Pontilac 9 Buick 0 GI K1 Dealers give you what you want fôr a pr"ce that fits. It's that simple. PONTIAC S NBIRD LE SEDAN J#EATt'RES: 4 wheel ABS .autonuatic Tra.n sson air (ornditioning* MI t!reo casscî * pulse wipiers a trunik reli'ase eplus much more Smar per month Leass. for for 3o-531 l PONTIlAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN FEATURES *o drivers side air bag * 4-wheel S -air cundîiioninge,\AM4EM sterco cassette îîlewipers 9 power door locks * autimatic fransinission 6 plus imuch more Silart Ixase for s239 per rnonth for 36 months* PONTIAÇ f3RAND PRIX SE SEDAN FEATURE: i duai air bags e 4-wheeI ABS " I rt),F Il i tre SF1 5/6 * \MIFM stereo * aiomalic trarismission .air conditioning " spor Sappealanc epacka.ge Sinart per mornh Lcase ' for for s2 9 6 months* B(L'ICK' REGAL (À S10\ FEATURES: *irtrs nde air hag e 4a te\B *3 i8 lire SI IVt e r.litaI iie air cindiiioing *tilt0 r mi-e * jIis%,-r 5% ,iiî -/tol~*\IIS st1-rtc.t t tissct [t pis, wpeir, SmA tr PJf c' îr mionth Iua 1,1L1efo for le)t ittonths BIJICK LESA5RE CUST OMFEATURES: *duial air bags e 4-wheel,\BS e 1 8 litre $FI Vh *air conîditicoing * qilt1crîise a poti 2rr windows : po r driver seat. retmote keyless enirv *poweý anienira - irunk release siat$399 per month Lease for -or 3b ront's* LE//I GMCJIMMY FEATURES: à sparet ire carrier *allseason tires* aIockinig differenîtal a ljiitvd glass .4 3litre rFI Su * reclining front huchet seis *A\IItM stereo cassette * tir condiiioirig . al n num wheels . *îr a iidow wtper Smart 3f 1 per mnont r Lease for for $ 99 36 inonths* GMC'SAFARI PERFORMANCE EDITION FEATURESý * driver's side air bag * 4-wheel ABS * 413 litre EII %'( * electronic transmission * 8 passenger seatîiig * AWI stereo cassette * capiain s chairs * deep tined glass *power door Iocký - runningboarde, Smart pr onth Lease r, Il o for $r 9 48 imonths* The Excitemnent and Qualty PONTIAC BUICKeGNM2 s~ou expect. Prioed Reihi _ _ yM .at ceneka et ,e 51e $ n..G eS .wUot.e3 S 1r e TE Mt. t M t4e 1- OW. b.yaet.. I.er.laeOptimiai bitters were Vicki fonrfoit. ' Katteoanit. Mosan Crawford i à ~ ~ ;Kranti, Erin Baker and Dre.d Hiin for die Optimiat Club were double and déris singles. Jaclyn Omlukl@ Am"dy olf U* 17 Nuttai. Megan Crawford. Aislynn Clark, Vipood was a perfect fut for four. O,<~~~lflv lbnstls a llJane Kaoealy who e,.ecuted Joonfer Hatji bit a triple si lui bus- Babasg for the winains em weoe 5<evez Con SU bl 22 a agreai triple play. ter. Fli Rum tw hurerre Hae OpICboMkomax bitters were Laura f ~MacDonald orne borne ruis, Justifier Baum fO k So~ tables we Reu molownb Resi*2 Wellacad hallotogls aa Hatjî. Lindsay Musil sed Justine Afndalsagl. DomicIle C OPdu'WtClub fMiu N111012 Wint« Md4 Tiffany Daly played Wilbanu ail wenh four for toum. sol Amuad Ruikin ail went fr Playng for the wuaning tearn wcre great ý BUICK TEAM (zTý