontario, aleog with adherentiffof second vear of the Italien Heritagetunrstian Judaisrn. Islam anti ilier faihl comniunuiieN. Acadicus is "Saint Au&ustus' ssere dentedth ne fundamental parental nighLs Ail of the npNfe instincts whicli character- te chooss tit scbooling ýu ftue children. ied the 1 e of this% Canadian patitt aitre [le was outtageti by the hosi ility of ntugh- episonize1ýn.ths cuiusace yCu heurs andi the tewn adinuiniste-utors. courageoinhx deterrnined servire to a uittle lie was shocked ai the refusal of the judi- church autI Chrtian academy s ictîtauzei by ciary te permit the academy te continue its the very hostilty of a post-Chrusîtan seèulaf pregramn un uts second year ai the church soctety loward the libtraung, ennobling. pmoperty umt l& appeal of the court order te humanîtarian theusic v>lues on which shut down hal hein heard. Canada is founded. and $ur whuch Glus and But on Labour Day. the day before tht se- t is comnrades 1usd tisked âd guven thtir lives ont scboul year was te btgtn. Glus explint -n war. "ha as lie waN dtvng bock ever tht Niagara I loved Glus and know lie lovtd (led and Ewcarment îowatd Milton on a hunch ht'd Jesus. Gotis Son anti eut Savieur! turneti into tht lodge laiteway 4f tht 90-acte On D-Day. at the end ef 74 yeams of ser- Loti Nadalto couintry estate whffe heti fetinti vice, "Saint Angustus" surely heard Our Lou ai the back of the second u8two party blesseti Lord's "Well dont" . buildings, whuch lied con .strticte:daerec W h'ank (led for "Saint A ugustus!' barris huai once mtoue. Ken Campbell Gond musi hase sent ydu htuue" was Lotis 1 iAlon

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