-iIDO5 rVI AMuond CommunsWy Ncwspaper Vol. 135 No. 48. WEDNESI)AY jULY 27. 1994 NEWSLfrEÉ Red Cross Ineeds help e -n Rwanda The Canadien Reti Cross Society us apposling for doria- lions ta heip Awandan retugeesý "Due ta the suitten exodus of Rwandan roi ugees nto Zalge (between 10,000 andt 1 Q per hotury, the cneis are 's(jtI enormous," said a press refasse ssunt by the Redt Cross. "FitIseiciat contributi0eS are required tQ nimiin Red Cross operatifoes in 11111 region' lhe mont urgent neoits are tor esieler snd irtanicets. The nighls are cotd ,and the day- lime tomperaturtis can go as 10w as 18 degrees Celsius. Tbere is no needior dlines. One hunidredpiOr cenil ot -donations wttl bo torwarded te help lte retugees, paid the preas refase. Tax croditatiîe "oMr can * ie made in r or by ma I Ail che4ues shouli ire mate payatisle t Canadien Red Cross; Society aud uanadlod Rwantda. AUt major crocit carde are welco<Te. The aditrsa isý Th& Caniehn Red Cross Society. Milton Branch. 42 Broeite Si. S., Mitn, Oeil, L9T 5A8. The office sa open 9 am.t 04:30 p.m. Monday t0 Friday. For more information, catir 875-1459ý INSIDE Police. ý . .... 5 Pud l.. . .. . .. 6 Letters . . . . . . . ..7 Dateline..ý ...ý 14 Sports .... ...17.20 Cla-esiflcd .. ... -23 Real Estaite . .. REI -RE8 BILLÎS AUTO BODY SIH1P iaodf<ti4n Town forms comrrmittee to probe tree compro~mise Sy ANGELA ULACKOURN lTe Champion A new Çtve-nerber commu- tuty liaison comuintee of <tsi- decir anIl town staff wias sane- tti d b iy council Monday in an çffort to corne up with a rec~îco plan for Martin Sir t. cewen W oowr Ave ue and Mirin Street. that will uset residets'appmoval. las'ael, ton public ssorks dires ,r John M;tithews lord The Chamj on hc vis consideriuig rec- ominenilng postponimeri for a repont or cia 41 on the issue. origunali> staieit f? Augusi. s, Nte lown could funiher implore alternatives vir este dents. Counicitors. hait senq ,he, $8YS.(Xiti rond reconstrucion issue back Io staff in Jupse aller resident.s,showed up en nia* Io copose a staff recoin- miendationé-- andt general committe endorsemnent -t o widen Martin S=gnt between %Noodward ant Main loe tres, a move thiri woald Wu a have rfi the loîs of 17 tgrecs, Ille plan was-4 accommnodait a centre tumling IureliMamin Strilc Residents, virosve sunce heen col- tectung signaturcetrri a pelutten (rover 8(x), tu date), have i,ýn vocal in rais-T init tirepreris aoto pesra fcy T g e ý and cnce pnseraoîpsnansf Mr. Matthews repoirieil Io coanicul ejAZ_ ibis weeL, trial ie'd met MiîAday wu<h The Champion MatnStreet resident Biruce Smitb. one ot the rien coimiilees, ment- Asii wresttîng st, ber, u) RCMP uoffiiiiun Another Martin Street resident who the tr eroi hait voîceit conceris about the plan ai niîrtd as Tîger Jeet town hall. Cathy McKnîte>. bas a1tsk. conpîracy iî itefrau * been i nsted to sir on the comniite. nectîtîn % ith an Athe however Mr, Matihews said Monda> A wlarrant was isu he'd ias yet hait no response front MI lie vas ont of tic c McKinley uo bi% levier ofla-st week rved Vack in town Mr Matthews salit. au Mr. Smith's tlie aitendeit the urgîng. a tflei resident will Ne aditei saud RCM' ltnspeui te the committre, one who de,,ss He was eaken tnt reside 0cn Maurtin Sureet T1he public works dîrector salil il M ainjjf S w.us Mr. Smith's opinion the p.rge number of signatures on ihe resi- Multonians who'v dents' peuluion fromidt ont living îudn atong(Main SUs on Marin Street indlfcales the tecon- to iheir oià routes, stflictîon vsan issue for ail of Nitlion. ihib %&eek uni jut residents of <Ne street A reprtn o0 town c Residerit colmuittee memiX are earl> end te the con% beîng chesen on an "ad hoc" haisis, a senser no one kne sait Mr. Matthcws, who bunusel i s discovery, which e en tNe committee along aîth John Manin Street <nierv *- RESIDENTS on pop 11 put on Main Street n woLt'façe it bfll ..~SSi.0tiU'* mnt bUSn hMe VIIIIII hWe psnd I. ~ K 0"" bava" - A'» *Jeet'Sinigh free on bail er Jagili Sîngh flIais umedi hitusetf n M ilion ai noon'Thursita Miton tita. known in tNe wrestttng Singb, was, charged tsit muoat w 'jh id &It public of user $titun con- rua ralt estaie investirent ied for uNe arresi of Mr flans Necause ouniry andt coutl netie tw ocaiet île last weký Miltes de<achment wîîh bis tawyce.' r Walter Serrers .o castoty. escoricit te bhe Sieele, Avenu provinial courthouse. andt releaseit on $11W.1t19t bail -' Mr. Hauus. vube tises wîuh Wi wufe and iwo sons in a patial. 14.tttit-square-foo home oni tirsi Line, appearei tit Miltuon priusiîci.it court Monda% mnuinr Hes, shed- alet Io rtun Pugusi 22 iii seta MWta date Known as the llîlk If ogan of Japan. the wresittng star us alleget uo have made îuîîsiepreseniattons Io 10i Ciaradian unisIor' un reat cstate deas, inotsîng Runtie Park Village. an Edmonion townhoase and aparient comptex, flius altegrit ihiý insesiors werp defraudled (it mnore tan $5i(t,Ittt(hetueeli 1989)and 1992 AIse chargecd tin coriotion wiib tNe ittegei tIrat are the Btrampton mn, aget 55 45 andt 41 Ille charges fotlowe 4<eu.uît RCMP lns.suiiion treet constructi'on work to end soon e been dotging w.uuet'nin constinic- on scbetule for a Jury 31 target compleuon date, tu «osI of dlits mentir cas sonsi retars Pavîng along tire sortr catrb tine shouldt Ne complt Construction is expectet lu wrap up by iomttrrow tJury 2Ut Farluer tbus motb.h safeuly ulfbotb passung disrs a oancit Monday unducated an expecleit construction workers Necame an issue tin <ie Main St tuacion iast Week Was teraitet. aberi East construction . andt counicit approsed ctosuutg <Ne w existed was fount by wnrers lrie Onhgialt> <Ne contrîetor as geing te keer --rr ritaulet iggisg ap <Ne Main Street/ lartes of traffic open Ilirougir uhe aobmetbui uhe sali lcion. inçspections oui dugging a test conccmus prompiedlbe closungrosîtb peritds of sin car Montgomnery Laine, put work hack lune traffic. e gte Maill Closed Excuiig Don Chairy Shoppe Drug MarI, Zokua & Ueees