Fleet Freddy Bakes goles Il for 12 in two-game tear I-r 1 adr oou lya gond for S 83 B.in Iemdmg ma aMy chagrin. as the Paperlaanters L a sD ke s saach iv Mytam 1 can %ay t>) Bob Pol t a 25- 13 victoey gymr Wmily' played a ua m a~e par Mie Thbur Dic e snoc' ' Cu e. bmd Mr Mcat B"T Batanoff noin Sam- Iguard,*s Baury McTrach »Il i a t 1 LW vcto es Fletcher -ah welst 3 1er4 Sm 1fson. Tony F onta, Gury South nid Bolubai hW 3-e-4 mgua Md 1in tot ovco e ilmton Colour uid Sotundt added P i cbTed Ollerenshaso ai hall foc, y McAntti.w s -a coumd for tivet fin e g ea to te oc nti e J>'e in hat, ta record For dul lasers. onIy flans For the Biaerg. 3-8 in r dur week v, len thuy sceaud fave runs rim Colvin &Md my swtch. lot ast oint gantes. itý hit go Let nue staul todâysý colurnit with inubtamofd gl o deFtI I IP %o.ho bute bho mnuus. ne tebuilang for dut playof un u>ology to the 180) iibdç an the Fretidys 2Z 21 Randyi W.N und IIUdIMIautitonable Ph'ier of gl Weeé: Fred 0és Miltam Mtnsý SIo-Piich 1--aguc A Petit Jean, raa.h wmt st-for- s.hile Stuffli , triple san't noted. It a, mentioneti earlier. and Phil Ocontaition of a laie rewmrt fron the Peter Predkhi. Stese Powser tand Gletnn Key C-or-* h5ase nom énçiguti fout am ha~ Damaao oi Honds t ho wolg 8-fer-9 I oitage andi a computer lock-ouat Bragg al :oMbutlteth lt, àro% Lau btiit lot st. ciestally mmi n éo victorbes dîint allo. Chiot andi I ti get For sou "Mait V.-jtlhrs, tivre L.arlier in the eck du> -fr11 gotit )ouaigr lasadwr Ian on due trngt. St Pro Pk-b: MilrtoClour &Soutid a~rcsuli of àa lactac irsitk of âsla Iol are *iso sangles andi i -K ressrgrnt [)icketi oqam 23-22 Clair Pai ilelcat Milton Buikim over Th Dtcku.jd% li).Relmax t hte cs nignte le ft lPrasdatritedueh tiOFat 1 rsI's Irtian I an5. midh tuo honser in bais lardsarc11t cime C otuidhewme over Bittufbldk (I>'>. Filon Pools Anad ho>. éd 1 bei about il tramt scefr Robi Ro-el. Dem, Gsluckl and sax-hil perform.ante. -ws asand b> 1 udd)> d hase f.0i his. inaach Io oser The LeIlaan IMeggml Ail of you abat sean due Wtéda>& i tank 01d, scth four hoi, ru, h. Wayne I chlii, andi I-mie ediiott Yo4t maght tik abat I %ai nluditis- à ah rec run dti n er hi) it(anl n fxosistng; tht Itiken hetasg agttieritii by flot ningti) Rosat sstterie 1 or the Key ( tes. fine Mxýhliomr'%four"K'%' i a ttý fforis c.anri f rt Wa yte %itkolach. gimeu p.an. or ciai 1 dîini get the .c efc ot ýo-, n ag1 ooe payataf goi mention .a 1hies tisîrrun lîruce 1iss-1 Irisel. àtatit wis. S se S effot lst % ilIard -Grama' Rat itan a t runini. niglapir 1s tht penat l hirr al. Isanctudtd t reliait a rare Mata uilders sctCIai drise. htmnrmd Pmsultlsl Autos .15 if aine lagia pis .t àà Gary* Gatgti;P iq h ~u e Simply rus due case uard lil ras i., liI a, Pl Dmand .rsic kil etre> (romt Re/max enas I n the rond ta Yhwam4 w dt »w inake i up to Plaser if the tIett hai Metct 5-fer-5 otnîtuf Brocilville undi neeslet a seven-flaam ubeu6 Fred Bales of Tht D ckiens. mho flnsaand Bri.n %as Nsit hat o tb ts in tht eighh inmml to 01RA P oanu 02 tirams vicit<W1t oser Si (liei Puini Decître and Malt Misiin, etsh esent, up north mgie En nga league's lue.151 AU& 22-24 and Paptr and Relttux Reit>) addtd fotir his s thae Iruselleisl, so ai honte, Vat Walyana no WOot lO:0 gOi:00am 665 This wasa andi donc. let's rme on iittai For flowso', Bots tieit undit ni o)à,iIs sqaad go draven g6 , yrs & aaaaip in the p.t. avctîs astion .ii %te tiai Makr e Iia Medtarac- Barbri.a ,misrxJl.s A% ygl dut resuith have noi .o.n> ofihe remiuntof 177 pltsers e ;.r-fSI-4 shiale Beny Eicolami tn noui avagdbleta, )(u .x-AM 10:30I11.50 arn W 9: 10to 11:W am W a.t sO spoilight foi ahear ttjsthJlliaisteii, the Pool Party Fond with à -humble reporter, but 1 have t front a12 pra m 9 tr 910 yra htsssK reiaNt source. dot IDtP -rsa. taia il 11: 10~ 10 :00pm95 Manda> nit csuntsi hegan sailli Bruce ItJ Trsasel was jîso wssmflnutltey ROIGRAM #3 Il tol2yrs Milton Coloar and Sournd aildng Io rcsponat'ls Ic tht farst sautoat 1cai In oilier action. Rt max Realty prffme 1 A2 1I0 10 3 00 pn'W thtîr Dis astoi B teai th ant eay renumtksa in ro: litea lnut e in shraagged off àa ont garne tobaig3s oe 15-7 min oser Wally', Mestts tbtsl.aCu ihehana the pitshng ni %strà alo beat the Legion 10-4 At COMaum 3 àmie liaIt Harvey anti litn Baag htait Boit lDas ison and Dase t)e>tart pres. tante dur hastes hait leagoulen to l 5" aldcit 0.0 oa do 3-for -t na;hi% ai the plate, ahale the% hlanli the Key Cmatir X-0i fsaeiarthetgattubeta N1afras (saeg I lie aititti a thrne round %gnI'son- Mollans andi l5hl ltsîa.ss At Thotapbon Sousth disaronit. %atSpetncer slelivereal1 tisaangles t.h swatd duretoi fusas lht ssin-Malt itoc.t it utona 4 atting doanc 1-. isand ti a K- in bis is- risps tts, andt 1 issti tas isLslI5 riii.. if a% hc lîunchtit iret honte ruans. foila,/ the foisg/i l woutld lie amy ple Adertise inl *lg Care Ga om Who Doges It! 'Haicafe 1Bocita5 li gelas tur Ou t tuîIçe is ri) I MAR Cali 878-2-41 Cai: Kathryn Pmer ou: NW Cam y I.AY. am 875-2441 VIL LI*=~: __ .m MAONY JeIRYtm~ mai n aunMIMMO ACONe N 2itak rDsmon s3lIIi Constt ~al u*MAr,% i .,Sli M.A.R.C.H. *tapwff - A« Olm-W Eat. Fssr M6 main SIm bai DELREX ALUmIu pmJJI -&aneu An"as -aiisçut ta dn ..a a a -S t O Nf O u a-1ta. 877-530 PARTS SALES SHPAND IN HOM8E SERVICE* 71ata omd à"d 76-1138 s CONRACOR ____H__-_0__D tMiASiOiRV BEATON & CO. ROOFING rinootcUgkd U DIlo .oa as w..a m dose ildoe 83 RUR=" 8 0OÙ m s 7&19» 019) M& 7- O m s -. s.RS J. R. COmK GwrW Coeb36zpr ý DIAMOND FN=S cUSTOM-BUILT: 'Hom.oi *AdudiePANTN *oectnP INIIBIOR ANtD 8311310 kdticoCmnuftb i m a 1 FMI ESTIATE% * hVEKM1 DISCOUJNT AVAKtJME <900>876-0241 1crn Mu' s S%42 (y11*1 IAi .b JOHN RODLE Spocwa ftm 029.95 pafs Extagi 0.ni bu*IOS Inice 1979 - ý PARALEGAL COSULAT Eue NOM* PALVJ C11111WIIIII*so van Uw Mimal oe 'vl MAIN) fflS * RICRS - Fie)COEt.OTtER DÎMES -R@ dé q figem--l .uuUhCrneli &lm voie d W» »MuMulsug "U iti OT 2Y& O000187&4241 nom m un»A = 1111 D.dds Liantleoalng aq ord maltutim Cat1 Brian 8704M0 HALTON HULM WMDOW CRAPM 18 Thomion Rd. UnIS-i-2. ~io. On(X. ~ uuu~ma~u r-_ROOFING r -----MASONRY -1 rPAINTING & WALLP HOME IMPROVEMFNit