Cops lookingfor info on Milton home vandal .A Mitn est neide tiel a aait uu"Wa atum wake frot a milta Illaut, rendy. A honioeoe on Woodward Avenue loiN a deding door paaially' opebelte etiing luly 10. Wbile the victims siept, someone cul a Niet ie macreen of the dont. and inaeried a gardhen hosc Thie w ites a turned on mnd left rimailla ail aigit Dy 8 amn. Oir followinig aioeing, the watferliad soakcd t atin floor and two incites ot watter covered the battemnt floor. Two mourialn bikes (one purpie, the otier green) weoe aiso taken front te yard Thec prelimiaary police estrniate tif te darnage causcd. comined lit te iitcft. was $10,000, Crimie Stoppers wouid like te asisInesigaiors in solvîng ihis case. amd ait an<mymous cau ident 1itng whoever is responsibie i .ell thaqi s needed. If 'ou have anv informatfoei ihoti feuils roa a eereçl ,n (hi - or ont other case. vou Mayhe iligibfefora rash rexaliai Iof $1<000 You oteed no( give talr unme and tour infomrùmiu'n ud le treaied with complete anon.vmîti Crime Sueppers does not subâcrihe r,, t of dispiat. CaP -80-MN515 or 25-lPS'?îg:s82.5-8477). Residents promptffimmîttee traron TOWN on pal studies about reeocatrng the Haltoit Sutherns, a project consultant and Rcgion Museum Io the John Martia senior planner for McCormick House on Margaret Drive, Rankîn Last week Mayor Gord Krantz A secondl comuitee meeting wîil deneed aiiy contiennen between the occur in Augusi. said Mr. Mutiiews. museum and te roer! recoosoecton, who told cosînctilors iai'd tnake a sa- caiting the triffng coincitlenoe. tus re port be councit Aeig 29. How- lie couricil until miii- September. We'Il continue to focus on the concemi of tite ratepayers ad - 7 AfNEieE resienis." 'aid Mr. MatlhcwsN i S Residents began tir tightint Jutie *NO S RURL whea ihe towa recommcnded the CHAN1GES iltree-larie option. Town staff saieil 10IA wai safe' tdua a iwo-taic lant iiit PRODUOT teft tuans onty ai Millside Drive mnd WARRANl"v Woodward Avenue, whîch would have ateai the (lss of 14 tiresi.$2 Residents who've faioured roid plus srma(l reconstruction and upgrade. in the nsallation tua prVscat two-lane formai raied con- - D as f du. 1nstai a cersbuned on ped stia rffit: ma CL . E... and Lef te Miil pond and two Martin Street The Sun ShinerI'" 'chools. tie aimasý prtixirmy to down- Mechael C Hanimar town. as nieti as suspicionts te rdad wakinùng my have heem conntected to 370 Main St. Milton, Ont. ~~.~(U) 878S2869 Presents WOOlDDINE Thoroughbear ed Action POST TIM.E 6 PU WEDNE.SDAY 1 PMi THURSDAY thru SUNDAT Cool cats Amenda Railama serves up a refreshing spray of cold waiar ta La. Coo1»er and liar alght. month-old daogtar léatai at Victoria Parke Saturdaey. Numeroua Miltonlmns enjoyad the waak- and% ba.utful summar waathar by taking a stroli through theb parti. lincredible... or top quality now only 3 ril L. * I '4.99 AiL IN-STOCK WALLPAPER MILTON I475 Main Street East I mao F'. 9.1 - pv 9 ta1 Ia. 6 Pm- Sunr 11 a 4Pm 8 8 2 2 È - =ý_: 1